
When is the best time to introduce snakes? What are the suitable locations? How do I buy it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Raising snakes should be introduced first. The quality of snakes is related to the survival rate and production capacity of snakes. The acquisition of snake species can be approved by the relevant management departments to catch snakes in the wild, and it is necessary to introduce species of snakes if local snake resources are scarce. So when is the best time to introduce snakes? Suitable

Raising snakes should be introduced first. The quality of snakes is related to the survival rate and production capacity of snakes. The acquisition of snake species can be approved by the relevant management departments to catch snakes in the wild, and it is necessary to introduce species of snakes if local snake resources are scarce. So when is the best time to introduce snakes? What are the suitable locations? How to buy a kind of snake?

When is the best time to introduce snakes?

The best season for introduction is in spring and autumn. The weather is suitable in spring, and breeding can enter the spawning period or breeding period soon after introduction, which is especially suitable for beginners. Autumn is also a good season for introduction, because it is neither too cold nor too hot, and it is the peak season for snakes to hunt and the strongest time of the year. Farmers who travel a little farther can introduce snakes in this season. It is more appropriate for beginners to raise half-big snakes (young snakes). Because the semi-big snake is better than the small snake in growth, disease resistance and feeding, it can adapt quickly in the new living environment.

2. What are the suitable introduction sites for raising snakes?

The suitable introduction site also has a great relationship between the success of introduction and the success of culture. When choosing the introduction site, we should try our best to choose the local breeding farm which is close to the breeding place and similar to the ecological environment of the word breeding place, so that the success rate of introduction is high. If the snake species from the north are introduced in the south, or the breeding land is in the north, and the snake species from the south are introduced, due to the different living habits and suitable temperature and humidity of the snakes, it is easy to cause the introduction failure and directly cause economic losses.

Third, how to buy snakes?

1. Introduction of artificial rearing snake farm

Snake species should be introduced from large-scale snake farms, and snake species should come from different places to prevent inbreeding as far as possible. Do not buy snakes sold in snake markets or farmers' markets, in case you buy shoddy snakes that have just been forcibly fed or filled with sand or water, or poisonous snakes that have been pulled out their fangs.

2. Specifications for the introduction of snakes

For attractive species of snakes, their weight is too small or too large for breeding. Generally speaking, the individual weight of large species of snakes should be 300 grams to 600 grams, that of medium species should be 200 grams to 350 grams, and that of small species should be 100 grams to 200 grams.

3. Catch or buy snakes

The parents must be long, strong, lively, flexible, ferocious, full and cylindrical, shiny body surface, bright skin patterns, no injury and no disease. For the time being, it is difficult to determine whether there is any illness or injury, you can first isolate and try to raise.

When checking for internal injuries, the snake can be crawled on the ground to see if it is flexible and natural, or after grasping the head and tail with both hands and straightening naturally, the snake has a strong curling ability, indicating that there are no internal injuries, on the contrary, it cannot be used as a kind of snake. If the skin is slightly injured and there is no internal injury, it can also be used as a kind of snake as long as it is cured with iodine tincture. Secondly, check for gallbladder. Some snake catchers cut open the gall bladder with a sharp blade, sew it up with a needle, and then sell it on the market. The gallbladder-free snake can survive for some time, but it cannot be selected as a species. Third, check whether the fangs are complete. For those who choose to buy venomous snakes as seeds, they also need to open the snake's oral cavity to see if there are complete fangs. Because some snake catchers after catching the snake, in order to avoid the damage of fangs, open the snake's mouth with sharp weapons and rudely pull out the fangs, this kind of non-fangs snake is difficult to feed in the future, so it can not buy and keep species. If you find that the snake's expression is dull, does not like to stick out its tongue, the body is thin, the scales are dry and loose, and the color loses its luster, this kind of snake may be infected with disease and should not be used as a seed. Attention should be paid to the reasonable collocation of male and female in the introduction of snake seedlings. Generally speaking, the female-to-male ratio is 5:1.