
How much is the ginger market price per jin now? What's good to eat in summer? When will it be good to eat? How do you eat it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It is said that eating radish in winter and ginger in summer is the best way to keep in good health, which shows that eating more ginger in summer is good for your health, but now it is dog days, and more and more people are eating ginger. How much is the market price of ginger now? What's good to eat in summer? when

It is said that eating radish in winter and ginger in summer is the best way to maintain good health, indicating that eating more ginger in summer is good for your health, but now it is dog days, and more and more people are eating ginger. How much is the market price of ginger now? What's good to eat in summer? When will it be good to eat? How do you eat it?

The latest market price:

What are the advantages of eating ginger in summer?

1. Relieve summer heat

Eating ginger in summer can alleviate the phenomenon of food poisoning, bacteria and viruses will increase in summer, many people do not pay attention to dietary hygiene, often vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms, ginger and perilla leaves can be fried in water, and finally put in the right amount of brown sugar, taking twice a day can reduce the damage of food to the spleen and stomach and alleviate the discomfort caused by food poisoning.

2. Can prevent colds

Ginger has the effects of anti-nausea, digestion, phlegm and sweating. it is especially helpful to prevent cold and cold. when there is a cold, you can eat a few slices of ginger, which helps to promote the blood circulation of the body and make the body sweat quickly. reduce the discomfort caused by colds. You can also fry green onions and three slices of ginger in water and take them while the right amount of brown sugar is hot. You can also mash the ginger and apply it to the chest, back and bends of the arms to promote sweating and relieve colds.

3. It can prevent vomiting

Ginger has the effect of treating vomiting. You need one tablespoon of ginger juice and two tablespoons of honey to boil while it is hot and drink it three times a day. You can drink some ginger juice before each ride to prevent vomiting caused by motion sickness. During pregnancy, you can also drink brown sugar and ginger water to relieve vomiting and treat our tooth pain. The volatile oil in ginger can kill the pathogens that cause bad breath and periodontitis. When the mouth and tongue sores, you can also use ginger water to gargle.

4. it can fight against the aging of the body.

Ginger has a certain antioxidant effect, especially the pungent ingredients contained in it are beneficial to inhibit the production of lipid peroxidation and play an anti-aging effect. the free radicals in the human body belong to a kind of aging factor. if overactive, it is easy to lead to premature aging, gingerol in ginger can effectively control harmful free radicals. At the same time, gingerol in ginger is absorbed by the human body and helps to excite our motor center, heart and respiratory center.

5. It has analgesic effect.

Ginger contains a substance similar to salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, especially for patients with waist and leg pain and rheumatism. Taking a cup of ginger water every day can make the body sweat slightly and help to relieve symptoms. At the same time, this substance can also be extracted to slow down blood coagulation, which has a certain effect on reducing blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, preventing thrombosis and myocardial infarction.

Eating time:

Ginger is best eaten in the morning, because the gas in the stomach needs to be raised in the morning. Eating some ginger can strengthen the spleen and stomach and pave the way for digestion and absorption of the diet during the day. There are many ways to eat ginger in the morning. You can boil ginger soup, marinate it with sugar or stir-fry it in dishes.

Specific eating method:

1. Sliced ginger in the morning

After getting up every morning, drink a glass of water first, then scrape the ginger, cut it into thin slices, take 4-5 slices and put them into a bowl of boiling water for scalding, then put the ginger slices in your mouth for 10-30 minutes, chew slowly, do not swallow them all at once. Persisting in eating is of great help in preventing colds.

2. Drink ginger and jujube soup

Friends who often work in air-conditioned rooms in summer can take 10 jujubes, 5 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of brown sugar and decoction instead of tea once a day, which is especially suitable for female friends.

These people are not fit to eat ginger:

1. People with Yin deficiency constitution must not eat ginger.

Yin deficiency is a dry and hot constitution, which is characterized by fever in the palms and feet, sweaty palms, dry mouth, dry eyes, dry nose, dry skin, irritability and poor sleep, while people with ginger and Yin deficiency will aggravate the symptoms of Yin deficiency.

2. Ginger is not suitable for those with heavy internal heat.

If suffer from lung heat dry cough, stomach heat vomiting, bad breath, hemorrhoids bleeding, pain ulcers and other diseases such as people should not eat ginger. If it is a febrile disease, it must be compatible with cold medicine to neutralize the heat of ginger when eating ginger.

3. Patients with hepatitis avoid eating ginger

Under normal circumstances, hepatitis patients avoid eating ginger, because often eating ginger will cause liver fire. If you want to control the liver fire caused by eating ginger, you can also choose some food that can comfort the liver and regulate qi, such as drinking tea with Hawthorn and chrysanthemum, which can eliminate the dryness and heat caused by ginger without harming the body.

4. People with hair loss should pay attention to the use of ginger

Many people use ginger to treat hair loss. Indeed, the warm taste of ginger can increase local blood circulation, stimulate the opening of hair follicles and promote hair regeneration. However, it should be noted that hair loss is a febrile disease. Ginger will produce heat if it is used for a long time. Using hot medicine to treat febrile venereal diseases conflicts with the principle of "cold medicine for febrile diseases" that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to, so use it as little as possible.