
What about the rotten roots of purple orchid?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Purple root orchid is a perennial bulb herb, because its bulb is purple, very similar to orchids, so it is called purple root orchid, but at the same time it is also called George lily; its flowering period is from winter to the following spring. Most of its flowers are red and stand out when they open. Next, we will tell you about the reasons and treatment methods for the rotten roots encountered in daily breeding.

1. Reason 1: poor ventilation and lack of sunshine

Under normal watering conditions, but sufficient light time is not guaranteed, and the air circulation is poor, this situation will make the water in the basin soil retain for too long, which will lead to rotting roots of the plant.

Solution: this plant must be placed in the sun for more than 4 hours a day, and be sure to choose a place with good air circulation, especially in summer when it is too muggy and in the rainy season. Rotting roots are very easy to happen.

2. Reason 2: too much watering

Although this plant likes wet soil, it does not mean that it can be watered indefinitely. Many friends see that the soil surface is a little dry, immediately watering, or customize a fixed watering schedule, blind watering, these practices are very wrong.

Solution: if you are new to growing flowers, the editor suggests using well-drained and well-nourished soil to grow the plant. In this way, even if there is a mistake, there is no need to worry too much. Do not have stagnant water during daily watering, and do not let the soil be in a state of excessive moisture for a long time, especially in summer.

3. Reason 3: improper fertilization

Many friends pour fertilizer directly into the soil when fertilizing plants, without avoiding the roots. But the root of this plant is bulbous, and if the fertilizer is poured directly against the root when fertilizing, it is easy to let the root rot.

Solution: if it is rotten, it needs to be dug up as a whole to remove the rotten roots and replant. When fertilizing, it should be poured slowly along the edge of the flowerpot, at the same time, the surface of the plant should not be stained with flower fertilizer.