
Can soft-shelled turtle treat hemorrhoids? What are the efficacy, side effects and eating methods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Soft-shelled turtle, also known as water fish, turtle, hold back, is usually a more common tonic, because of its high nutritional value, with kidney and bone, nourishing yin and cool blood and other effects and is widely eaten, that gourmet meat turtle can treat hemorrhoids? What are the efficacy, side effects and eating methods?

Soft-shelled turtle, also known as water fish, turtle, hold back, is usually a more common tonic, because of its high nutritional value, with kidney and bone, nourishing yin and cool blood and other effects and is widely eaten, that "gourmet meat" soft-shelled turtle can treat hemorrhoids? What are the efficacy, side effects and eating methods?

First, the efficacy and function of soft-shelled turtle:

1. Main efficacy

(1) improve immunity: soft-shelled turtle is rich in protein, animal glue, vitamin D, copper and other nutrients, which can effectively regulate the endocrine of the human body and enhance the body's disease resistance. It is also a good tonic to enhance the immunity and intelligence of infants and improve the quality of breast milk.

(2) skin care: soft-shelled turtle plate glue contains a large number of macromolecular collagen proteins, which can provide a variety of amino acids for the skin to achieve the effect of beauty and skin care, beauty and fitness.

(3) Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: soft-shelled turtle meat and its extract can effectively prevent and inhibit acute lymphoblastic leukemia, gastric cancer and liver cancer, and can be used to prevent leukopenia, anemia and weakness caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

(4) dispelling blood pressure and lowering blood fat: soft-shelled turtle has better lipid-lowering and blood-pressure-lowering effect, and regular eaters can effectively reduce blood cholesterol, so it is beneficial to patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease.

(5) strengthening yang and waist: soft-shelled turtle can "replenish fatigue injury, invigorate yang qi, and greatly tonify yin deficiency". Eating more soft-shelled turtle can strengthen yang qi and replenish male energy.

(6) nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency: soft-shelled turtle has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency, and has a certain auxiliary effect on anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, physical weakness and other patients.

2. Nutritional value:

The main results are as follows: (1) the soft-shelled turtle is rich in nutrition, which is rich in protein, fat, keratin, animal glue, various vitamins and trace elements such as calcium, iron, copper and so on.

(2) soft-shelled turtle meat is rich in protein, fat, multivitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2), carbohydrate, ash, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nicotinic acid, thiamine and riboflavin.

(3) the fat of soft-shelled turtle is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, accounting for 75.43%, of which high unsaturated fatty acids account for 32.4%, which is 6.54 times that of beef and 2.54 times that of tilapia, and trace elements such as iron are several times or even dozens of times that of other foods.

2.Edible method

1. A complete set of practices:

(1) stewed soft-shelled turtle with black chicken


500g soft-shelled turtle, 1000 g black-bone chicken, 20g salt, 2g monosodium glutamate, 2g pepper, 25g cooking wine, 25g ginger, 25g green onions.


① slaughtered the soft-shelled turtle and scalded it in 70 ℃ water, then scalded it in 90 ℃ water and picked it up. At the same time, the black chicken is slaughtered, washed and slaughtered into pieces, remove the blood with boiling water, and set aside to set aside.

② scraped off the rough skin from the neck, claws and the edge of the skirt and cut off the body along the edge of the skirt to remove the internal organs and rinse clean.

③ cut off the tip of the soft-shelled turtle's paw with a knife, then blanched it with boiling water and washed it out of the water a few minutes later.

Wash ④ pot and add fresh soup. Add black chicken, soft-shelled turtle, salt, pepper, ginger, spring onions and cooking wine. Simmer over low heat until chicken nuggets and turtle are soft.

⑤ picks up ginger and spring onions, put them in other seasonings and serve.

(2) Braised Turtle in Brown Sauce


1 soft-shelled turtle, proper amount of winter bamboo shoots, a little chicken essence, spring onions, ginger, garlic, light soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chili oil and pepper.


① onion and ginger slices, garlic peeled and set aside. Sliced bamboo shoots and blanched. Set aside.

② cut the pork belly into small pieces, add the cooking wine, spring onions and ginger and cook for 20 minutes, then remove and drain.

③ uncovers the soft-shelled turtle and removes the internal organs (small white pieces inside should also be removed). ④ boiled water and poured it over the soft-shelled turtle, tearing off the film on the skin.

