
How much is the crayfish seedling per jin? How to breed it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Crayfish live in wetlands, lakes and ditches with shallow water and abundant aquatic plants. They are popular because of their delicious meat, as well as their omnivorous, fast growth and strong adaptability, so there has been no shortage of start-up investors. In recent years, it has become important in China.

Crayfish live in wetlands, lakes and ditches with shallow water and abundant aquatic plants. They are popular because of their delicious meat, as well as their omnivorous, fast growth and strong adaptability, so there has always been no shortage of entrepreneurial investors. In recent years, crayfish has become an important economic breeding species in China, so how much is the crayfish seedlings per jin? How to breed it?

How much is the crayfish seedling per jin

The market price of crayfish seedlings is about 1530 yuan per catty. It is worth noting that the crayfish mentioned at present are all one species, and there is no "hybrid variety". Because the cost is too high and the natural seedlings are abundant and cheap, the artificial seedlings are still in the laboratory stage. In addition, do not mistakenly believe that it is a new species that has been domesticated and kill each other less and buy lobster species at a high price from other places. At the same time, many people think that as long as they are put into planting lobsters in the first year, they can reproduce continuously and get good profits year after year. In fact, the yield of lobster culture is the highest in the first year, and then decreases year by year, because the life cycle of lobster is 16-18 months, coupled with inbreeding, functional degradation, disease resistance decline, production will drop sharply or even no harvest after 3 years.

Does raising crayfish make money?

At present, based on the estimate of 40 jin of breeding shrimp per mu, the number of female shrimp per mu is 40 jin / mu × 10 / jin = 400 / mu. According to the survival and spawning rate of 50%, 400 / mu × 100 / time × 2 times / 80% yearly 64000 shrimps / mu / year, the survival rate from spawning to growing up is 8% to 30%. According to the lowest 8% calculation, the total number of adult shrimp is 64000 / year × 8% / mu / year. The body weight of each adult shrimp grows to 50 grams (about 10 / jin), and the total annual yield per mu is 5120 / mu / 10 / jin = 512 jin / mu / year. Calculated according to 6 yuan / jin, the annual gross profit per mu is 512 jin × 8 yuan / jin = 4096 yuan / mu. Net profit = gross profit 4096 yuan-seed purchase cost (40 jin × 50 yuan) 2000 yuan = 2096 yuan / mu.

Third, how to raise crayfish?

1. Select Pond

The water source of crayfish culture requires fresh water quality, sufficient dissolved oxygen, no pollution, pool ridge width of more than 3 meters, pond area should not be too large, generally 3-8 mu is appropriate. It is worth noting that the crayfish has a strong escape ability, so it is necessary to do a good job in the construction of escape prevention facilities.

two。 Clear pond disinfection

Pond cleaning disinfection can effectively kill enemy organisms in the pond (catfish, Loach, snakehead, snake, rat, etc.) and wild miscellaneous fish (common carp, crucian carp, etc.) and pathogens, and quicklime and bleaching powder can be used, which is economical, affordable and safe.

3. Plant aquatic plants

Aquatic plants play an important role in lobster culture, and the general area accounts for half of the pond. Low-stem Reed, Zizania caduciflora, Elorella verticillata, verticillium verticillata can be selected, and some empty cans, bamboo tubes and tree roots can be put at the bottom if possible.

4. Fertilization in shrimp ponds

Applying an appropriate amount of organic fertilizer to the shrimp pond to cultivate bait organisms can directly provide natural bait for the shrimp after entering the pond, but the choice of fertilizer amount and time depends on the fat and thinness of the water, and the transparency of the pond water is kept at about 35 cm.

5. Lobster stocking

Lobster seedling release is divided into spring release and autumn release, which requires neat specifications, complete appendages, disease-free and injury-free, and foot release at one time. Wash for 5 minutes with 5% salt water for 10 minutes before stocking to kill parasites and pathogenic bacteria.

6. Feed selection

Lobster is omnivorous, animal feed mainly includes small fish chips, dried fish meal, snail clam meat and various animal offal, while plant feed mainly includes rapeseed cake, soybean meal, wheat bran, wheat, corn, pumpkin and all kinds of vegetables and upland grass.

7. Feed

Crayfish are mostly active and foraging at night, and they are fed once at 10: 00 in the morning and 4: 00 in the afternoon. The amount of feeding in the afternoon accounts for about 70% of the total daily feeding. The daily feeding amount can be increased or decreased appropriately according to the weather, water quality and shrimp activities.

8. Daily management

Crayfish culture should patrol the pond every day and pay attention to the changes of water color and lobster activities. If shrimp are found to come ashore or climb on aquatic plants and refuse to enter the water, they should check whether the water is lack of oxygen or the water quality is deteriorating, and corresponding measures should be taken, such as increasing oxygen and changing water.