
Farmers must know the common parasitic diseases and control methods of pigs, cattle and sheep!

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pigs, cattle and sheep were not only sacrificed livestock in ancient times, but also widely raised livestock. In the breeding process, it is inevitable that diseases and insect pests will occur and cause losses. The following is to introduce the common parasitic diseases and control methods of pigs, cattle and sheep! Extensive nourishment

Pigs, cattle and sheep were not only sacrificed livestock in ancient times, but also widely raised livestock. In the breeding process, it is inevitable that diseases and insect pests will occur and cause losses. The following is to introduce the common parasitic diseases and control methods of pigs, cattle and sheep! The vast number of farmers have to look carefully.

Common parasitic diseases in pigs and their control:

Common parasitic diseases in pigs

The main results are as follows: 1. the adults of ascariasis live in the small intestine, and the larvae develop to form a movement process in the intestinal wall, liver and lungs, which can cause pneumonia and liver injury, and some migrate to the stomach, causing vomiting and, in severe cases, intestinal obstruction. Autopsy showed that there were worms in the intestines.

2. The affected part of swine scabies is itchy and often rubbed on the walls and fences of the enclosure. A week later, the skin appears rash, some form pustules, the time is slightly longer, pustules break and form scabs, the affected skin is dry and cracked, and serious ones can be killed, but most of them lead to dysplasia and slow growth.

3. Pigs with toxoplasmosis are depressed in spirit, loss of appetite, abstinence, dry urine, hot body temperature, dyspnea, abdominal breathing, and cyanosis in the ears, abdomen and limbs of pigs in the later stage.

4. Trichinella spiralis adults are parasitic in the intestines, and the larvae are parasitic in the striated muscle, which can infect humans and kill people when they are infected. Humans are mainly infected by raw or uncooked pork containing Trichinella spiralis cysts.

II. Main prevention and control measures

1. Strengthen environmental hygiene

2. Regular deworming is generally dewormed in spring and autumn every year, and when piglets are weaned.

3. Commonly used insect repellents

1. Oral levamisole is 7mg / kg body weight, which is generally used for Ascaris lumbricoides, porcine lung nematodes, porcine kidney worms and so on.

2. Ivermectin and avermectin were injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.3 mg / kg body weight and repeated once a week later.

3. Trichlorfon for external use should be prepared into a 1% concentration solution and clean the affected part once a day for a week. Internal administration can be mixed according to 100 mg per kg body weight, once orally.

Common parasitic diseases in sheep and their control:

1. Fascioliasis of sheep liver

The disease is a parasitic disease caused by trematodes parasitic in the liver and bile ducts of ruminants such as sheep. Parasitic on scalpers, buffaloes, sheep, goats and other animals. Most of them occur in summer and autumn, and the high incidence season is from June to September.

The main control measures are as follows: (1) deworming should be done regularly every year, once in spring and autumn, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. (2) commonly used insect repellents: nitrochlorophenol, 4mg / kg body weight, once taken orally; albendazole, 20mg / kg body weight, oral, effective for adults, but not effective for children.

2. Sheep acariasis

Sheep acariasis is a chronic contagious and highly contagious skin disease caused by perforated scabies mites or sucking scabies mites parasitic on the body surface of sheep. Scabies mites are mostly parasitic on the skin of the mouth, nose, around the eyes, ears, head, medial leg and tail root of sheep, while itch mites are parasitic on the hairy arms and back, and then spread to the whole body.

The main prevention and control measures are as follows: (1) use 0.25% solution of mijing for medicine bath, each medicine bath once a year in spring and autumn, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of sheep acariasis. (2) commonly used insect repellents: 1% ivermectin injection was injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.02 ml per kilogram of body weight.

It is caused by several kinds of tapeworms, such as Monitz tapeworm, curved uterine tapeworm and non-yolk gland tapeworm, which are mainly parasitic in the small intestine, especially causing serious harm to lambs and even causing mass death.

The main control measures are as follows: (1) deworming sheep regularly and changing from house feeding to grazing. The insects are dewormed twice in a month and three times in a month. (2) commonly used insect repellents: albendazole 10 mg per kg body weight and niclosamide 100 mg per kg body weight. (3) after deworming, sheep feces should be accumulated and fermented in time, and it will take at least 2-3 months to kill the eggs.

Common parasitic diseases in cattle and their control:

1. Fasciola hepatica

This is a parasitic disease that lives in the bile duct of the liver of cattle and can cause cholangitis, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

Main prevention and control measures: (1) try not to graze and drink water in low-lying and moist areas to reduce the chance of infection.

(2) deworming cattle once a year in spring and autumn. (3) commonly used therapeutic drugs: nitrochlorophenol, 3-4 mg per kg body weight, orally. In addition to such drugs, albendazole is also effective.

II. Scorchworm disease

This is a seasonal parasite caused by scorch worms. The disease can be spread by blood-sucking insects.

The main control measures are as follows: (1) killing ticks in cattle. (2) commonly used therapeutic drugs: Benil, intramuscular injection of 4mg / kg body weight, 3 times, once every 24 hours; scorch worm body weight 1mg, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, each time interval 24 hours.

3. New ascariasis of calves

This is a parasitic disease caused by enteritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms in calves caused by new ascariasis parasitized in the small intestine of calves.

The main prevention and control measures are as follows: (1) strengthen feeding and management, do a good job of enclosure hygiene and fecal treatment, mainly timely deworming of infected calves. (2) the commonly used therapeutic drug levamisole, orally, 20 mg per kg body weight.