
Why do you say Greater Heat Lao Duck wins tonic? Is the market price 18 yuan for a roast duck reliable?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There is a folk saying that Greater Heat Lao Duck wins tonic. But recently, some rumors on the Internet have made it difficult for many consumers. Rumor has it that the whole roast duck sold in some deli sells for only 18 yuan. These rumors often attract attention with the words they hear. Then the market price

There is a folk saying that "the old duck wins the tonic". However, some rumors on the Internet have recently made many consumers difficult. Rumor has it that some delicatessens sell whole roast duck for only 18 yuan. These rumors often use hearsay words to attract attention. So is the market price of 18 yuan a roast duck reliable?

First, why do you say that the old duck wins the tonic

Why drink duck soup in summer?

"Little heat meets big heat, and there is nowhere to hide." The "Great Heat" in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar is the hottest time of the year. Nanjing people like to eat duck, hot this day old Nanjing popular to eat boiled duck soup, folk "hot old duck wins tonic" saying.

Summer climate is hot and rainy, summer heat clip wet, often make people spleen and stomach trapped, loss of appetite. Therefore, it is necessary to use diet to adjust and supplement. Duck meat is high in protein and low in fat, rich in B and E vitamins, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and other substances, and is very rich in nutrients. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, duck meat is cool and sweet in nature, which can "nourish the yin of the five internal organs, clear the heat of deficiency and fatigue, enrich the blood and water, nourish the stomach and produce body fluid, stop coughing and rest," which is a rare tonic in summer.

Duck meat is especially suitable for summer consumption, where the body has hot people suitable for eating duck meat, weak constitution, loss of appetite, fever, dry stool and edema of people eat more beneficial, duck meat is rich in protein and other nutrients that the human body urgently needs in summer.

However, the choice of duck meat used for nourishment is also very particular, generally male duck meat slightly cold, female chicken slightly warm, into the medicine diet, too tender young duck has the fear of wet poison, it is best to choose white and bone black old duck more nourishing. Eating old duck in hot weather "Yin deficiency does not see dryness, Yang deficiency does not see cold", so there is a folk saying that "old duck wins tonic in hot weather".

Old duck stew food can be added lotus root, wax gourd and other vegetables soup food, not only meat and vegetable matching to play a complementary effect of nutrition, but also can supplement deficiency damage, summer heat Ziyang, really summer tonic good. Such as adding gordon euryale seed, coix seed with stew soup is Ziyang effect is better, and can strengthen the spleen dampness, increase appetite.

Drink duck soup tonic, the best combination of their own physical condition, with Chinese medicine or food. For people who are prone to cough, cold and other respiratory diseases, they can add yam, lotus seed, astragalus root or American ginseng when making duck soup, generally 30~60 grams. For patients with hypertension, you can add black beans or red beans and 60-100 grams of wolfberry when making duck soup.

For diabetic patients, you can add bitter gourd and 50 grams of euphorbia humifusa when making duck soup. For tuberculosis patients, you can add lily, Cordyceps or Radix Adenophora when making duck soup. For women, in the production of duck soup, add lily, polygonatum, to play the role of beauty and skin care.

Second, the market price of 18 yuan a roast duck reliable

So, is 18 yuan a roast duck reliable? Zhang Ziyu, a special commentator of Voice of China Village, will help you calculate this economic account in detail.

Zhang Ziyu: Generally speaking, ducks are not particularly common poultry in the countryside, so everyone will think duck meat is relatively expensive, but now the situation is, in some delicatessen, a whole roast duck only 18 yuan, many people naturally made a mutter, this duck will have a problem ah?

Is there a problem? Hou Shuisheng, a researcher at the Beijing Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, knows the breeding of meat ducks very well. He told the media that this 18-yuan roast duck, called white feather meat duck, can be made into Beijing roast duck and Cantonese roast duck after 40 days of breeding, while 18 small roast duck or crispy duck can be made after about 30 days of breeding. It can be seen that from the variety point of view, 18 yuan roast duck is no problem.

So, 30 days can raise a duck, is it urged by hormones? This one isn't either. Experts say the reason why it is so fast, in fact, the result of breed improvement, this duck eat a catty of six liang feed can rise a catty of meat, is a veritable foodie. This specially bred meat duck is actually the result of modern breeding technology and has undergone a series of tests. Experts also made it clear that this 30-day-old meat duck does have shortcomings, such as not suitable for stew, meat production is relatively low. Therefore, as long as it was a roast duck produced and sold through formal channels for 18 yuan, the quality was up to standard. As for how it tasted, it varied from person to person.

Around this 18 yuan roast duck, we can also see some very interesting commercial elements. For example, this duck is relatively small, after processing about two and a half pounds, this weight, just suitable for a family of three, even single people's dining needs, and this unique attribute, in fact, also means a brand-new market space.

So is the price of 18 yuan a loss? Experts calculate the account very clearly: White feather meat duck from buying ducklings to breeding out, the breeding cost of each duck is about 11 yuan, after slaughtering and processing, duck meat, viscera, even duck blood duck oil can be sold, plus wholesale circulation cost, the overall cost of a duck is about 13 yuan 2 cents, basically the profit of each duck is 4 yuan 8 cents, profit margin more than 25%, not only no loss, but also profitable.

After dispelling the worries about this small roast duck, there are probably already people who are eager to try it. Willing, of course, is worth encouraging, but also have to understand that the above costs are carried out under modern breeding conditions, if you want to do this business, we must start from technology, from the production circulation link to find ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. From a broad point of view, it is precisely because of this constant pursuit that agricultural products on the market become more and more affordable, richer and more attractive.