
What are the nutritional value, efficacy and function of eel? Can eel blood be eaten? Who is not suitable to eat ricefield eel?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Eel, also known as ricefield eel, is a very popular food, delicious, with high economic value and nutritional value, we all know that the benefits of eel are very many, what are the nutritional value, efficacy and function of eel? Can eel blood be eaten? Where?

Eel, also known as ricefield eel, is a very popular food, delicious, with high economic value and nutritional value, we all know that the benefits of eel are very many, what are the nutritional value, efficacy and function of eel? Can eel blood be eaten? Who is not suitable to eat ricefield eel?

I. brief introduction of eel

The scientific name of eel is ricefield eel, commonly known as field eel or field eel, and also known as long fish, blood fish, compass, scaleless son and so on. it is a freshwater benthic carnivorous fish of Gill order and Gill family, which can be raised for food and has economic value. Distributed in the southeastern half of Chinese mainland in Asia, Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar and Southeast Asia, low latitudes or warm freshwater basins, mainly living in streams, rice fields, ponds or swamps, crustaceans, worms, fish and other food, are nocturnal animals.

II. Nutritional value, efficacy and function of eel

1. Nutritional value of eel

Eel has high nutritional value, with a protein content of 18g, fat of 1.4g, calcium of 42 grams, phosphorus of 206 grams and iron of 2.5 grams per 100g of eel meat. In addition, it also contains thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and other vitamins.

Nutritional composition of 100g eel

Calories (calories) 89

Potassium (mg) 263

Phosphorus (mg) 206

Cholesterol (mg) 126

Sodium (mg) 70.2

Vitamin A (microgram) 50

Calcium (mg) 42

Selenium (microgram) 34.56

Protein (g) 18

Magnesium (mg) 18

Nicotinic acid (mg) 3.7

Iron (mg) 2.5

Manganese (mg) 2.22

Zinc (mg) 1.97

Fat (g) 1.4

Vitamin E (mg) 1.34

Carbohydrates (g) 1.2

Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.98

Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.06

Copper (mg) 0.05

2. The efficacy and function of eel

(1) Eel has the function of tonifying qi and blood: according to traditional Chinese medicine, eel meat tastes sweet and warm; meridians of liver, spleen and kidney also contain more mineral iron, which has the effect of tonifying blood, strengthening muscles and bones and removing rheumatism.

(2) the eel has the function of protecting the liver and eyesight: the eel contains more vitamin A, which plays an important role in the liver and retina of the human body, and the temperature of the eel returns to the liver, so often eating eel meat has the effect of protecting the liver and eyesight.

(3) the eel can promote the recovery of the body: the protein content of eel meat is up to 18g per 100g, which contains a lot of protein, which is very suitable for eating in the weak period after illness and postpartum, which is helpful to promote the recovery of the body.

(4) the eel has the function of beauty and beauty: the eel contains vitamin An and vitamin E, which are powerful antioxidants, so it has a good beauty effect.

When is the best season to eat eel?

As the saying goes, "Lesser Heat yellow eel race ginseng", generally in the Lesser Heat period to eat eel is the best, at this time the yellow eel body is strong and fat, not only tender and delicious meat, but also rich in nutrition, the strongest nourishing effect.

Fourth, the taboo crowd of Monopterus Albus

1. Who is not suitable to eat ricefield eel

(1) people with itchy skin diseases should not eat ricefield eel.

(2) Monopterus Albus should be eaten carefully in patients with chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, lymphoid tuberculosis, cancer, lupus erythematosus, etc.

(3) during the period of illness, people with deficiency and heat, or initial recovery of heat syndrome, dysentery and abdominal distension should not eat rice field eel.

2. People who are suitable for eating ricefield eel

(1) consumption by people who are weak, insufficient in qi and blood, and malnourished

(2) people with prolapse of anus, prolapse of uterus, strain injury of women and bleeding of internal hemorrhoids can also eat more.

(3) patients with rheumatism, weakness of limbs, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis can eat more.

Can the blood of eels be eaten?

Don't eat the blood of eels raw.

The serum of eel is poisonous, so eel blood must be cooked before it can be eaten. When handling eels, we should also pay attention to avoid body contact with blood, especially when there is a wound, nail the head of the eel, cut it from head to tail with a knife, remove the internal organs and spine, and then cut the eel into pieces.

There are folk rumors that eel blood can treat facial paralysis, in fact, this argument is groundless, purely because the eel blood dried and tightened the skin, so do not believe some folk folk prescriptions.