
Generally speaking, who can't eat dog meat? What are the advantages and taboos of eating?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Beginning of Autumn has passed, autumn is coming as promised, and autumn is the time for autumn fat, so eating nutritious dog meat is a good choice. In general, who can't eat dog meat? What are the advantages and taboos of eating dog meat? Who is the general person?

The Beginning of Autumn has passed, autumn is coming as promised, and autumn is the time to "paste autumn fat", so eating nutritious dog meat is a good choice. In general, who can't eat dog meat? What are the advantages and taboos of eating dog meat?

In general, who can't eat dog meat?

1. People with high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can not eat dog meat: dog meat is a tonic ingredient, which will nourish yin and strengthen yang and raise people's blood pressure.

two。 If the regular lack of sleep and Yin deficiency, oral ulcers are not allowed to eat dog meat: dog meat is easy to get angry and hurt the body.

3. Children and children with colds, fever, cough and phlegm can not eat dog meat: if you are not feeling well, you should eat a light diet. Dog meat is a tonic, so you can't eat it. Children are weak and not suitable to eat.

What are the advantages and taboos of eating dog meat?

Dog meat in some areas is also known as spiced meat, sheep, white dogs, etc., excellent ingredients for progress in winter, eating dog meat has the following benefits:

1. Eating dog meat can replenish the vital energy. The benefits of dispelling cold and relieving pain and enhancing immunity are best when stewed with ginger in the cold winter.

two。 Eating dog meat has the advantage of relieving heart and brain ischemia and high blood pressure, because dog meat is rich in trace elements such as calcium, iron and sodium.

3. Eating dog meat has the benefits of strengthening the body and enhancing disease resistance: the protein rich in dog meat is very suitable for human needs.

4. Eating dog meat has the advantages of tonifying qi and blood and removing cold stomach: spicy fried dog meat can promote the blood circulation of the human body and enhance people's ability to keep out the cold.

5. Eating dog meat has many advantages, such as exhilarating spirit, warming limbs and so on.


1. People suffering from non-deficiency cold disease should not eat dog meat, which is a hot food. Don't eat too much every time. People with non-deficiency cold diseases such as cough, cold, fever, diarrhea and exuberant fire due to yin deficiency should not be eaten.

two。 Half-cooked dog meat should not be eaten. All meat should be fully cooked. If you eat undercooked dog meat, you will be infected with Trichinella spiralis.

3. Sick dog, mad dog meat must not eat mad dog saliva contains rabies virus, operation as long as the human skin is damaged, it may be infected with the virus.

How much is the price of dog meat per jin?

1. The average purchase price of meat dogs is about 12.49 yuan per jin, and the highest price is 12.65 yuan per jin.

two。 The lowest price in Tieling Changtu and other places is 12.00 yuan / jin.

3. The average purchase price of meat dogs in Fuxin and other places is about 8.44 yuan / jin, and the highest price is 9.00 yuan / jin.

4. Jinzhou Yixian and other places; the lowest price is 8.00 yuan / jin, which appears in Fuxin and other areas.