
How do you collect honey when you're young and intact? What are the key points of bee colony management in honey gathering period?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe everyone knows honey and has tasted it. But do you know how a whole colony gathers honey? For beekeepers, what are the key points of bee colony management during honey gathering? 1. How do young intact bees collect honey? 1. Collection tools Bee honey collection is through the mouth

I believe we all know and have tasted honey. But do you know how a complete colony of young bees collects honey? For beekeepers, what are the key points of bee colony management during honey gathering?

First, how does the complete bee colony collect honey when it is young?

1. Acquisition tools

Bees collect honey through mouthparts, which are insect mouths, which belong to chewable mouthparts. Its mouthparts maintain a pair of axe-shaped jaws with left and right symmetry, and have the ability to chew solid pollen and build beehives, while the lower lip lengthens and forms a slender tubule with jaw and tongue, with a long groove in the middle, which helps to suck. If you put this tubule deep into the flowers, you can absorb nectar. Bees have such mouthparts that they can not only collect pollen, but also suck nectar.

2. Find the source of honey

Honey collection by bees begins with finding the source of honey. Before a large number of worker bees go out to collect, a small number of "scout bees" always go out to detect and look for it. Once the "scout bee" discovers the honey source of flowering, it falls into the flowers and sucks the nectar into the honey sac (stomach) with a tubular mouthpiece (beak). After filling the honeybag, fly back to the nest, first distribute the nectar to the little friends around them, let them taste and familiarize themselves with the nectar and sweet fragrance, at the same time, shake their wings and swing their bodies, dance "circle dance" or "swing dance" on the nest spleen, and use the "dance language" to tell my companions in which direction and distance I have found nectar. The field bees who got the information flew to the honey source in large numbers and began to collect nectar busily and nervously.

Bees collect not only honey but also pollen. Its feet are its good helpers.

In a variety of insect feet, the tarsus of the bee's hind foot is particularly inflated, with a groove on the outside, surrounded by long and dense villi, forming a "pollen basket". When the bees shuttled through the flowers to collect pollen and nectar, the furry feet were covered with pollen, and then the pollen was combed down by the "pollen comb" on the tarsus of the hind foot and collected in the "pollen basket". Finally, the pollen is fixed into a ball with honey. The feet of bees that can carry pollen are called pollen-carrying feet.

3. Bees collect honey

The radius of nectar collection by honeybees is usually within the 2-3km range of the hive. If there is no nectar source near the hive, the flight distance is even longer.

The average weight of an Italian bee is 100 milligrams, and the amount of honey collected at one time is about half of the body weight. Ten thousand worker bees each collect nectar once, and they can get 500 grams of nectar. A group of 40,000 bees can collect 5 kilograms of nectar a day.

4. Brewing honey

Most of the work of brewing honey is done by indoor bees. when making honey, these indoor bees turn their honey sacs and mouthparts into "small processing workshops". They constantly absorb and spit out the nectar received from the field bees. at the same time, the invertase secreted by the salivary glands is mixed with nectar, and under the action of invertase, the sucrose in nectar is constantly broken down into monosaccharides-fructose and glucose. The digestive tract also absorbs some of the water from nectar. At the same time, another part of the interior bees are arranged in a certain formation on the channels inside and outside the nest, while flapping their wings to fan the air quickly through the hive to take away a large amount of water from the nectar and make it concentrate. Honey-making work

When the outside weather is fine, the honey source is good, the honey is fast, and the honey is thin, the interior bees keep making honey while speeding up the storage. they divide the honey into small droplets and hang them on the roofs of many nests in order to increase the surface area. to speed up water evaporation.

Second, what are the key points of bee colony management during honey gathering period?

1. During the honey gathering period of the main honey sources, measures must be taken in accordance with local conditions, and the methods of "strong groups collecting honey, weak bees breeding, new king groups collecting honey, old king groups breeding, single king groups collecting honey, and double king groups breeding" must be used as far as possible to solve the contradiction between honey collection and reproduction and pursue the maximum economic benefits.

2. At the beginning of flowering, when the group potential is insufficient, field bees can be used to strengthen honey collection and surprise honey collection. First, the bees will be arranged in groups according to the main and deputy collocation. The new queen or fine queen is a strong group, and when the flow of honey is at its peak, the sub-colony will be moved away, so that the field bees will be mistakenly put into the main colony, and then add the spleen or superimposed relay box according to the group potential. Honey can be taken in a few days, and the sub-group can be removed. Because the field bees have been lost, the empty nest can be used for the queen to fully lay eggs. And because the feeding of bees has not been weakened, they can still breed and breed bees, creating good conditions for the next honey source period or overwintering.

In order to ensure the high yield of the strong group, the bee fever of the strong group can be eliminated timely and effectively. The general method is:

The main results are as follows: (1) timely collection of honey to reduce the storage of beehive bee food, so that bee fever is lack of material basis.

(2) eliminate Wangtai in time, strictly prohibit the birth of new kings, and eliminate the leaders of bee distribution.

(3) often cut off the drone pupae, eliminate the accomplices of the wasps, and reduce the unnecessary consumption of honey.