
Can you make money by raising yellow powder insects (bread worms)? What are the prospects for breeding? An introduction to culture technology is attached.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Tenebrio Molitor, also known as bread worm, its larvae contain 51% crude protein, 28.5% fat, high nutritional value, it is a common crop pest, and now it has been raised on a large scale, can this breeding Tenebrio Molitor make money? I'll take you to the mountain today.

Tenebrio Molitor, also known as bread worm, its larvae contain 51% crude protein, 28.5% fat, high nutritional value, it is a common crop pest, and now it has been raised on a large scale, can this breeding Tenebrio Molitor make money? Today, I will take you to Jijiazhuang Village in Shanxi Province to learn about the breeding of yellow powder insects here.

First, can you make money from raising yellow powder insects?

The door curtain was opened and the heat was blowing in the face, and thousands of cardboard boxes were neatly coded on two rows of wooden shelves in the cave. The yellow powder insects raised in the box rustled as they crawled. The house is hot and airtight, and villager Zhao Qinghong has to take a breath outside the cave from time to time. Out of the cave, the eyes are still familiar with the loess plateau and ditch beam. The village of Jijiazhuang, where Zhao Qinghong is located, is on the hillside.

1. Raising yellow powder insects tastes sweetness for the first time

In 2016, the Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology designated poverty alleviation in Fenxi County and introduced high-quality protein feed yellow powder insects into the neighboring Heping Village. And invested 500000 yuan in cooperation with Fenxi County Kangruilai Biotechnology Trade Co., Ltd. to build an annual production capacity of 300t Tenebrio Molitor dry insect processing base. At the beginning of this year, Heping Village, which saw the benefits, regarded Tenebrio Molitor breeding as an anti-poverty industry of "one village, one product, one main body". At present, five greenhouses for breeding yellow powder insects have been built, with a breeding scale of 50,000 boxes, driving 30 poor households. The township government encourages villagers to use idle caves to raise yellow powder insects, provides training in breeding techniques and planting insects for villagers, and distributes 500 free breeding cartons to each poor household. In May last year, Zhao Qinghong quit her job and returned to the village. "nearly 30, 000 yuan was invested and 1000 plates of Tenebrio Molitor were raised. After drying, it sold more than 3000 jin at a price of 16 yuan per jin. " Zhao Qinghong said: not only did the investment cost be recovered that year, but it also earned nearly 20,000 yuan. Zhao Qinghong, who tasted the sweetness, increased her breeding capacity to 2000 plates this year.

2. Encourage poor households to expand the scale of farming.

From scratch, Jijiazhuang Village finally has an industry that everyone can participate in. The role of Tenebrio Molitor in getting rid of poverty is immediate. Jijiazhuang Village, which has 24 poor households, lifted the whole village out of poverty last year. In order to encourage poor families to raise yellow powder insects, Jijiazhuang village lent idle school buildings to them in order to expand the scale of breeding.

The mountain road into the village is still tortuous, and the present hometown is still the same, but Zhao Qinghong thinks it is right to come back. "every day at 8 o'clock to water the yellow powder bug, feed wheat bran and pick pupae, keep the indoor temperature around 30 ℃, and work until after 11:00. I'm busy from 3: 00 to 7: 00 in the afternoon. Life is easy, and you earn more than you do on the construction site. " He said that farming at the same time while taking into account breeding, both.

3. Go abroad to create high profits

The government provides aquaculture technology, and enterprises are responsible for acquisition and sales. The villagers have signed a recycling agreement with Conrilai, so they don't have to worry about raising it or not selling it. In March this year, the company successfully exported yellow powder worms to the United Kingdom in Fenxi County. It can process 300 tons of Tenebrio Molitor stem insects per year, with an annual value of more than 1 million US dollars. Zhao Qinghong and the villagers made export money for the first time.

Zhao Qingsheng 2000 sets, Zhao Kang 1500 sets. The villagers who raise yellow powder insects are one after another. Jijiazhuang Village, Heping Village, Huiwang Village. Tenebrio Molitor farming has expanded in Heping Town and even Fenxi County.

"the output has gone up, and then we have to do an article on the industrial chain, incubate and cultivate deep processing enterprises, and develop yellow powder insect products to enhance the added value, so that the villagers can have greater and more benefits." Zhao Qinghong looks forward to the future and sees the hope of continuous development. Tenebrio Molitor has a high protein content, which can be used as both animal feed and food. the market is very large. "turning raw materials into products requires the joint promotion of scientific research and enterprises. Heping Town will create a favorable policy environment to attract investment and wisdom and promote poverty alleviation." Zhao Qinghong said.

4. Advantages of Tenebrio Molitor culture

There are many advantages in Tenebrio Molitor culture, mainly in the following aspects:

The breeding cost of Tenebrio Molitor is very low, except for the cost of purchasing seedlings, it is only necessary to purchase breeding equipment. Tenebrio Molitor has a strong adaptability, can live in a variety of environments, both heat and cold resistance, basically no disease, do not have to worry too much about feeding or death and other conditions. Tenebrio Molitor has strong reproductive ability and high yield. After that, Tenebrio Molitor has high nutritional value and is an important source of food processing, feed and medicine. Therefore, the breeding of yellow powder insects is a good way to get rich.

