
Teach you to distinguish between native honey and ordinary honey from these eight points!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Honey is loved by many people because of its high nutritional value and health care effect. among many kinds of honey, native honey is more popular because of its high nutritional value and good quality. So, what's the difference between native honey and ordinary honey? In order to

Honey is loved by many people because of its high nutritional value and health care effect. among many kinds of honey, native honey is more popular because of its high nutritional value and good quality. So, what's the difference between native honey and ordinary honey? In order to learn how to distinguish between native honey and ordinary honey, let's follow the editor.

I. Bee species

1, soil honey: soil honey is collected by wild soil bees, that is, Chinese honeybees, small, black back, strong adaptability, generations of reproduction, do not need artificial feeding, belong to wild bee species.

2. Ordinary honey: ordinary honey is collected by Italian bee, which is larger than Chinese honeybee, has a slightly yellow back and poor adaptability, so it needs to be fed artificially.

Second, brewing cycle

1. Native honey: the brewing cycle of native honey is longer than that of ordinary honey, some of which take about a year, and it is more difficult to divide flower species. There are many kinds of flowers for collecting honey, mainly wild mountain flowers.

2. Ordinary honey: the brewing cycle is short, which can be divided into litchi honey, Linden honey, jujube nectar, acacia honey and so on.

Third, color

1. Soil honey: because soil honey is collected from wild mountain flowers, it is mixed with pollen, the color is not as clear and yellow as ordinary honey, and the color is mostly golden and crimson, mixed but not turbid.

2. Ordinary honey: light honey color and good transparency.

IV. Appearance

1. Soil honey: it is more sticky, delicate and solidified at room temperature, which is mixed with oil and pollen, propolis, beeswax and other ingredients.

2. Ordinary honey: the appearance is thin and transparent, the moisture is large, and the composition is single. You can't connect silk with a spoon.

5. Taste

1. Native honey: because of the miscellaneous flowers and many substances, there is a strong flavor of Chinese herbal medicine, which is rich in flavor and mixed with all kinds of flavors.

2. Ordinary honey: the taste is ordinary, the taste is single, and the honey is light without thick sticky feeling.

VI. Crystallization

1. Soil honey: in the case of low temperature, soil honey is easy to crystallize after standing, and the particles are fine, delicate and soft after crystallization.

2. Ordinary honey: it is not easy to crystallize. When the temperature is low, a small amount of crystals are occasionally seen, and there are larger visible particles during crystallization.

VII. Nutritional value

Native honey has miscellaneous food habits, and honey is a mixed type of nectar, which contains royal jelly, propolis, beeswax, etc., with more complete nutrients, a large number of flower substances, minerals, amino acids and so on, and its nutritional value is much higher than that of ordinary honey.

VIII. Price

Because the soil honey is pure natural, the output is small, the nutritional value is obviously higher than the ordinary honey, so the price is also higher than the ordinary honey, according to the current market situation, the ordinary honey is more than the soil honey, the pure soil honey is more difficult to meet.

The above is from different angles for your analysis of how to distinguish between ordinary honey and soil honey, do you understand?