
What are the benefits of eating sea cucumbers? What are the efficacy, side effects and taboos?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sea cucumber, also known as the king of the sea, is a common precious food along the coast of the South China Sea. it is favored by people because of its high nutritional value, anti-tumor, nourishing yin and nourishing blood, so what are the advantages of eating sea cucumbers? Efficacy, side effects, taboos

Sea cucumber, also known as the king of the sea, is a common precious food along the coast of the South China Sea. it is favored by people because of its high nutritional value, anti-tumor, nourishing yin and nourishing blood, so what are the advantages of eating sea cucumbers? What are the efficacy, side effects and taboos?

First, the benefits of eating sea cucumbers:

1. Efficacy and effect

(1) enhance immunity: the active substances such as acidic polysaccharides and polypeptides in sea cucumbers can greatly improve human immunity, as long as the human body has strong immunity, it can resist the invasion of various diseases, and a large amount of selenium can effectively prevent cancer and fight cancer. Chondroitin sulfate can delay aging, arginine and zinc can nourish yin and yang.

(2) Nourishing yin and tonifying blood: sea cucumbers can nourish yin and nourish blood, invigorate yang and moisten dryness, and have a very good recuperating effect on postpartum women with weak qi deficiency. Compared with traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying qi and blood, the effect of high protein substances such as sea cucumbers is greatly enhanced to nourish inside and outside, so that women are beautiful because of their health.

(3) Anti-cancer: the content of trace element vanadium in sea cucumber ranks first among all kinds of food, which can participate in the transport of iron in the blood and enhance the hematopoietic function. Moreover, sea cucumbers contain a special substance, sea cucumber toxin, which can effectively inhibit the metastasis of many kinds of molds and some human cancer cells.

(4) tonifying kidney and tonifying essence: sea cucumber contains not only protein, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, selenium, manganese and other active substances, but also sea ginseng acid mucopolysaccharide composed of aminohexose, hexuronic acid and fucose. It also contains 18 kinds of amino acids and does not contain cholesterol, which has the effects of tonifying kidney and nourishing essence, nourishing yin and invigorating yang.

(5) repair function: the repair and regeneration function of sea cucumber is an important feature, such as rapid wound healing, repair of gastrointestinal damage for many years, repair of immune system, repair of pancreatic islets, restoration of hematopoiesis and so on. All reflect the strong characteristics of repair and regeneration of sea cucumbers.

2. Benefits to pregnant women:

Sea cucumbers can provide comprehensive nutritional security for pregnant women and enhance their physique. It can be seen that the nutritional value of sea cucumbers is very high! Sea cucumbers cooked properly taste very good, but also can promote appetite, pregnant women can eat sea cucumbers, and there are many benefits.

3. Benefits to the elderly:

(1) delaying senility.

There are many nutritional elements in sea cucumbers, all of which have the functions of eliminating fatigue and prolonging life, especially the arginine in sea cucumbers, which have the ability to repair body damage and promote human cell regeneration. Eating sea cucumbers often will make you rejuvenate and prolong your life.

(2) to enhance immunity.

Because sea cucumbers are rich in protein, arginine, polysaccharides and saponins, which are necessary for human immune function, regular consumption can not only resist fatigue, but also enhance and regulate the immunity of the body. at the same time, nutrients such as nicotinic acid, potassium, nickel and taurine in sea cucumbers can restore physical strength, quickly eliminate fatigue and regulate the nervous system.

(3) mediate, improve and prevent cardio-cerebrovascular diseases.

Regular consumption of sea cucumbers can effectively mediate, improve and prevent the occurrence of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, significantly improve the hardening and inflammation of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, and play a certain role in cleaning cerebral vessels and enhancing the elasticity of cardio-cerebrovascular vessels. Relieve cardio-cerebral vasospasm, relax cardio-cerebrovascular blood flow, and promote the establishment of collateral circulation.

(4) promote the absorption of calcium by promoting blood production and nourishing blood.

After the middle-aged and elderly people reach a certain age, their physical functions begin to age, insufficient hematopoietic ability, osteoporosis and so on will appear. And sea cucumber keratin has the effect of promoting hematopoiesis of red bone marrow, and regular consumption can effectively improve the condition of anemia. At the same time, it is rich in marine natural active calcium ingredients, which can effectively supplement calcium when eaten frequently.

(5) nourishing yin and blood, tonifying kidney and essence, tonifying yin and yang.

Sea cucumbers contain arginine, which is the main component of male sperm cells and has the function of regulating sex hormones. It has a special effect on the treatment of kidney deficiency and impotence. In addition, trace elements such as zinc, manganese, vanadium, phosphorus, nickel, selenium and other trace elements in sea cucumbers are of great help to improve the sexual function of the human body.

(6) to reduce blood sugar and blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Sea cucumber contains fucoidan can reduce blood lipids, inhibit blood coagulation, medicine also believes that hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, hepatitis patients and the middle-aged and elderly, long-term insistence on eating sea cucumbers has a good effect on disease relief and treatment.

