
Explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Magnolia, and teach you to raise beautiful flowers hand in hand!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At the mention of the gentleman orchid, many people will associate the gentleman orchid with the gentleman, which is indeed the case in life. Gentleman orchid is often used to describe people with noble character. So now almost everyone has a pot of magnolia in their home for viewing.

At the mention of the gentleman orchid, many people will associate the gentleman orchid with the gentleman, which is indeed the case in life. Gentleman orchid is often used to describe people with noble character. So now almost everyone's home will raise a pot of magnolia to watch, so what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? Today, I will explain in detail for you, personally teach you to raise a beautiful gentleman orchid!

First, explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium, these key points must be clearly remembered!

1. Seven steps of the culture method of Cymbidium

(1) selection of breeding varieties of Cymbidium: which variety is the best for breeding?

Before we choose to breed a pot of Cymbidium, the first thing we should consider is what kind of species can be cultivated easily. Among them, the common species of Cymbidium are Cymbidium, Orchid in Garden, Cymbidium with Stem, Marsh Cymbidium, Cymbidium, Magnolia, etc. The most common breeding species are Cymbidium and Magnolia. So when you buy varieties, you can consult the shopping guide about these two varieties.

(2) soil selection for orchid culture: which soil is the best?

There are three kinds of common soil in daily life: loam, clay and sandy soil. Compared with the above three kinds of orchid, it is more suitable for sand culture, because the ventilation is better, but the most suitable soil for orchid culture is rotten leaf soil! Some people will ask what is rotten leaf soil. Rotten leaf soil is the soil formed by the accumulation of fallen leaves from trees. The most commonly used soil with rotten pine leaves is called pine needle soil, which is rich in elements, and this kind of soil is easy to find. You can find it in the mountains. If it is not convenient to look in the mountains, you can choose mixed rotten leaf soil, the price on the market is relatively low, and it is also an ideal soil for breeding.

(3) selection of flowerpot for orchid culture: which flowerpot is the best to use?

Gentleman orchid flowerpots generally choose flowerpots that are breathable and permeable, pottery and purple sand pots are the best, porcelain pots and plastic pots must not be selected, because the air permeability is not very good. Generally, the flowerpots bought will be soaked and cleaned with water, and then exposed to the sun, the soil is the best.

(4) Cymbidium culture on the pot: when is the best time to put on the pot?

We all know that growing crops rice and corn need to be planted at a specific time of the year, so that they can be planted well. Cymbidium cultivation time is also needed in a specific time, generally in spring in March-April and autumn in September-October is the best time for orchid pot, so these two time points are also the best time to consider breeding Cymbidium! Note: when changing pots, you can also choose to be in these two seasons, and the survival rate will be higher.

(5) cultivation and watering of Cymbidium: how often is it best to water?

Magnolia is a more drought-tolerant plant, because its root system is more developed and can store more water, so it does not need to be watered every day in daily life, but it can not be watered for a long time, so the leaves will be dry and yellowed. So we need to pay attention to the dry and wet condition of the soil of Cymbidium every day. If it is dry, it means watering. If it is still wet, we can choose to water it again in a few days. It is usually watered every three days in spring; in summer, it can be watered every two days, but it is best to use a sprinkler and spray on the leaves; in autumn, you can water once every two days; in winter, you can water once a week. It should be noted that spring, summer and autumn can be watered a little each time, and the amount of watering can be controlled according to the degree of soil drying in winter.

(6) cultivation and fertilization of Cymbidium: what kind of fertilizer is the best?

Magnolia is a fertilizer-loving plant, but watering too much fertilizer will cause the roots to rot, so we need to pay attention to what fertilizer to use in each period of time. We need to apply thin liquid fertilizer every half a month, and fermented and rotten fertilizer is the best. Phosphate fertilizer is applied once a year in January, because it is about to blossom and needs to be fertilized. In summer, when the gentleman orchid is notified, it is necessary to stop fertilizing activities and water them. When the orchid blossoms, you can spray some fertilizer on the leaves to make the flowers big and gorgeous.

(7) Illumination requirements of Cymbidium culture: how to control it?

The magnolia is a kind of plant that doesn't like the light very much, so usually you can breed it well next to the TV cabinet at home. In summer, we need to cover the sun for the orchid, so it's best to put it in a semi-shaded place. In early spring, late autumn, winter need a certain amount of light, we can occasionally put the gentleman orchid on the balcony to bask in the sun, it is best to put it in a semi-shady place, one side can shine a little sunshine is the best.

The above are the seven steps of Cymbidium culture method, one step can not be less, otherwise it will affect the growth of Cymbidium.

two。 Four points for attention in Orchid Culture

(1) points for attention in Cymbidium culture, change the basin.

Gentleman orchid, right? you need to change the pot once a year, if you don't change the pot, it will be very difficult to blossom, because of the insufficient supply of nutrients. So March and April every year is the best season for the orchid to change the pot, at this time the orchid will begin to split slowly, so changing the pot is also conducive to the growth of the root system, if the ramet is good, the cultivation of 2 taels can expel the beautiful flowers.

(2) points for attention in Cymbidium Culture Water quality

Generally speaking, when we water it, we will take the tap water and put it in the sprinkler pot to water it directly. In fact, this is not possible. It is best to put the tap water in the basin for more than three days, and then to water the magnolia. Because now tap water generally contains a lot of bleach is harmful to the orchid, will directly affect the flowering time.

(3) temperature for attention in Cymbidium culture

The most suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is about 15-22 degrees, so it is necessary to put it in a cool place when it is very hot in summer, and do not put it outdoors at night when it is colder in winter, if the temperature during the day is above 10 degrees, the temperature difference between day and night had better be about 10 degrees, otherwise it will affect the flowering of Cymbidium.

(4) points for attention in the cultivation of Magnolia.

Do not want the orchid to blossom early once a week to fertilize, fertilizing twice a month is the best, it is best to spray on the leaves, so that fertilization can make the leaves more luxuriant, but also can improve the speed of flowering.

The above four points for attention, you must remember, otherwise it will affect the flowering of the orchid!

What are the advantages of watering magnolia with beer?

I believe that friends who breed magnolia have heard of the method of watering magnolia with beer! So what are the advantages of watering magnolia with beer? How often is it best to water it? The arrangement for you is as follows:

1. It is best to water the orchid with beer once a month, because the beer contains a lot of elements, which can give the orchid proper nutrition, but it will be bad if you are eager for success. So watering magnolia with beer once a month is the best. But it should be noted that it is best to water the arrow when the gentleman's orchid is about to come out, so as to avoid the situation of entrapment of the arrow. And when pouring, it must be diluted with water, the specific ratio is 1: 50.

two。 Spraying the leaves of Cymbidium with beer has the advantage of fertilizing; applying beer to the leaves of Cymbidium can prevent the leaves from yellowing; spraying Cymbidium with beer when blooming can make the flowers bloom more luxuriantly.

The above are several advantages of watering magnolia with beer, remember to collect them!

Conclusion: the above are the 7 steps and 4 matters needing attention of the cultivation method of Cymbidium for everyone. I hope I can help you. This paper is integrated with the network.