
What are the common species of sea shrimp in China? What's the difference between river shrimp and river shrimp? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Sea shrimp, also known as red shrimp, red shrimp, big green shrimp and so on, is the general name of aquatic products, marine shrimp meat or all. Sea shrimp is rich in nutrients and delicious. It can be used as a meal or as a medicinal material. What are the common species of sea shrimp in our country? What is the difference between river shrimp and river shrimp

Sea shrimp, also known as red shrimp, red shrimp, big green shrimp and so on, is the general name of aquatic products, marine shrimp meat or all. Sea shrimp is rich in nutrients and delicious. It can be used as a meal or as a medicinal material. What are the common species of sea shrimp in our country? What's the difference between river shrimp and river shrimp? How do you cook it?

What are the common species of sea shrimp in China?

1. Base shrimp

Kei Wai Shrimp, which is produced in Kei Wai, is called Kei Wai Shrimp because it likes to swim with the tide of the sea to the gentle current area under Kei Wai to lay eggs. Jiwei shrimp belongs to shallow sea shrimp, which originated in Fujian, Guangdong and other coastal areas in China. It grows in the mud bottom of the river, the body is slightly dark, the shell is hard, with obvious red stripes, small size, crisp and sweet taste, no thorns (shrimp gun) on the forehead. The prawns can survive at a water temperature of about 10 ℃.

In recent years, prawns are usually bred in fresh water and cultured in seawater, and the reason for their name is enclosed culture. The shape of Kei Wai shrimp is like that of prawn, but its shell is not as soft as shrimp, its shape is not as large as shrimp, and its body fat shell is thin. Kei Wei shrimp is suitable for braised cooking, and the meat is delicious and refreshing.

Bamboo shrimp bamboo shrimp, also flower shrimp, bamboo shrimp, flower shrimp, spot shrimp, Japanese shrimp, similar to tiger shrimp. It is characterized by small serrations above its head, long thorns protruding forward and thorns protruding between the eyes; the shrimp has a blue horizontal pattern.

The appendages of bamboo shrimp are yellow and the tail is bright yellow with blue. Bamboo shrimp has a thin and hard shell and thick meat. It is an important breeding species, and its body weight can reach more than 20 grams after 6 months. At present, bamboo shrimp are artificially cultured along the coasts of Fujian and Guangdong in China. It is distributed from Hokkaido, Japan to the southern Yellow Sea, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, the Philippines, Singapore, northern Australia, India, eastern Africa and the Red Sea.

The meat content of Penaeus japonicus is 39.21%, the contents of protein and fat are 17.74% and 2.08% respectively, and the total TAA of 18 amino acids in muscle (dry sample) is 70.68%. The content of unsaturated fatty acids in Penaeus japonicus is relatively high, accounting for 64.04% of the total fatty acids, of which eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 22 carbon hexaenoic acid (DHA) are 1.7% and 10.92% respectively. The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids and EPA and DHA are higher than those of other economic shrimp and freshwater fish. The content of iron and zinc is rich, while the content of harmful elements such as cadmium, chromium and nickel is low. It shows that Penaeus japonicus has high edible value and health care function.

two。 China shrimp

Penaeus chinensis, also known as "prawn", is one of the eight treasures of seafood and an important aquatic product along the coast of China. Chinese shrimp is marine shrimp, yellow shrimp is male, cyan shrimp is female, used to be sold in pairs, so it is called shrimp, also known as oriental shrimp. The sea-caught non-farmed Chinese shrimp is generally 30ml 50g, the larger the size is, the rarer it is. Braised Prawns made with this shrimp is a classic dish with thin shell and crispy and soft shrimp.

Shrimp cooking, roughly boiled, fried, not only can make a variety of exquisite dim sum, but also can concoct a variety of famous dishes. Penaeus chinensis is a rare and unique species in China. According to the test, every 100 grams of oriental shrimp contains 20.6 grams of protein, and contains a variety of vitamins and essential trace elements for the human body. It is a high-protein, low-fat nutritional product with special functions such as tonifying the kidney and invigorating Yang. It is a rare treasure in the sea.

3. Chinese hairy shrimp

Chinese hairy shrimp, also known as small white shrimp, plum shrimp, shrimp skin, seedling shrimp and so on, is endemic to China. It is distributed along the coast of China, especially along the coast of Bohai Sea. The main producing areas are Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian coastal areas. It has high nutritional value and unique flavor. The body of hairy shrimp is only 2.5-5.4 cm long, its body is flat on the side, and its skin and shell are very thin. The whole body is completely transparent except for a few red dots. Hairy prawns like to live in estuarine shoals where the water quality is fertile. Hairy shrimp is a kind of small shrimp with rapid growth, short life cycle, strong fecundity, fast generation renewal and weak swimming ability. it belongs to the group of zooplankton in ecological habits and swims along the coast, estuary and island with the passage of tide. Hairy shrimp has high nutritional value and unique flavor. Because of the small shell and tender meat, it is suitable for processing into shrimp skin or shrimp paste, which is the main processing raw material of shrimp skin and shrimp paste. The shrimp skin on the market is processed from hairy shrimp. The nutritional value of shrimp skin is very high, and it is a popular seafood with low price in aquatic products. Every 100 grams of shrimp skin contains 39.3 grams of protein, but also rich in potassium, magnesium, selenium and other inorganic elements as well as vitamin B5 and vitamin E. The content of calcium and phosphorus in shrimp skin is the most considerable in aquatic products, and children's proper consumption of shrimp skin is of great benefit to their growth and development. There are many and simple ways to eat at home.

What is the difference between sea shrimp and river shrimp?

Although both river shrimp and sea shrimp are shrimp, they are very different in shape. There are few species of river shrimp, such as large head, short body, long chelate feet and broad flat tail. There are many species of sea shrimp, large and small, but generally long, short feet, triangular tail, no chelate feet. There is a kind of sea shrimp that is very similar to the river shrimp, but the individual is not as big as the river shrimp. The head of farmed shrimp is larger than that of natural shrimp, and it is relatively black inside. When cooked, it is obvious that it tastes a little bitter, while natural shrimp tastes sweet.

How do you cook sea shrimp?

The practice of Fried Shrimps in Hot Spicy Sauce

Ingredients: ginger, garlic, pepper, dry red wine pepper, any amount of shrimp

1. First of all, cut off the shrimp beard foot, pick the back shrimp line to wash in water, sprinkle with salt and pepper powder marinade for 20 minutes, shredded ginger, chopped garlic, garlic can be more.

two。 Put the oil in the pan, put more oil, and cook until 60% hot, that is, when there is smoke on the oil, stir-fry the ginger, garlic, pepper and dried chili peppers in the pan, and then pour into the shrimp to stir-fry.

3. As for how much you want to stir-fry the shrimp, it all depends on yourself, and you can cook it when it's hot.