
How much is the price of native chicken per jin in 2019? Soil-attached chicken breeding technology!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Native chicken is very popular because of its delicious meat and good market prospects. Many investors are optimistic about this investment prospect and invest in breeding. So, how much is the price of 2019 native chicken per jin? What are the breeding techniques for native chickens? Let's get to know it together. One, 20

Native chicken is very popular because of its delicious meat and good market prospects. Many investors are optimistic about this investment prospect and invest in breeding. So, how much is the price of 2019 native chicken per jin? What are the breeding techniques for native chickens? Let's get to know it together.

How much is the price of 2019 local chicken per jin?

This year, the local chicken market price is good, gradually rising, people gradually realize that the local chicken is a very good nourishing health care products, the local chicken retail price in many places has been sold to 30 yuan per jin, and the local chicken price in most areas has reached more than 20 yuan per catty. Basically, the local chicken prices sold on the market range from 20 to 30 yuan per jin, depending on the region and breed. The price provided here is for your reference only. The price will fluctuate up and down according to the market situation at any time.

2. Breeding techniques of native chicken

1. Select land to build a chicken house to buy seedlings

First of all, we should choose a good breeding farm, that is, the place where chickens are raised, and build chicken sheds. It is suggested that everyone had better choose to breed in the garden. If there are no conditions, we can only breed indoors. It is best to have a garden at home, and there is a natural environment in the garden. So it is very suitable for the growth of chickens. It is best to build a chicken coop for the first time, and then expand the scale when you are experienced. Of course, experienced breeders can ignore it. This is just to reduce everyone's loss. If you buy seedlings, you'd better buy high-quality chicks in the first year, and choose the varieties of chickens to be raised according to your own breeding preferences.

2. Drinking water and diet

After the chicken coop is built, the daily diet is managed, and the staple food can be corn kernels, rice or rice kernels, and usually put them outside. Chickens will find food by themselves, add water to water dishes on time, and provide adequate water supply. They can also feed some green vegetable leaves and other foods to supplement the balance and comprehensiveness of nutrition to meet the needs of their growth and development. Native chickens with diversified foods will grow better.

3. Vaccination

It is very important to vaccinate chickens. Chicken plague and chicken diseases can easily break out in farms, so every chicken should be vaccinated regularly. The cost is calculated according to the number of chickens, and the general price is 20 yuan per chicken. In addition, local chickens should be dewormed regularly to ensure the smooth growth of native chickens.

4. Daily life

In general, it is OK to let chickens live and grow naturally. In autumn and winter, due to the drop in temperature, chickens can stay more in the chicken coop, and at other times, they can come out and move freely in the garden or farm. The meat of the native chicken with better activity is more delicious, disinfect and sterilize the chicken coop and farm regularly, and take some preventive measures against nearby weasels and other threats to ensure the safety of chicken life and reduce unnecessary losses.

The above is the farming technology of native chicken sorted out by for you. The market prospect of native chicken breeding is good, and farmers with conditions can consider investing in farming.