
What about piglets with dysentery? What kind of medicine do you use? What are the preventive and therapeutic measures?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Piglet diarrhea is pig dysentery, also known as pig blood dysentery. It is a serious intestinal infectious disease caused by Borrelia pullorum. What about piglet dysentery? What kind of medicine do you use? What are the preventive and therapeutic measures? What about piglets with dysentery? What kind of medicine do you use? 1. Disease symptoms

Piglet diarrhea is pig dysentery, also known as pig blood dysentery. It is a serious intestinal infectious disease caused by Borrelia pullorum. What about piglet dysentery? What kind of medicine do you use? What are the preventive and therapeutic measures?

What about piglets with dysentery? What kind of medicine do you use?

1. Characteristics of the disease:

Under natural circumstances, only pigs of all ages and breeds can be infected, but the main damage is piglets of 2-3 months old; the morbidity and mortality of piglets are higher than those of big pigs; sick pigs and carriers are the main sources of infection, and the occurrence of the disease has no obvious seasonality; due to the existence of infected pigs, the disease is often dispersed through the mobilization and sale of pigs. Pigs with bacteria often do not get sick under normal feeding and management conditions. when there are adverse factors to reduce pig body resistance, insufficient feeding, lack of vitamins and stress factors, it can promote the occurrence of disease.

two。 The most common symptom is diarrhea of varying degrees. Generally pull soft dung first, gradually change to yellow dilute dung, mixed with mucus or with blood. When the condition is serious, the defecation is red paste, there are a lot of mucus, bleeding mass and purulent secretion. Some pull gray, brown or even green paste dung, sometimes with many small bubbles, and mixed with mucus and fiber pseudomembrane. Diseased pigs are lethargic, anorexic and like drinking water, arch back, dehydration, abdominal curling, walking and rocking, kicking with hindlimbs, rough coat, rapid weight loss, and defecation incontinence in the later stage. Around the anus and the tail root are contaminated by feces, stand up powerless, extremely weak and die. The body temperature of most diseased pigs is normal. Chronic illness, mild symptoms, feces containing more mucus and necrotic tissue fragments, longer disease period, progressive emaciation, growth stagnation.

two。 Drug treatment:

Dysentery net (MAQO,3- methyl-acetyl-quinoxalin-1 line 4-dioxide) 5mg/kg, orally, twice a day, for 3 days as a course of treatment, or 0.5% dysentery net solution 0.5ml/kg, intramuscular injection; dimethylnitromidine, neomycin sulfate, dysentery, lincomycin, tetracycline antibiotics and other antibiotics have a certain effect. It should be pointed out that the disease is easy to relapse after treatment, and good results can only be achieved by adhering to the course of treatment and improving feeding and management.

What are the preventive and therapeutic measures for diarrhea in piglets?

In recent years, with the continuous development of pig industry, there are more and more farmers, the scale of breeding continues to expand, and the level of breeding continues to improve. However, despite the continuous development of the pig industry, there are still a series of headaches for farmers in the breeding process, and the most common and difficult problem to be solved in the pig industry is piglet dysentery, so how should we take preventive measures in the breeding process? can be improved from the following aspects.

1. Do a good job in population selection and breeding management

"A good nest for the public and a good slope for the mother" has become a familiar saying in the process of the development of animal husbandry, and breeding is the key. In the process of breeding and breeding, it is necessary to resolutely put an end to all closely related varieties as male and female parents. For example, after the female parents are selected by our factory, the male parents (boars) should be replaced every year. This can improve the immunity and growth rate of piglets to a certain extent.

two。 Do a good job of feeding piglets in colostrum

Piglets are born without antibodies to protect them from disease. At birth, sows pass these antibodies to piglets through colostrum. Colostrum is the first milk produced after birth (the first 24 hours), and antibodies, antimicrobial peptides and other bioactive molecules (including growth factors)

It's very rich. Therefore, colostrum is very important for the nutrition, growth and development of newborn piglets.

Colostrum, especially the first secreted colostrum, contains a large number of protective antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins). Adequate and timely consumption of colostrum is the main factor to control early disease and death in piglets. It is also believed that colostrum may also reduce multiple systemic failure syndrome after weaning.

(PMWS) related losses play an important role.

3. Adjust the temperature of the pigsty

The thermoregulation ability of newborn piglets is weak, the most suitable temperature is 28-32 ℃ and the critical temperature is 26-35 ℃, while the optimum temperature of sows is 18-30 ℃ and the critical temperature is 16-27 ℃. Temperature is not caused by dysentery is the most difficult to find, so we should pay special attention to temperature control, outside the independent incubator in the pig house should also hang a thermometer, real-time grasp the temperature change of the pig house.