
What kind of dog is a seeing eye dog? How much is it for one? What varieties do you have? How to tell the traffic lights?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Everyone must be familiar with and unfamiliar with guide dogs. Xiao Q in the classic movie "Guide Dog Xiao Q" has earned many people's tears and made people feel warm and understand the difficulty of seeing-eye dogs as a profession. What kind of dog is that seeing eye dog? How much

Everyone must be familiar with and unfamiliar with guide dogs. Xiao Q in the classic movie "Guide Dog Xiao Q" has earned many people's tears and made people feel warm and understand the difficulty of seeing-eye dogs as a profession. What kind of dog is that seeing eye dog? How much is it for one? What varieties do you have? How to tell the traffic lights?

What kind of dog is a seeing eye dog?

Guide dogs are docile, intelligent and well-trained working dogs that can help visually impaired people travel normally and are their eyes and guardians. Guide dogs are strictly trained dogs and are a kind of working dogs. After training, guide dogs can help blind people go to schools, shops, laundries, street gardens and so on. They are accustomed to the restraint of collars, blind straps and other accessories, know a lot of passwords, can lead the blind to walk safely, and guide the owner to stop to avoid danger when they encounter obstacles and need to turn.

How much is a guide dog?

The price of a guide dog is at least ten thousand yuan, and the price of a well-trained guide dog is as high as more than one hundred thousand yuan. Moreover, the training time of guide dogs is also very long, and the requirements are relatively high. it usually takes about a year and a half to train a guide dog, and the comprehensive cost is also quite high, reaching more than 100,000 yuan.

What kinds of seeing-eye dogs do you have?

First of all, not all dogs can be used for seeing-eye dog training, suitable for seeing-eye dogs, usually a limited number of breeds, such as Golden hair, Labrador, German Black back, poodles (non-mini breeds), and other breeds. This kind of dog is moderate in size and easy to pull; what is more important is that the dog is stable, loyal, loves to work, easy to train, smart, obedient and friendly to both adults and children.

However, it does not mean that all these breeds of dogs can become guide dogs. The screening requirements of guide dogs are strictly based on many factors, such as physiological conditions, genetic conditions, diseases, personality characteristics, and so on. Only dogs that meet certain conditions can begin guide dog training.

How are seeing eye dogs trained?

The training of guide dogs the training process of guide dogs lasts for 18 months, with a comprehensive cost of US $250, 000 to $30, 000. The working life of guide dogs can be up to 8-10 years. The training begins 2 months after the puppy is born, and the first stage is 12 months. At this stage, the main purpose is to train dogs to familiarize themselves with human living environment, such as houses, cars, roads, and other small animals such as cats, dogs and children, which guide dogs will come into contact with in their work in the future. Be familiar with all kinds of public places, such as shops, restaurants, playgrounds, schools, elevators, crosswalks, traffic lights, buses, trains, and even airplanes; train some basic obedience orders, such as sitting, waiting, standing, walking, etc., training dogs to walk is a basic task. Because the future job of these dogs is to lead their visually impaired owners wherever they need them.

The first stage of training is usually undertaken by the families of guide puppy breeding volunteers, of course, in addition to the training task, the most important thing is to give puppies a good diet and health care, so that they can grow up healthily. After 12 months, these special puppies will be sent to guide dog training school for professional training for 5 months. The work at this stage is undertaken by vocational trainers.

Why can't guide dogs touch them?

Guide dog is not an ordinary pet dog, once put on overalls, it will immediately enter the state of work, service is extremely strong, but many people see the guide dog so clever can not help but touch it or feed it, this is actually very wrong, it is very easy to distract the guide dog and bring hidden dangers to the personal safety of the owner.

We see that guide dogs should adhere to the principle of "three no questions", that is, do not interfere, do not feed, do not refuse, and ask the blind if they need help. According to relevant laws and regulations, blind people can take guide dogs to take trains, subways, buses and other public transport and enter public places. However, in real life, there are still many people who do not understand or even reject it.

How can guide dogs tell the traffic lights?

In fact, seeing eye dogs can distinguish traffic lights not because of the judgment of color, but by the difference of the brightness of the two lights. Although the dog can't see red or green, the different gray in his eyes can be judged. Dogs have a strong ability to distinguish subtle changes in the shade of gray. Depending on this ability, dogs can distinguish the changes in light and shade on objects and produce a three-dimensional visual image. Seeing eye dogs rely on the difference in the brightness of the two lights to produce a conditioned reflex to decide whether to walk or stop. In this sense, traffic lights can be "identified".

Dogs are man's best friends. Seeing the work of seeing-eye dogs and their contributions to the visually impaired, you will love these working dogs even more.