
How much is a "retriever" Labrador? What's the difference between golden hair and golden hair?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Labrador, also known as retriever, is a large breed of dogs chosen as guide dogs or subway police dogs and search and rescue dogs and other working dogs that often go to and from public places. As one of the most popular pet dogs nowadays, more and more people like it, but they don't care much about the price.

Labrador, also known as retriever, is a large breed of dogs chosen as guide dogs or subway police dogs and search and rescue dogs and other working dogs that often go to and from public places. As one of the most popular pet dogs nowadays, more and more people like it, but they don't know much about the price. How much is a Labrador? What's the difference between golden hair and golden hair? Let's take a look at it next.

How much is a Labrador?

The prices of ordinary Labradors are mostly between 1000 and 3000 yuan, those with good quality and pedigree are generally more than 2000 yuan, while those of purebred ones are more than 3000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, and those of competition level are more than 30, 000 yuan.

Price reference

1. At present, the most expensive varieties in Asia are introduced to the United States, with a price of about $50, 000 to $80, 000.

2. The price of top competition puppies in Europe and the United States is about $10, 000 to $30, 000, and a 2-3-year pre-period is needed, so the purchase probability is low.

3. Domestic regular kennels (with certificate and pedigree certificate) range from 10, 000 to 20, 000 for competition puppies, 8000 to 15000 yuan for quasi-competition, and 5000 to 10000 yuan for purebred pets.

4. In domestic irregular kennels, the price of puppies ranges from 3000 to 6000 yuan, and the quality can not be guaranteed, while family breeding ranges from 1000 to 5000 yuan.

2. Factors affecting the price of Labradors.

1. Region

Region also has a certain impact on Labrador prices, for developed cities, the level of consumption is higher, Labrador prices are also more expensive, while urban consumption in remote areas is low, Labrador prices are also cheaper.

2. Appearance

Before we buy, we should understand its quality. Labrador with good quality and pure blood is more expensive, while Labrador with poor quality and impure blood is relatively cheap.

3. Purchase channels

When we buy, the main channels are individual and professional kennels, the cost of individual Labrador is higher, while kennels breed more professionally and breed in batches, which is lower than individual costs, and the price is the same, of course, we do not rule out transactions between acquaintances.

What's the difference between Labrador and Golden hair?

1. Price comparison

Golden hair is mostly used as a family pet companion dog, and Labrador as a working dog, such as guide dog, search and rescue dog, so the price of Labrador on the market is relatively high, because of its characteristics, the price is dominant in the market. The ordinary golden hair is relatively cheap, but the pedigree is much more expensive than the pure one.

2. Appearance comparison

The golden face is shorter than the Labrador, and its ears are shorter than the Labrador. Labrador's hair has a double coat, while the golden one has a wavy coat. There is only one color of golden hair, and that is yellow, while Labrador has three colors, cream, black and yellow. Labrador has a thick tail with no edge hair, and the golden hair walks gracefully and gracefully, while Labrador always walks in a swaggering manner.

3. Character comparison

Golden hair is more gentle and kind, while Labrador is more lively. Some people say that Golden hair is like an aristocrat, while Labrador is like a living wild child. This sentence is very reasonable, Golden hair is more lazy, play for half an hour is tired, begin to rest, and Labrador often play tired will not rest, which also represents Labrador's hard-working character, so more as a working dog in our line of sight.

Golden hair has a precocious personality, so he is well-behaved when he is young, while Labrador makes trouble when he is young, but he is a late bloomer in adulthood and is more obedient than Golden hair, so he should be patient when raising Labrador. Golden hair is more delicate, Labrador is more careless, but as long as they are well trained, they will be very smart and obedient.

4. Feeding comparison

Labrador is relatively simple and effortless to take care of, while the blond hair is thicker and painstaking, but it is beautiful after taking care of it. Shedding in summer is the most painful time for raising dogs. Every day, the dog hair is flying all over the house. Golden hair and Labrador are the dogs with more serious hair loss, but the golden hair is curly fur balls, while Labrador is scattered all over the place. Relatively speaking, it is more troublesome to take care of the golden hair and shed hair than Labrador.