
Can cockroaches fly? What are the good ways to completely eliminate cockroaches in summer? Is the place you crawled poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In our daily life, summer is relatively humid, it is very easy to breed cockroaches, but cockroaches always feel inexhaustible, and come back after some time, so what are the good ways to completely eliminate cockroaches in summer? Can you fly? There are places that have climbed.

In our daily life, summer is relatively humid, very easy to breed cockroaches, cockroaches can always feel that it is endless to kill, kill after some time and come back, so what are the good ways to completely eliminate cockroaches in summer? Can you fly? Is there poison in the place where you crawled?

Cockroach, generally refers to insects belonging to "cockroach order"(scientific name), belonging to arthropod phylum, insect class, cockroach order, commonly known as cockroach, is a common medical insect. Only about a dozen species invade human homes, and a few species are kept as pets or as food for pets. Most species can only be seen in wild mountain forests or insect museums. The most common cockroaches in the home are American cockroaches, Australian cockroaches and short-winged cockroaches, which are about 5.0cm (1.97in) long; German cockroaches, Japanese cockroaches and Asian cockroaches, which are about 1.5cm (0.59in) long. Domestic cockroaches are generally nocturnal and photophobia, while wild cockroaches vary according to species, with positive and negative phototaxis.

A good way to eliminate cockroaches completely

Life prevention

1. Pay attention to environmental hygiene

First of all, when we find that there are cockroaches in our home, we must clean up our home first. There must be no garbage, because in a clean environment, this kind of insect is very difficult to survive.

2. Drying method

Cockroaches like wet places, so when you are at home, you must remember to turn off the tap, don't let your home get wet, if there is, remember to wipe it dry with a rag.

3. Washing powder

Wherever cockroaches are found in our home, we will sprinkle some washing powder on that place. Many people may not know that washing powder can not only wash clothes, but also eliminate pests.

4, bottle capture method

Find an unused bottle, such as a beer bottle or something, and then pour some oil into the bottle. Cockroaches like to eat oil. Everyone knows that, and then put it where there are cockroaches, so that they go to the bottle to eat oil and then fall into the bottle. Isn't it smart?

5. Orange, grapefruit and lemon peel anti-cockroach method

Buy some oranges, sleeves and other fruits, and then put their skins in the major vents at home, such as windows is a good choice, oranges, sleeve skin dried, will emit a unique fragrance, this fragrance can drive cockroaches.

6. Hot soapy water cockroach killing method

Boil some boiling water and put a bar of soap in it. After the soap melts in the boiling water, we put the water into the sprinkler and spray it wherever we see cockroaches. It can kill cockroaches.

7. Soda cockroach elimination method

Sugar and soda powder mixed in half, placed in cockroach infested area, about 3-14 days later, cockroaches will disappear, it is said that this is also the most commonly used anti-cockroach secret recipe in the United States.

8, boric acid mopping cockroach prevention method

After dissolving appropriate boric acid with hot water, wipe the floor with a mop or rag. After drying, white boric acid crystals will penetrate into the floor gap to prevent cockroaches and ants.

9, boron sand, flour, sesame oil sugar method

Mix a little boron sand with the flour and add a few drops of sesame oil. Make a ball. Roll the paper into a tube, and then place the prepared medicine mass in the paper tube.

10, sugar water bottle cockroach catching method

Take 1-2 cans, put 3 spoons of sugar water, add boiling water and half a bowl to make bait, put the bottle in the place where cockroaches are active, cockroaches smell sweet, they will climb into the can bottle "trap".

11, tung oil cockroach catching method

Buy 100-150 grams of tung oil, heat it into a viscous colloid, apply it around a 15 cm square board or cardboard, put greasy, fragrant food as bait in the middle, and cover other foods so that they do not steal food. When cockroaches are foraging, they can be stuck as long as they climb to places with tung oil.

12. Use cockroach stickers to kill cockroaches

In addition to cockroach killing drugs, there are cockroach stickers on the market now. Put it in a place where cockroaches often crawl, it will attract cockroaches directly and then stick to them directly. However, I personally feel that this practice cannot eradicate cockroaches, but can only be reduced to a certain extent. But not as dangerous as drugs.

Drug Control

1. Poisonous cockroach drugs kill cockroaches

Buy poison cockroach medicine placed often haunt place, now outside to sell cockroach medicine especially many, everywhere can buy. In fact, you can also see how rampant cockroaches are. This method is very fast and direct.

2. Spray insecticide to kill cockroaches

Spray pesticides are the fastest and most effective. Close the doors and windows, in the cockroach haunt and hiding corner directly encounter pesticides, remember to wear a mask, this pesticide in the case of closing the door, or very uncomfortable, harmful to the human body.

biological control

Cockroach likes dark and afraid of light, likes to lie down at night, occasionally visible during the day, the main natural enemies are spiders, scorpions, centipedes, ants, toads, lizards, geckos, etc., there is a bird will also prey cockroach. In addition, cats, monkeys and rats will also prey on cockroaches, biological control of all control methods is the most effective way to eliminate cockroaches.


Cockroach is an omnivorous insect. It can endure hunger or thirst.

When killing cockroaches at home, close the water source, turn off the faucet, wipe off the water trace, scratch with a pen or lay poison bait around the base of the sink, urinal and refrigerator to make cockroaches contact poisoning when taking water and feeding.

Can cockroaches fly?

In fact, most cockroaches are not good at flying and can walk quickly. Female cockroaches can only glide with artificial wings during childbirth. It should be known that cockroaches run very fast, and cockroaches have adapted to living on the ground. The reason why their bodies are very flat is that they are easy to get into gaps.

Is the place where cockroaches crawl poisonous?

The clothes and quilts that cockroaches crawl through are not poisonous.

Cockroaches themselves are not poisonous, but the problem is that cockroaches carry many germs, and if they are touched, they can easily spread diseases. Cockroach crawling places may spread diseases, but only spread typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera and other intestinal infectious diseases, once infected, these diseases generally acute attack, after a week or so without onset will be fine.

How to control cockroaches at home?

1) Keep the house clean.

If you don't want ugly cockroaches in your home, keeping your house clean is a top priority. Cleaning your house regularly every week can help you reduce cockroach infestation in your home.

2. Empty the kitchen garbage

Empty the kitchen regularly and make sure it is covered. An open pile of garbage is an invitation to cockroaches. Always clean the sink and food preparation area before bed.

3. Don't put food in disorder

It is best to put food away at night and store it in sealed jars to prevent contamination. Clean your refrigerator at least once a week to avoid food spoilage and cockroaches.

4. Do not stack newspapers

It is best not to open the pile of newspapers, magazines, old books, cockroaches like to linger in these items. Sprinkle boric acid over cracks in your home to repel cockroaches.