
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood in "Lacquer Tree Family"? What if the leaves fall off? What's the difference between pepper and pepper?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fragrant wood lacquer shrubs or small trees, alias fragrant trees, fine leaves, incense leaves, purple oil trees, tiger sandalwood. Most often planted in the courtyard, garden, or as an indoor bonsai conservation, has become an important decoration choice for the home environment. The culture prescription of the fragrant wood

Fragrant wood lacquer shrubs or small trees, alias fragrant trees, fine leaves, incense leaves, purple oil trees, tiger sandalwood. Most often planted in the courtyard, garden, or as an indoor bonsai conservation, has become an important decoration choice for the home environment. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood? What if the leaves fall off? What's the difference between pepper and pepper?

Introduction of fragrant wood plants

Fragrant wood, column shape of about 2 meters, the highest fragrant wood, can grow to 10 meters, and more than 10 meters, is a rare variety.

Fragrant wood, the bark color is gray, the branches will have brown lenticels, the leaves are pinnate, mostly resurrected, the leaves are narrow, with microhairs, and the leaflets are leathery and slightly concave. The florescence is in March, mostly axillary, mainly red and white.

The fruit time of fragrant wood is September, the color is pink after maturity, the shape is mainly oval, the length is about 5 mm, there are fruit species, such as the size of soybeans, the color is yellowish brown.

The culture method of fragrant wood

The main results are as follows: 1. The best propagation time is either spring or autumn, and the germination rate of autumn sowing is higher than that of spring sowing. Before sowing, soak the selected seeds in warm water with an initial temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius for 24 hours, absorb water and expand, and sprout under warm and humid conditions. The general seed consumption is 6 kg per mu.

2. The best growing soil: the soil that is resistant to drought and barren, and is not easy to accumulate water, so the soil must choose the one with good water permeability.

3. Growth humidity requirements: only need to ensure that the soil is dry but not too wet.

4. The best growth temperature: the cold resistance of seedlings is not strong, which needs to be protected in North China, and the plant can withstand the low temperature of-10 ℃. As long as it is kept indoors, it will be no problem in winter.

5, the best growth light: fragrant wood like light, you can bask in the sun every day, but do not expose yourself for a long time. Generally put on the balcony, indoor sunny place is good. Fragrant wood is also slightly shady, and it's okay not to bask in the sun for a few days.

Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Radix Aucklandiae

1. Application of fertilizer: fragrant wood is sensitive to fertilizer, and the seedlings should apply little or no fertilizer as far as possible to avoid burning seedlings or overgrowing seedlings due to excessive fertility.

2, watering key points: fragrant wood should not be watered too frequently, once every 3 or 5 days, each watering must be thoroughly watered, that is, the water must wet the bottom. If you water too much, it will rot the root.

3, pruning essentials: slow growth, easy shaping, flexible application of plate, tie, twist, pressure and other plastic techniques, due to potential modeling, after several years of management and protection will be able to cultivate ideal potted plants.

4, basin soil replacement: Qingmu incense does not have a high requirement for soil, and generally does not need to change basin soil. But if there are conditions, change the soil is fine, do not destroy the root.

5. Main points of reproduction: reproduction can be used for garden shrubs and cutting branches. Artificial cultivation of fragrant wood seedlings mainly uses seed propagation, but also can use cutting propagation.

(1) sowing and reproduction: the sowing season can be either spring or autumn, and the germination rate of autumn sowing is higher than that of spring sowing. Before sowing, soak the selected seeds in warm water with an initial temperature of about 20 ℃ for 24 hours. the seeds absorb water and swell and sprout under warm and wet conditions. The general seed consumption is 6 kg per mu. Seedling management precautions there are three fears of fragrant wood seedlings: first, they are afraid of waterlogging. The soil should be kept dry and loose as far as possible, generally not watered or watered as little as possible. Second, they are afraid of yin. Seedling stage should be time for seedlings, increase seedling transmittance, ventilation and ventilation. The third is to be afraid of fat damage. Fragrant wood is more sensitive to fertilizer, seedlings try to apply little or no fertilizer, to avoid excessive fertility, resulting in seedling burning or overgrowth.

(2) Cuttage propagation: cuttage seedlings can be cut in spring and autumn. During the dormant period, one-year-old strong branches of the adult mother tree were selected and cut into cuttings with a length of 10 cm to 15 cm, the upper cut was 1.0 cm to 1.5 cm from the bud, and the lower cut was 0.3 cm to 0.5 cm from the bud. The cutting medium should choose the soil with good permeability, medium water holding capacity and neutral or slightly acidic pH value. Before cutting, the substrate should be disinfected. Soak the base of cuttings with 50 × 10 to 100 × 10-6ABT rooting powder. The impregnation time is 12 to 24 hours. The cuttings were planted in trenches, and the cuttings were inserted into the soil 2 to 3 or so. Cover with plastic film after insertion, improve air humidity, fine management before rooting, and start rooting in about 45 days.

