
How much is a black goat seedling? What kind of grass does it grow fast? How do you raise it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Black goat is the leading industry in Yingshan County. it is widely used as a health food because of its effect of improving human immunity and beauty. At present, the prices on the market are very high. How much is it for a black goat seedling? What kind of grass does it grow fast? How do you raise it?

Black goat is the leading industry in Yingshan County. it is widely used as a health food because of its effect of improving human immunity and beauty. At present, the prices on the market are very high. How much is it for a black goat seedling? What kind of grass does it grow fast? How do you raise it?

The latest price of sheep seedlings:

The market price of black goat seedlings is generally about 300-400 yuan. There are also resale by weight, generally reaching 15-20 yuan per jin. Therefore, the weight, regional differences and quality of goats will nourish the price. It is recommended that you go to the local market for detailed consultation.

What kind of grass does it grow fast?

The main results are as follows: 1. Black goats have long and flexible thin lips, sharp lower incisors and firm upper jaws, making it easy to cut off forage. Black goats feed on many kinds of forage. According to relevant statistics, among the 655 species of plants, black goats can utilize more than 500 kinds of plants, accounting for 80%, 28% more than cattle. The utilization rate of straw for crops with high crude fiber content in black goats can reach 70%. Most like to eat forage grass and trees with less crude fiber and more protein.

2. Black goats have to feed widely, and now there are a lot of feed with high nutritional value, and there are a lot of feed that can greatly promote the growth of black goats, but this requires farmers to master the principle of feeding and the proportion of feed.

Culture techniques:

1. Seed selection

Good breed is the basis of black goat breeding, and good production performance is the key to create economic benefits. Therefore, in sheep breeding, breeding mothers and rams with good production performance and genetic stability should be selected for mating and reproduction, and inbreeding should be avoided at the same time. Excellent genes can strengthen the black goat population.

2. Feed collocation

In order to breed black goats scientifically, first of all, black goats should be raised in groups according to different species and fed with different forage grasses, and some feed should also be fed as nutritional supplements, which can not only meet the different nutritional needs of sheep, but also alleviate the reduction of forage and help the grassland to restore productivity.

3. Improve the growth environment of sheep.

The construction of the black goat enclosure should be located far away from residential areas, water sources, places with no history of infection of sheep disease, and the terrain is dry, sunny and well ventilated, and it should be built facing south, with enough space for movement, black goats like to move, and the living space should not be too narrow. Each functional house is fully equipped with cold prevention and cooling facilities, as well as a large enough sports ground to ensure the amount of exercise of the sheep.

4. Keep clean and tidy and disinfect regularly

It is very important to maintain the hygiene of the enclosure. As the saying goes, "mud pig clean sheep", "sheep do not lie wet" and "warm three fat". Farmers should keep the enclosure clean, clean up feces and other dirt in time, transport them to a certain distance from the enclosure, carry out harmless treatment, keep the enclosure dry and ventilated, persist in killing mosquitoes and rodents, and cut off the transmission of infectious diseases. To reduce the spread of the disease. Regular disinfection, each time to achieve comprehensive and thorough, do not leave a dead corner, routine disinfection twice a week, disinfectants can choose 10% 20% raw lime water, caustic soda, permethrin and other agents, but caustic soda should avoid contact with sheep, eliminate pathogens in the environment, reduce the occurrence of disease.

5. Carry out deworming and vaccination

Black goats have strong disease resistance and generally rarely get sick, but in daily breeding, sheep still need timely epidemic prevention. Once sick sheep appear in the flock, isolation treatment should be carried out at the first time. If the treatment is ineffective and dies, the body should be properly disposed of innocuously, and it is forbidden to dispose of it at will. At the same time, farmers have to do a good job in deworming every day, because most diseases of black goats are caused by parasites inside and outside the body, and if goats have been diagnosed with parasitic diseases, they will also cause other diseases, which will affect the growth and development of sheep, suffer from consumptive diseases, and cause the death of sheep, resulting in economic losses to farmers. It is very important to carry out regular deworming work. Generally speaking, deworming should be done once every 2 to 3 months, and vaccines should be given every year, especially infectious pleuropneumonia vaccine. Immunization is an effective way for sheep to resist diseases, improve resistance, and contribute to the growth and reproduction of sheep.

6. Pay attention to seasonality

Most of the sheep in spring are in a state of poor body condition and weak physical strength, so house feeding should be the main way of breeding, and green hay and ammoniated forage grass prepared in last year's storage can be used for house feeding. The grassland has luxuriant growth and good quality in summer and autumn, which is a favorable stage for fattening and fattening, which requires careful grazing. It is worth noting that the summer temperature is higher, it is best to choose hillside grazing when sheep grazing, which can prevent sheep from heatstroke. At the same time, the pasture should be changed regularly so that the forage grass can be fully utilized. It is necessary to do a good job in preventing cold and keeping warm in winter, especially for newborn lambs and old, weak, sick and disabled sheep.