
What are the effects and functions of "knife fish" crucian carp? With breeding techniques and methods!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crucian carp, referred to as crucian carp, commonly known as crucian carp melon seed, month crucian carp, soil crucian carp, fine-headed crucian carp, carp, cold fish, Xi Tou, crucian carp shell, river crucian carp. As a common freshwater fish, crucian carp can produce many new species through artificial culture and breeding, such as goldfish.

Crucian carp, referred to as crucian carp, commonly known as crucian carp melon seed, month crucian carp, soil crucian carp, fine-headed crucian carp, carp, cold fish, Xi Tou, crucian carp shell, river crucian carp. As a common freshwater fish, crucian carp can produce many new species through artificial culture and breeding. For example, goldfish is a kind of ornamental fish. What are the effects and functions of crucian carp? Do you know the technology of crucian carp culture?

I. the efficacy and function of crucian carp

1. Enhance the ability of disease resistance. Liver and kidney disease, cardio-cerebrovascular disease patients with a good source of protein, regular diet can enhance disease resistance, hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other diseases can be eaten frequently.

two。 Through breast milk. Since ancient times, crucian carp soup is a must for pregnant women, it has the role of lactation, so that maternal milk can be filled.

3. A discerning eye makes a wise man. Crucian carp roe can tonify the liver and nourish the eyes, and crucian carp gall has the effect of invigorating the brain and intelligence.

4. Beauty and anti-wrinkle. Crucian carp contains comprehensive and high-quality protein, which plays a good role in strengthening the elastic fiber composition of the skin, especially for early wrinkles caused by stress, lack of sleep and other mental factors.

5. Crucian carp contains high quality, complete and easy to digest and absorb protein. It is a good source of protein for patients with liver and kidney diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Regular eating can enhance disease resistance, hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other diseases can be eaten frequently.

6. Crucian carp has the effects of invigorating spleen and promoting dampness, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, warming middle and lower qi, and has a good nourishing and therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach weakness, edema, ulcer, tracheitis, asthma and diabetes.

7. Crucian carp meat is tender and delicious, which can be used to make porridge, soup, cooking, snacks and so on. It is especially suitable for making soup, crucian carp soup not only tastes delicious, but also has a strong nourishing effect, which is very suitable for the middle-aged and the elderly and the weak after illness.

2. Crucian carp culture techniques

1. Extensive culture techniques.

The extensive culture of white crucian carp is based on the productivity of the pond, and the commercial fish are caught after 1 year or 3 years without fertilization or baiting. the general pond yield is 100,200kg / ha, and the yield of many ponds is 400,500kg / ha.

2. Fertilization and breeding techniques.

In the storage tank with no inflow of organic fertilizer, less nutrient elements and high transparency, plankton was promoted to reproduce by fertilization, which was used as bait to cultivate white crucian carp. According to the application of 95 kg ammonium nitrate, 16 kg superphosphate and 118 kg white crucian carp seedlings per hectare, the annual yield can reach 500 kg / ha. If 3.5 tons of dried chicken manure was applied per hectare and 125 kg of white crucian carp seedlings were put in, the annual yield had reached 820 kg / ha.

3. Feeding and breeding techniques

In the nutrient-rich reservoir, 190kg of white crucian carp seedlings per hectare were fed with 75kg silkworm chrysalis, 230kg wheat bran and 160kg rice bran. The yield of white crucian carp and common carp reached 1900 kg / ha, 230kg / ha and 80kg / ha, with a total yield of 2210 kg / ha. In the storage tank where there is no organic fertilizer flowing into the reservoir lacking nutrient elements, 60 kg of white crucian carp seedlings are put in per hectare, and 600 kg of silkworm pupa and 600 kg of wheat bran are fed. The yield of white crucian carp can reach 600 kg / ha, and the total yield of carp and beard fish is 150 kg / ha. The total yield is 750 kg / ha.

4. Fertilizing and feeding culture

The yield of white crucian carp and carp can reach 3300 kg / ha and 500kg / ha respectively, when 375kg crucian carp seedlings and 50kg carp seedlings are put into the pond with 10 tons of soy sauce meal and 4 tons of silkworm pupa. The yield of white crucian carp and carp was 1900 kg / ha and 1300 kg / ha respectively in the ponds where 310kg crucian carp seedlings and 60kg carp seedlings were invested, 300kg chicken manure was applied, and 600kg silkworm pupae, 4 tons of rice bran and 300kg compound feed were fed.