
Turtle culture strategy: different management points should be distinguished at different times.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the gradual improvement of soft-shelled turtle culture level, the production of soft-shelled turtle increases rapidly, and the market price of soft-shelled turtle is affected by the relationship between supply and demand, which brings a great test to the soft-shelled turtle culture industry. In the face of the complicated and confusing market, in order to reduce the risk of breeding, we must master each time well.

With the gradual improvement of soft-shelled turtle culture level, the production of soft-shelled turtle increases rapidly, and the market price of soft-shelled turtle is affected by the relationship between supply and demand, which brings a great test to the soft-shelled turtle culture industry. In the face of the complicated and confusing market, in order to reduce the risk of aquaculture, we must master the details of aquaculture management at each point in time, and let's understand the management mode from January to December.


January is the coldest month of the year. In order for the young soft-shelled turtles released in November last year to survive the winter safely, it is necessary to ensure a suitable temperature in the plastic greenhouse or greenhouse, which requires frequent inspection of the greenhouse and the pipes for conveying hot water. The cost of hot water in the turtle pond is too high to change water frequently, so attention should be paid to the use of filtration to purify water quality. While maintaining the temperature of water used for raising soft-shelled turtles, attention should be paid to baiting to speed up the growth of juvenile soft-shelled turtles.


The management in February is basically the same as in January. Mainly to maintain a suitable water temperature and pay attention to changes in water quality, because in winter heating and breeding as usual, the water quality is very easy to deteriorate, sometimes become malodorous, need to change water at any time to improve water quality.


The weather is getting warmer in March, but it is still colder in the morning and evening. It is still necessary to check the heating facilities frequently to keep the water warm. Due to the increase of temperature, the growth of soft-shelled turtle is accelerated and the excretion increases, which is easy to worsen the water quality. under the condition of saving cost and not changing water as far as possible, circulating filtration can be carried out to change water or inflate to reduce the cost of raising soft-shelled turtle. The weather is getting warmer in March, but it is still colder in the morning and evening. It is still necessary to check the heating facilities frequently to keep the water warm. Due to the increase of temperature, the growth of soft-shelled turtle is accelerated and the excretion increases, which is easy to worsen the water quality. under the condition of saving cost and not changing water as far as possible, circulating filtration can be carried out to change water or inflate to reduce the cost of raising soft-shelled turtle.


After several months of heating and breeding, the average weight of the juvenile soft-shelled turtle released last year in April has reached about 200g. At this time, the temperature of the pond water should be gradually reduced or stopped, so that the water temperature of the pond is equal to that of the normal temperature turtle pond (about 25 ℃). At this time, the most important work is: first, different specifications of soft-shelled turtles will be released separately, the stocking density is generally 2.5 kilograms / square meters. The selected young soft-shelled turtles continue to be heated and cultured to accelerate their growth. The second is the management of parent turtles. When the natural water temperature rises above 20 ℃, the parent soft-shelled turtle at room temperature should be fed with more animal bait, and the feeding amount should be adjusted gradually according to the water temperature and the feeding condition of the soft-shelled turtle.


When the temperature rises in May, the amount of feed should be gradually increased, and the general animal diet should account for about 20% of the total body weight of soft-shelled turtles. As the soft-shelled turtle enters the breeding season in late May, it is necessary to clean up the spawning site ahead of time and prepare hatching equipment.


The water temperature gradually stabilized in June, and the bait was given flexibly according to the weather conditions, with more in sunny days and less in rainy days. The amount of feed increased to about 3% of the body weight. Spawning gradually increase, every day to patrol, check the spawning site, lay eggs in time, and flatten the sand of the spawning ground, pay attention to do not make the spawning ground stagnant water on rainy days.


The water temperature rises rapidly in July, and the feeding and growth of soft-shelled turtle is vigorous, which is the most important period. During this period, the feeding amount was 3%-3.5% of the total body weight of soft-shelled turtles. Use heating equipment to open doors and windows and plastic sheds to maintain good ventilation. This month is the peak spawning period for soft-shelled turtles. Attention should be paid to collecting eggs every day and sending them to the hatchery in time for hatching. When the weather is dry, pay attention to spraying water on the sand of the spawning ground to maintain a certain degree of humidity.


In August, measures should be taken to reduce the impact of high temperature, keeping the water temperature of the turtle pond below 35 ℃ and controlling the amount of feeding at 3% of the body weight. Half of the juvenile soft-shelled turtles put in in April of that year have reached the specification of more than 500 grams by August, and some of them can be caught on the market. Careful fishing operations should be carried out to reduce soft-shelled turtle injuries. The breeding of soft-shelled turtle usually ends in mid-August, and the focus of management turns to the hatching of soft-shelled turtle eggs. The appropriate temperature and humidity should be controlled to improve the hatching rate of soft-shelled turtle eggs. Another important task of this month is to strengthen the management of newly hatched juvenile soft-shelled turtles to keep the water temperature of juvenile soft-shelled turtle ponds at 30 ℃. Juvenile soft-shelled turtles must be fed with appropriate open feed-water fleas. In order to prevent outdoor injury, the juvenile turtle pond usually needs to be covered with a metal protective net.


In September, the water temperature began to drop, and the amount of feeding should be appropriately reduced, which is generally 2%-3% of body weight. In this month, the management of juvenile soft-shelled turtles should be especially strengthened. When the water temperature drops below 30 ℃ in late September, appropriate heating measures should be taken to keep the juvenile soft-shelled turtle eating vigorously and promote its growth. The stocking density of juvenile soft-shelled turtles is 150 per square meter. For the parent soft-shelled turtle after spawning, it is necessary to strengthen nursing. High-quality animal feed, mineral additives and multivitamins are added to the feed to restore its physical strength quickly.


The water temperature dropped rapidly in October. Juvenile soft-shelled turtles are generally heated and raised from the first ten days of October. Check and repair heating facilities and disinfect each pond with quicklime or bleach. When the water temperature of the pond reaches 30 ℃ by artificial heating, the juvenile soft-shelled turtle (the weight is 25g, the stocking quantity is 100ind / m2) is put in. When stocking, pay attention to separate ponds of different specifications of turtle.


November entered the full overwintering stage. The turtle can be caught in the first ten days, and those that meet the commodity specifications can be listed, and the small ones can continue to be heated and farmed. The adult turtle ponds and parent turtle ponds should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and restocked according to the specifications. The soft-shelled turtle with good growth, no injury and no disease should be chosen as the parent turtle for overwintering. Attention should be paid to strengthening bait in juvenile turtle ponds during heating culture. The general feeding amount is 4% to 5% of body weight.


The outdoor temperature continues to drop in December and the weather is cold. Heating facilities should be checked regularly to make them operate normally so as to maintain the water temperature of the turtle pond. The feeding management of juvenile soft-shelled turtles will be strengthened, and the feeding amount is generally 4% or 5% of body weight. Parent turtles do not bait during hibernation at room temperature. Replenish the pool regularly.