(3) pest control: if there are shell insects on the branches and leaves or red spiders on the leaves, special insecticides can be sprayed, such as triclofenac, Nisolan and so on.

Why did the fragrant wood lose its leaves? What if the leaves fall off?

1. Improper watering. Water is the main nutrient element for plant growth, but incorrect watering method will interfere with plant growth. The rule of more quantity and less times should be adopted in watering fragrant wood. But if there is waterlogging, the plant will lose its leaves, so just water the right amount.

2. The environment is overcast. If the fragrant wood is kept in the shade for a long time, it will have an impact on the transmittance demand of the plant itself, and it is easy to lose leaves.

3. Improper fertilization. Fragrant wood plant itself is more sensitive to the need for fertilizer, more fertilizer will form deciduous leaves, can be less fertilization, or even no fertilization.

4. Wind and rain. If you travel on business or leave it outside for a long time, it will cause damage to the connecting points of branches and leaves because of the wind, and it is easy to fall off.

5, fragrant wood leaves, similar to other plant yellow leaves, in the later period of normal maintenance, it will improve.

Fragrant wood is suitable for growing in a semi-overcast and ventilated environment. It needs light every day to supplement nutrition. Do not put it in a cool place indoors, such as air conditioning. Secondly, fragrant wood is easy to lose leaves, but the growing leaves of new leaves are very fast and germinate strongly, so there is no need to worry about the great impact on the plants. of course, long-term incorrect maintenance will eventually lead to plant death.

The function of fragrant wood

I. the function of purifying air and repelling mosquitoes

The smell of fragrant wood itself has the effect of "anti-mosquito".

II. Medicinal value and economic function

1. Leaf bark can be used in medicine to eliminate inflammation, detoxify and converge diarrhea. The effect of boiling water with leaf tip branches is good; after drying, the leaves can be used as raw materials for temple incense, and the fruit containing oil can have the effect of fixing teeth. It is effective for some psoriasis.

2. The bark can extract tannin, which can be used as pharmaceutical monomer, cosmetics and raw material for tanning leather.

3. The wood pattern is beautiful, the color is beautiful, the material is hard and heavy, and the stability is good after drying. Can replace imported mahogany to make musical instruments, furniture, wood carvings, handicrafts and so on.

4. Leaves can be extracted from aromatic oil, which is often used by folks to make "incense".

5. Feeding pigs is a good feed.

6. Landscaping and potted plants. It has the effect of purifying air and repelling mosquitoes and flies.

7, beauty: fresh leaves pounded into muddy surface, and can make coarse pores shrink, tighten and reduce wrinkles, so that the skin shows a delicate appearance. It can not only inhibit the activities of tyrosinase and catalase, but also reduce and decolorize melanin, but also effectively remove reactive oxygen species, with comprehensive whitening effect.

Third, bacteriostatic effect

The volatile oil was extracted by steam distillation (SD). The chemical composition of the volatile oil was analyzed by GC-MS, and its antibacterial and antitumor activity was tested by cup-plate method and Alamar blue method. The results showed that 29 compounds were isolated and identified from the volatile oil of fragrant wood leaves, accounting for 99.54% of the total volatile oil. The active substances in the volatile oil of fragrant wood leaves had strong inhibitory activity on Escherichia coli (E.coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) and red yeast (R.glutinis), and had significant inhibitory effect on the nucleus of human non-small cell lung cancer (NCI-H460) in vitro, and the inhibitory effect was positively correlated with the concentration. When the mass concentration reached 0.1g / L, the inhibition rate was 92.56%.

Pepper wood

The main difference between pepper wood and incense wood

1. Families and genera: pepper belongs to Rutaceae, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, evergreen shrubs. Fragrant trees are Lacqueraceae, Coptis chinensis, evergreen shrubs or small trees.

2. Leaves: pepper wood is an odd-pinnate compound leaf. The fragrant wood is an even-pinnate compound leaf.

3. Fruit: pepper wood fruit is green and brown. The fragrant wood fruit is red.

A simple method for identification of pepper wood and incense wood

1. The leaves of fragrant wood are much larger than those of pepper wood, and they are even-pinnate compound leaves.

2. Pepper wood is an odd-pinnate compound leaf, and the leaf base has 2 spines. The fragrant wood is an even-pinnate compound leaf, the leaflet apex is concave, and the branchlets are red. It is enough to look directly at whether the top of the petiole is single or double.

Identification method of aroma of Pepper Wood and Fragrance Wood

If you have a good sense of smell, you can smell the smell they emit. Pepper wood usually cannot be smelled directly. Crushing the leaves will smell a strong smell of pepper.