
How to raise colorful fairy fish? Would you like some salt?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Colorful fairy fish originated from the Amazon River Basin, colorful and rich, wild colorful fairy fish color will be different according to the color of the water, so it is often called the king of tropical ornamental fish, there are red color, blue color, brown color three categories

Colorful fairy fish originates from the Amazon River Basin and is colorful and rich. the color of wild colorful fairy fish varies according to the color of the water, so it is often called "the king of tropical ornamental fish". There are red colorful, blue colorful, brown colorful three categories, at present, most of them are artificially cultivated, so how to raise colorful fairy fish? Do you need to put salt in breeding?

Do you need salt to raise colorful fairy fish?

Many fish friends have indicated that putting some salt into the fish tank properly when raising fish can enhance the vitality of the fish, so can you also put salt in the culture of colorful fairy fish?

1. Colorful fairy fish do not need to add salt when they are healthy

Colorful fairy fish prefer to live in a weakly acidic water quality environment, and the addition of salt will actually increase the PH value of the water, that is, it will show alkalinity, which can easily reduce the resistance of the colorful fairy fish itself, resulting in a variety of diseases, and if salt is added for a long time, and the quantity is large, it will change the original body color of the colorful fairy fish, and will also destroy the body shape.

2. The sick colorful fairy fish can be properly salted.

The disease of colorful fairy fish is mostly bacterial infection, adding an appropriate amount of salt can play a role in sterilization and anti-inflammation, which is conducive to the recovery of fish health. In this process, attention should also be paid to the proportion of salt added. Generally speaking, sea salt is the main salt in fish culture.

In addition, in the periodic fish tank disinfection, you can also put some salt.

Second, how to raise colorful fairy fish?

1. Water quality

First of all, to raise colorful fairy fish, you must choose soft water, and make sure that the PH value of the water is between 6.2 and 6.8, that is, neutral or weakly acidic.

In addition, in view of the water quality problem, we must not suddenly change the water quality of the fish tank, and clean up the excreta in the fish tank in time to avoid causing water pollution.

When changing water, it is recommended to change the water twice a week, each time to change the water in the fish tank 1 to 3. When changing water, do not directly and rudely pour water into the fish tank, but to reduce the impact of the current on the colorful fairy fish, which needs to be injected slowly, otherwise it is easy to cause shock and environmental discomfort.

2. Water temperature

When raising colorful fairy fish, it is appropriate to keep the water temperature at 25 ℃-28 ℃. If the fish itself is relatively healthy, then the water temperature is higher or lower than this temperature, it is easy to produce some bad symptoms or even get sick.

3. Bait

Colorful fairy fish belong to omnivorous fish species, so we should pay attention to dietary matching in the feeding process, and we should not only feed them the same kind of food for a long time.

Specific bait can be selected: small fish, shrimp, small shell meat, small insects, fine earthworms, red worms, beef heart, shrimp, fish, squid, chicken, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and so on.

In addition, some multivitamins and hyperchromic agents can be added to the diet, which can be extracted from nature, such as spirulina, astaxanthin and so on.

4. Mixed culture

Generally speaking, it is best not to mix the colorful fairy fish, if you must, you can choose the same size of moonlight fish, zebrafish, Mary fish and so on.

Generally speaking, the vitality of colorful fairy fish is still relatively tenacious, even if it is a novice fish culture, as long as these daily management is in place, it can also raise colorful fairy fish lively and healthy.