
Hunting dog-beagle suitable for domestic, easy to raise? How much is one?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Beagle generally refers to the Beagle, is one of the world's famous dog species, is the prototype of the famous cartoon Snoopy. He is loved for his cute appearance and lively personality. Is that beagle domesticated, easy to raise? How much is one? Let's learn together

Beagle generally refers to the Miglu hound, is one of the world's famous dog breeds, is the prototype of the famous cartoon Snoopy. It is loved because of its lovely appearance and lively character. Is that beagle suitable for domestic use? is it easy to raise? How much is it for one? Let's learn more about it.

Is the beagle suitable for domestic breeding? is it easy to raise?

Early beagles were raised as hounds and gradually adapted to family life with the help of professional dog trainers and veterinarians. So it's still suitable for domestic use. And the Beagle has the following advantages:

1. With high affinity, loyalty and obedience, Beagle dogs are very happy to have fun with humans.

two。 Smart and smart, suitable for living with human beings. The beagle is very lively and cheerful.

3. Beagles have a keen sense of smell and are widely trained as drug detection dogs to make their own efforts for the peace and tranquillity of human beings.

4. The dog is physically strong and athletic. Rarely get sick, and this also saves a lot of trouble and trouble for the owner's feeding.

How much is a beagle?

1. The price of beagle dogs also varies because of region, breed, vaccine and so on. For example, the price of a purebred beagle that has been vaccinated and dewormed is about 4,000.

two。 In addition, some purebred beagle puppies range in price from 3, 000 to 6, 000, and dogs that can actually participate in the competition can sell for ten thousand yuan.

How to train a beagle?

1. First of all, it is best to train Beagles to defecate and defecate at an early age. Although Beagle has irregular defecation and defecation when it is young, it is difficult to train. As a parent, you must be patient. Before you train him to defecate in a designated place, make sure he understands his name and your tone of praise and criticism.

two。 Beagles are usually excreted 30 minutes after eating or 15 minutes after drinking water. At this time, pay special attention to, if you find a Beagle sniffing everywhere on the ground, please be highly vigilant, he is looking for a site to go to the toilet. Using this feature, we can observe the performance of the beagle and then seduce the puppy. (for example, we always keep an eye on the beagle after eating or waking up. Once we find that the puppy has to urinate, such as turning in a circle or sniffing around, lead the puppy to the right place.

3. Once a beagle has defecated at a designated location, be sure to encourage it. For example, give a favorite snack or a piece of beef to encourage. Slowly the puppy knew that it was right to defecate here, and the good habit of defecating at a fixed point was formed.

4. Remember not to beat and scold the beagle easily during training. During the training, parents should not easily beat and scold the beagle just because it did not defecate at a designated place. Otherwise, Beagle dogs will think that defecation is a "mistake" and will only dare to defecate secretly when the owner is not paying attention, and it will be troublesome to train later.