2. culture techniques of Tenebrio Molitor

1. Conditions for breeding Tenebrio Molitor

In order to cultivate Tenebrio Molitor, we must solve the problems of planting insects, feed, equipment and so on.

1. Species of insects. Breeding Tenebrio Molitor is the key. Adults, pupae and adult larvae can all be used as species, but it is best to choose adult larvae as species. When selecting adult larvae as species, the adult larvae with deep yellow color, strong body and uniform adult larvae should be selected.

2. Feed. The main feed of Tenebrio Molitor is wheat bran, which can also be supplemented by other bran bran. Vegetables are mainly cabbage, cabbage, radish, potato, other green vegetables, melons and fruits, etc. These feeds can meet the needs of protein, vitamins, trace elements and water. Each kilogram of yellow powder insects can eat 3 kilograms of wheat gluten and 6 kilograms of vegetables in a generation cycle.

3. Equipment:

① breeding room. The breeding room should be transparent and ventilated, and it can keep warm and humid in winter. under normal circumstances, a room can raise more than 300 plates of insects.

② feeding plate. A, wooden plate, specification 50 cm × 40 cm × 8 cm, plate thickness 1.2 to 1.5 cm, bottom fastened with fibreboard or plywood; B, sieve plate, specification 45 cm × 35 cm × 7 cm, plate thickness same as above, the bottom is nailed with 20-mesh screen; the material of feeding plate had better be cork. In order to prevent bugs from crawling outside, put plastic tape on the top of the four frames in the feeding box.

② sieve; use 30-mesh and 60-mesh sieve to screen insect droppings. Sieve 1 to 2 instar worms with 60 mesh.

Internal requirements of ④ breeding room. The temperature should be kept between 15 ℃ and 25 ℃ in winter and summer. The worms below 10 ℃ will not eat and will not last long. If the worms exceed 30 ℃, they will burn to death. Humidity should be maintained between 60% and 70%, and the ground is not easy to get too wet. Keep warm in winter and ventilated in summer. There should be a humidity and thermometer in the room.

2. Culture technology

As described at the beginning of the culture of adult larvae. First, the adult larvae are placed on wooden plates of about 1.6 kilograms each, and then sprinkled with wheat bran and vegetables. Wheat bran can be fed once a day or once a few days, depending on the amount of feed on the plate, but the dish should be fed once a day, and it is better to eat it up.

If you find that there are more feces at the bottom of the plate, you can screen out insect feces before feeding; generally, you can screen them once in about 10 days. When the adult larvae take off their skin for the last time, they pupate, and pupation can be completed in a few seconds, and pupation is carried out on the feed surface.

Pupae should be picked once a day during pupation to prevent death from bites. In order to facilitate management, centralized Eclosion and synchronous reproduction, the pupae picked out within two days should be placed on the same feeding plate, and each plate should not be more than 1 cm thick. There is no feed on the plate.

The pupa period is generally about 10 days, during this period, do not flip at will, to pick out the dead pupa in time. It takes 3 to 5 days for all pupae to emerge into adults, and the newly emerged adults are white, tender and inactive, so feed and vegetables can be given a little at this time. After about 6 days, the color darkened and began to concentrate and mate. At this time, the adults should be put into the sieve plate, and then put a newspaper in the wooden plate, and the sieve plate containing the adults should be put into the wooden plate to lay eggs. Take out the sieve plate every three days, take out the newspapers containing eggs, feed and dung, and put them into another breeding unit to hatch, with 5-6 newspapers per combination. Take out the feeding combination of the newspaper and put it back into the newspaper, and then put the sieve into spawning.

Adults that lay eggs should have enough feed every day and generally live for about 60 days. During this period, dead insects should be picked out in time. In order to prolong the spawning period, lay more eggs, in addition to feeding bran, vegetables, if there are conditions can be supplemented with apples, carrots, bean powder and so on. The egg period is generally 6 to 10 days, during which it is not easy to flip. When the larvae withdraw their skin once after the eggs hatch, the newspaper can be removed. At this time, you can order food appropriately, once a day. When the feed is eaten up, you can screen out the insect dung and add the feed. After that, the feeding management method is the same as that of the adult larvae. when the worm grows up gradually, it should be separated and closed in time, and each combination should not exceed 1.5 kg, so as to avoid excessive density, mutual bite and heat injury.

3. Management measures

(1) non-breeders are prohibited from entering the breeding room.

(2) the feed should be fresh, the bran should not be moldy and the vegetables should not rot. Must be fed to Xianlai every day.

(3) the faeces of insects should be screened in time to avoid mildew.

(4) the situation of each insect stage should be inspected frequently, and if diseases and insects or dead insects are found, they should be removed in time.

Tenebrio Molitor has high nutritional value and is an important source of food processing, feed and medicine. Therefore, the breeding of yellow powder insects is not only a good way to get rich, but also a good way to shake off poverty and become rich.