
How are pigeons raised?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pigeons are a very common bird and are now widely farmed. Pigeon farming is now a good agricultural project and has been widely promoted. So how do pigeons grow? Let's learn together with Xiaobian now! I. Maintenance

Pigeons are very common birds and have been raised on a large scale. Now raising pigeons is a good agricultural project, which has been promoted on a large scale. So how to raise pigeons? Now follow the editor to study!

I. Construction of breeding farms

Pigeon is a kind of animal with high alertness and easy to be disturbed, so the pigeon farm is generally built in a quiet and convenient place. Pigeons are generally raised in cages or in greenhouses. At the same time, the pigeon house should be built in a sunny, smooth and dry place. After choosing the address, you can buy the pigeon house directly, if the breeding quantity is large, or if you have special requirements for the pigeon house specifications, you can customize the pigeon house. In addition, the farm needs to be surrounded, because pigeons are easy to fly away when they are not well trained at first.

II. Seed selection and breeding

A very important point of raising pigeons is the choice of breeding pigeons, which is directly related to the health of pigeons. When choosing breeding pigeons, we should choose pigeons with strong fecundity and strong immunity as breeding pigeons, and the weight of breeding pigeons should not be overweight. At the same time, records should be made during breeding, high-quality breeding pigeons should be selected for key training, and the rest can be screened out.

III. Feeding techniques

Breeding technology is the most important part of pigeon breeding.

Pigeon feed should be based on miscellaneous grains, which can be fed with wheat, sorghum, corn, mung beans and peanuts, and the two kinds of feed can be mixed at 1:1. In addition, vegetables such as cabbage and cabbage and mineral feed should also be given. Feed twice a day with an interval of 10 hours. The amount of feeding in the afternoon should be more than that in the morning. The feeding quantity of pigeons can be increased when training pigeons.

Pigeon houses with a density of about 8-10 square meters can feed 30 pairs of breeding pigeons, and 10-20 square meters can feed about 80 pairs of young pigeons. The boxes need to be separated by iron frames in the house to prevent fighting with each other.

IV. Daily management

Pay attention to the hygiene of the pigeon house, generally every other day to do pigeon house cleaning, half a month to do pigeon house disinfection. In addition, a fence should be built to prevent pigeons from escaping and causing unnecessary losses.

V. Prevention and control of epidemic diseases

With the increase of the number of pigeons, the incidence of pigeons is getting higher and higher. So be extra careful when raising pigeons. The most common diseases of pigeons are yellow, pigeon pox, pigeon cholera and other diseases, which can be prevented by targeted vaccination. At the same time, if a pigeon is found to be sick, it should be quarantined immediately, so as not to infect other pigeons and cause heavy losses.

The above is the pigeon breeding method summarized by for you, pigeon breeding is indeed a good way to get rich in rural areas, if you have this intention, then hurry up to learn!