
How to raise pigeons? How to select seeds?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pigeon is a very common bird in our life, it is distributed all over the world, and it is also widely raised. The pigeon we usually talk about is one of the hundreds of pigeon species of the family Pigeonidae, and among the domestic pigeons, the most common pigeon is the carrier pigeon.

Pigeon is a very common bird in our life, it is distributed all over the world, and it is also widely raised. The pigeon we usually talk about is one of the hundreds of pigeon species of the family Pigeonidae, and among the domestic pigeons, the most common pigeon is carrier pigeon, which can be used for racing flight and sending messages. Humans have been raising pigeons for thousands of years. Pigeons are good at flying, small and flexible, and have various colors of feathers. They mainly feed on grain, are easy to domesticate and are suitable for living with humans. So how do we raise pigeons?

1. Selection of pigeons

Pigeon breeding can be divided into two categories: ornamental pigeon and meat pigeon. The ornamental pigeons are mainly white pigeons, fine clothing pigeons, flower tiger pigeons, black cover pigeons and so on. Their feathers are beautiful and bright, and their bodies are small and exquisite, so they are very suitable for breeding as ornamental pigeons. And meat pigeons are mainly Mengdan pigeons, king pigeons, hemp ridge pigeons, are one of the world's famous meat pigeon species, they are generally larger, heavier weight, suitable for consumption.

In the selection of species to choose suitable for local breeding species, the weight of breeding pigeons is generally about 1.5 jin, too fat pigeons will be crushed pigeon eggs, breeding pigeon reproductive capacity is also relatively strong, generally need to achieve annual production of pigeons in more than six pairs of standards.

2. Feeding of pigeons

Pigeons generally feed mainly on grain, and pigeon feed is mainly in the form of miscellaneous grains, such as wheat, sorghum, corn, peas, buckwheat and so on. When feeding, we should pay attention to the mixture of at least two kinds of feed for feeding. During training, you should add more miscellaneous grains.

Pigeons also have a variety of supplementary food choices, such as green vegetables, cabbage, wheat seedlings or pigeon-specific green feed or mineral feed, and so on. Pigeons need to be fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, about ten hours apart. Generally speaking, the amount of feed for each adult pigeon should reach about 50 grams per day, accounting for about 1/3 of the total daily feed in the morning and about 2/3 in the afternoon. More feed can be added during training. In order to facilitate the training of the pigeon's habit of automatic homing, the general feed will wait until the pigeon returns to the pigeon house before feeding.

3. Management of pigeons

Pigeon houses should be built in places where dry ventilation can reach the sun, and usually do a good job in the prevention and prevention of pigeon diseases, especially pigeon plague and pigeon pox, which are extremely harmful to pigeon breeding. when diseases are found, they should be isolated in time to prevent the spread of the disease, sick pigeons should be treated in time, and healthy pigeons should also prevent infection.

It is best to establish a reasonable vaccine immunization plan, receive the vaccine on time and on time, and take precautions against it. At the same time, attention should be paid to the cleaning of pigeon houses in daily life, and disinfection is often carried out to prevent the growth of germs.

The above is the Tuliu Network editor to bring you how to select species and how to breed. I hope it will be helpful to all of you.