
How to maintain vanilla

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Vanilla is also a kind of orchid, which grows at an altitude of 500m to 1500 m. At present, only Taiwan has grown this plant. It has a high degree of appreciation, especially in horticulture. It also has a long flowering period, opening in July and withering in November. As this plant is rare in other places, many friends do not know its maintenance, so I would like to share it with you today.

1. Temperature

Between 15 and 30 degrees, it can grow well, but if the temperature rises to 35 degrees, it will affect its growth, and when the temperature drops to 5 degrees, it will suspend its growth. I would like to emphasize here that the 5 degrees outside the house is different from the 5 degrees inside the house. 5 degrees outside the house will cause frostbite. If the temperature outside the house is as low as 7 to 9 degrees in winter, it should be moved to the house.

2. Sunshine

If the temperature is between 15 and 30 degrees, just avoid the excessive sun at noon, but if the temperature reaches 35 degrees, move to a shady place. In winter, you can choose to put it on the balcony in the south.

3. Moisture

There is absolutely no shortage of water during the growing period, especially in summer, when the temperature is already high. If there is a shortage of water, it is easy to make it grow badly. But watering also has principles. When the basin soil is 80% dry, it can be watered. If you don't have a good grasp of this degree, you'd rather water it a little bit dry.

At the same time, watering must ensure that a thorough watering, otherwise time is too long, soil caking, it will seriously affect the health of plants. If the soil you use has a very good drainage effect, you can water it once a day in summer. When it falls to 5 degrees in winter, watering must be reduced.

4. Nutrients

During its growing period, fertilization can be carried out every 10 to 15 days, but we should pay attention to the reasonable collocation of flower fertilizer, or directly choose special flower fertilizer. Do not splash flower fertilizer on the surface of the plant in the process of fertilization, so as not to burn the plant. Fertilization should be suspended in winter.

5. Soil

The root of vanilla belongs to fleshy root, which has a higher demand for flower soil, so it must be raised mainly by sandy flower soil in order to raise it well.