
Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Funiang in ping-pong

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ping-pong Funiang is also one of the succulent plants, many friends may not have heard of it, but if you have seen its appearance, you will be attracted by it, each leaf is fleshy, there is a layer of white powder on it, very lovely. But this is a kind of flower that is very afraid of heat. The following editor will introduce its breeding methods and matters needing attention.

1. Temperature

The most suitable temperature for it to breed is 15 to 25 degrees. Summer temperature is higher, in addition to put it in a cooler place, you can also use a small air volume fan to cool it, if the temperature rises to 35 degrees, the plant will stop growing. The winter temperature should be controlled between 15 degrees and minus 2 degrees. However, if the outdoor maintenance in winter, the temperature can not be lower than 5 degrees.

2. Moisture

If the summer temperature rises to 35 degrees, you can reduce watering, at this time, if watering, the time should choose between 19:00 and 21:00; when the winter drops to 5 degrees, watering can be suspended. Other time to keep the flower soil slightly wet, must not have the phenomenon of stagnant water, let alone let the flower soil in the state of too much humidity for a long time.

3. Nutrients

Its demand for nutrients is not high, as long as it is fattened once a month during its growing period.

4. Ventilation

Good ventilation can not only prevent the growth of some diseases, but also is very beneficial to its growth, especially when it is hot and muggy in summer.

5. Lighting

The growth period of this plant is from September to June of the following year. During this period, if there is too little light, it is very easy to make the plant grow too much, causing the plant to become very loose as a whole, and the leaves and branches will become very fragile. Other times can also be given appropriate light to ensure that it can grow normally.