⑤ chopped the processed soft-shelled turtle into pieces and blanched it for later use.

Put a small amount of oil in the ⑥ pan, stir-fry the spring onions, ginger and garlic, and stir-fry the pork until the meat is light yellow.

⑦ put the soft-shelled turtle in the pan, stir-fry until dry, add wine, light soy sauce, soy sauce, salt and sugar.

⑧ add water, no more than soft-shelled turtle. Remove the foam after boiling, turn to low heat and cook for about 10 minutes.

(3) Turtle soup


One soft-shelled turtle, half chicken, spring onions, ginger, garlic slices, 50 grams of clear soup, 10 grams of cooking wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 30 grams of peanut oil, 5 grams of sesame oil, 2 grains of star anise.


① will chop the head of the live turtle, control the blood, wash it and put it into boiling water to scald the black skin, then put it into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove the hard cover, remove the five internal organs, chop off the claw tip, chop the turtle and chicken into cubes and cover them with boiling water.

② scraped off the dirt from the hard lid.

③ put peanut oil into a spoon, heat it over high heat, and add spring onions, ginger, sliced garlic and star anise pan.

④, pour into the clear soup and cooking wine, then put the soft-shelled turtle and chicken nuggets into the pot, boil them to float foam, then use medium heat to cook for about 45 minutes, until the soft-shelled turtle and chicken nuggets are cooked and rotten, and when the soup is milky white, move to Wang Huo, add refined salt, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil, and adjust the taste.

Third, taboos on eating:

1. Who can't eat?

(1) eating by pregnant women will affect the health of the fetus.

(2) those who are full of phlegm and food should eat carefully.

(3) Children should eat less, which may lead to indigestion and increase the burden on the spleen and stomach.

(4) people with loss of appetite, loss of digestive function, pregnant women or postpartum cold, weakness of spleen and stomach and diarrhea should avoid eating.

(5) people with chronic enteritis, chronic dysentery and chronic diarrhea should avoid eating.

(6) the consumption of patients with hepatitis will increase the burden of the liver and induce hepatic coma, so they should eat less.

2. What is not suitable to eat with?

Soft-shelled turtle should not be eaten with pork, amaranth, mustard, eggs, peaches, eels, crabs and so on.

(1) soft shelled turtle and pork:

Because the meat of pig, rabbit and duck is cold, and the soft-shelled turtle is also cold, so the two should not be eaten together.

(2) soft-shelled turtle and amaranth

Amaranth taste sweet, cold and sharp, cold in the abdomen, and soft-shelled turtle is also cold, the two food is difficult to digest, may form gastrointestinal stagnation.

(3) Turtle and mustard:

The soft-shelled turtle is cold, while the mustard is hot and warm, especially the white mustard. If you eat with soft-shelled turtle meat, the two foods will be hot and cold opposite, which will have an adverse effect on the body. Therefore, when eating soft-shelled turtle, mustard should not be added as seasoning.

(4) soft shelled turtle and duck eggs

Duck eggs are slightly cold, soft-shelled turtles are also cold, two things are cool, if eating together, it can cause certain harm to the human body, especially for people with poor quality, they should avoid eating together.

(5) Turtle and celery:

The denaturation of protein can affect the absorption of nutrients by eating both of them.

(6) soft-shelled turtle and orange

Soft-shelled turtle is rich in protein, oranges contain fruit acid, both eat together, will make protein and fruit acid combination, so that protein coagulation, not easy to absorb.

(7) soft-shelled turtle and rice field eel, crab:

Pregnant women avoid food, which will affect the health of the fetus.

(8) other

Dead turtles and spoiled soft-shelled turtles cannot be eaten; fried soft-shelled turtles have no medicinal value, and raw turtle blood and bile mixed with wine can poison drinkers or suffer from severe anaemia.

3, eat allergy how to do?

(1) it is recommended to relieve itching first, commonly used antihistamines, tranquilizers, calcium gluconate tablets + dexamethasone + vitamin C oral treatment, topical application of Pikangwang or calamine lotion is very helpful.

(2) after eating soft-shelled turtle, if there is an upset stomach, itching all over the face, neck, north, flushing skin, vomiting, normal breathing and other phenomena, you can take chlorpheniramine, chlorpheniramine and other anti-allergic drugs to relieve.

(3) after allergy, we must avoid eating raw and cold or irritating food, and maintain a good condition, while strengthening personal hygiene, in order to have a good treatment effect.