
How to raise the indoor ornamental plant "Anthurium andraeanum" best? Is it poisonous? Use these four tricks to remedy the yellowing of the leaves!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anthurium andraeanum is a potted ornamental plant, which is often called fire crane flower. What color is the red palm blooming? We should be able to imagine that the blossom must be a very festive color bright red. So can Anthurium andraeanum be cultured indoors? What's the best way to raise it? poisonous

Anthurium andraeanum is a potted ornamental plant, which is often called fire crane flower. What color is the red palm blooming? We should be able to imagine that the flowering must be a very festive color "bright red". So can Anthurium andraeanum be cultured indoors? What's the best way to raise it? Is it poisonous? How to remedy the yellowing of the leaves?

I. brief introduction of Anthurium andraeanum

1. Anthurium andraeanum culture environment

Anthurium andraeanum is afraid of drought and strong light exposure at the same time, so don't put it in a sunny place and water it once a day.

2. The main value of Anthurium andraeanum

(2.1) Anthurium andraeanum can be paired with other flowers to send friends and family.

(2.2) Anthurium andraeanum is placed in the home soon after installation and repair and has the effect of absorbing formaldehyde.

(2.3) Anthurium andraeanum can be given to the person you like as a birthday present.

Is Anthurium andraeanum poisonous? Can I breed it indoors?

Is Anthurium andraeanum poisonous?

(1.1) Anthurium andraeanum has a little toxicity, but it is relatively weak, and the main source of poison comes from flowers and branches and leaves of roots. Therefore, in the process of pruning, you must wear plastic gloves to prevent accidental eating.

(1.2) if you accidentally eat Anthurium andraeanum poisoning, you can eat dried licorice and painkillers to relieve the poisoning symptoms.

2. Can Anthurium andraeanum be cultured indoors?

(2.1) Anthurium andraeanum is already an ornamental plant, and the flowers are festive and good-looking, so it would be a pity not to breed indoors. The above article also mentioned that Anthurium andraeanum also has the function of absorbing formaldehyde, where to find such a dual-use plant.

(2.2) how can Anthurium andraeanum be cultured indoors? Your idea is relatively backward. Although poisonous, it can still be raised indoors, and it should be put out of reach of children to avoid food poisoning.

(2.3) Anthurium andraeanum poisoning is rare in daily life, so don't worry.

Third, how to raise Anthurium andraeanum best? How to grow beautiful flowers?

The flowering period of Anthurium andraeanum is very long, generally from February to July, directly from spring to summer.

1. How to raise Anthurium andraeanum and choose the best flowerpot

The most common flowerpots are red clinker pots, white porcelain pots and so on. In terms of color matching, these two look better.

When Anthurium andraeanum grows one or two plants can be transplanted into a large flowerpot, allowing it to grow in a larger environment.

2. How to cultivate Anthurium andraeanum and choose the best soil

The most suitable soil type of Anthurium andraeanum is good drainage, fertile and loose.

3. How to raise Anthurium andraeanum and water it best

(3.1) how to water Anthurium in spring, it is best to water it every two days in spring to keep the basin soil moist.

(3.2) how to water Anthurium in summer, water once a day in summer, do not water too much each time, just the right amount, the most important thing is to keep soil and water moist.

(3.3) how to water Anthurium in autumn. If the temperature in autumn is 18 degrees or below, watering will be reduced. The most important thing is to keep soil and water moist.

(3.4) how to water Anthurium andraeanum in winter. Winter is the season for flowering, so there can be no lack of water, but even if the temperature is low, you can't water more. It's best to spray water, but if you bloom, you can't sprinkle water on the flowers.

4. How to raise Anthurium andraeanum and apply fertilizer best

Anthurium likes fertilizer, but it can't be fertilized when the temperature is low, especially in early spring, late autumn and winter. It is best to apply potassium dihydrogen phosphate or plant organic fertilizer when fertilizing.

5. How to keep Anthurium andraeanum for best pruning

(5.1) Anthurium andraeanum needs to be cut off withered and diseased leaves in time in the process of growth.

(5.2) when the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum are too dense, we can remove some of the old leaves. Promote the growth of new leaves.

Fourth, how to remedy the yellowing of Anthurium andraeanum leaves? The main remedies are as follows:

1. Enhance care

If your Anthurium andraeanum has been in a cool place without light for a long time, you should move it to a place with sunlight, such as on the balcony, to remedy the yellowing of the leaves in time.

2. Change the soil

Anthurium andraeanum likes to be cultured in acidic soil. If the soil Alkalization leads to poor absorption of nutrients and yellowing of leaves, we should change the soil in time to remedy the yellowing of leaves.

3. Timely fertilization

Anthurium andraeanum likes fertilizer. When applying fertilizer, we'd better apply fertilizer in spring and autumn. Spring is fertilization, autumn is topdressing, but if you apply too much fertilizer, it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow. If fertilization causes the leaves to turn yellow, you can pour a little water every day to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves.

4. Overwatering

Another possibility that the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum turn yellow is that you have watered too much, which can not be absorbed, and there is still stagnant water, so we should water it properly.

Fifth, what if Anthurium wilted?

1. Anthurium withered because of the lack of sunshine, so it needs to be put in a sunny place.

2. Anthurium wilted. The second reason is that the temperature is too low, so it can be put into indoor breeding in winter.

3. Anthurium wilt causes three diseases, so just spray medicine.

4. The reason for the withering of Anthurium andraeanum is the long-term lack of water, which is the main factor leading to withering.