2. Food suitable for people and eating together:

1. Who is suitable for eating?

(1) the "three high" old people. Sea cucumbers can regulate lipid metabolism, reduce body fat content, reduce blood sugar, blood lipids and cholesterol. The patients with type 2 diabetes, blood glucose and urine sugar were improved, and the frequency of urination in the middle-aged and elderly was improved.

Sea cucumber is low in cholesterol and relatively low in fat. It is a typical food with high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. It can be called a good diet for patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, hepatitis and the elderly.

(2) Beauty family. The protein content of sea cucumber is extremely high, and its collagen is also very rich, which can delay the aging of the body, lubricate the skin, and eliminate wrinkles and facial spots.

(3) lack of immunity. Sea cucumbers contain chondroitin sulfate, which is conducive to human growth and development, can delay muscle aging and enhance immunity.

(4) anemic population. The content of trace element vanadium in sea cucumbers ranks first in all kinds of foods, which can participate in the transport of iron in the blood and enhance the hematopoietic function. The keratin in sea cucumbers can enhance the hematopoietic function of red bone marrow cells and is rich in natural active calcium, which can be easily absorbed by the human body. after consumption, it can produce blood and nourish blood, promote calcium absorption and supplement the calcium needed by the human body.

(5) male group. Sea cucumbers are rich in zinc, and zinc is an important part of the male prostate, so regular consumption can prevent and cure urinary tract infection and prostatitis.

(6) Health care population. Recently, researchers in the United States have extracted a special substance from sea cucumbers-sea cucumber toxin, which can effectively inhibit the growth and metastasis of many kinds of molds and some human cancer cells. It can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and play an anticancer role.

(7) Surgical patients. Sea cucumbers are rich in high-quality protein and vitamins, which can accelerate the wound healing and restore the physical strength and energy of patients after operation.

2. What would you like to eat with?

(1) Mutton: mutton can not only resist the cold, but also replenish the body. it can be used as a food therapy for those with sore waist and knees, deficiency of kidney yang, deficiency of fatigue and cold pain in the abdomen. Eating together with sea cucumbers has the effect of nourishing blood and moisturizing dryness.

(2) Duck: the nutritional value of duck is similar to that of chicken, which has the functions of nourishing, nourishing stomach, tonifying kidney, eliminating tuberculosis, heat and bone steaming, eliminating edema, relieving fever and dysentery, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, etc., eating with sea cucumbers can replenish five qi, heat and nourish the five internal organs.

(3) Chinese wolfberry: Chinese wolfberry is classified as "medicine and food" by the Ministry of Health, which can be processed into all kinds of food, beverage, health wine, health products, etc., and eating together with sea cucumbers can play a role in tonifying kidney and strengthening yang.

(4) asparagus: asparagus is rich in nutrition, rich in vitamin B, vitamin An and folic acid, selenium, iron, manganese, zinc and other trace elements, eating together with sea cucumbers has anti-cancer effect.

(5) Bamboo shoots: bamboo shoots are rich in protein, amino acids, fat, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamins and other nutrients. Eating with sea cucumbers can nourish yin, moisturize dryness, clear heat and nourish blood.

Third, taboo

1. Who is not suitable to eat?

(1) generally speaking, children should not eat more sea cucumbers.

(2) if you take some individual traditional Chinese medicine, you should eat less or not.

(3) people with colds and fever should not eat.

(4) patients with colds and diarrhea had better not eat sea cucumbers for the time being.

(5) it is not easy for patients with hyperuricemia to eat sea cucumbers for a long time.

(6) people who are allergic to protein are not easy to eat sea cucumbers.

(7) Sea cucumbers moisturizing the five internal organs, nourishing fluid and diuresis, dampness in spleen and stomach, coughing phlegm, thick and greasy tongue coating should not be eaten.

(8) do not eat when the spleen and stomach are weak, but you can take sea cucumber health food selectively.

(9) Rheumatoid people should also eat less or not eat sea cucumbers (rheumatoid arthritis does not have too many taboos, if not accompanied by hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.)

2. What can't you eat with?

(1) Edible vinegar: the nutrition and therapeutic value of sea cucumbers are very high, but when making sea cucumbers, putting vinegar on nutrition will be greatly reduced, and eating together with glycyrrhizic acid will have the effect of eating together.

(2) grapes: the nutritional value of grapes is very high, proper eating can strengthen the spleen and stomach, but sea cucumbers can not eat with grapes, otherwise it will play the opposite role, not only can not repair the intestines and stomach, but also damage.

(3) Persimmon: the tannic acid contained in persimmon will precipitate together with the protein and calcium salt of sea cucumbers, which will stimulate our gastrointestinal organs and easily cause disease, such as nausea, constipation and other symptoms.

(4) Hawthorn: Hawthorn can not be eaten with sea cucumbers, because the acid contained in Hawthorn will destroy the collagen contained in sea cucumbers, and eating both can also cause abdominal pain and vomiting.

(5) glycyrrhizic acid: glycyrrhizic acid can change the spatial structure of collagen and agglutinate and contract the protein molecules in different degrees, which not only affects the delicacy of sea cucumbers, but also affects the absorption of collagen.