
How much is a rabbit? How to divide the male from the female?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rabbit is a mammal, there are 9 genera and 43 species, widely distributed in Asia, Africa, America and other places, there are wild and domestic, domestic is divided into livestock and pets. So, how much is a rabbit? How does the rabbit divide the male from the female? What are the living habits of rabbits?

Rabbit is a mammal, there are 9 genera and 43 species, widely distributed in Asia, Africa, America and other places, there are wild and domestic, domestic is divided into livestock and pets. So, how much is a rabbit? How does the rabbit divide the male from the female? What are the living habits of rabbits? Let's get to know it together.

How much is a rabbit?

There are many kinds of rabbits, and the prices of different kinds of rabbits are also different. ordinary rabbits are generally about 10-30 yuan, and another breed is also a key factor in determining the price. Chinese white rabbits are about 15 yuan, purebred mini rabbits are about 2000 yuan, cats and rabbits are about 2000 yuan, Haitang rabbit is about 200 yuan, princess rabbit is about 30 yuan, and panda rabbit is about 20 yuan. The rabbit with drooping ears costs about 60 yuan each. In addition, rabbit prices are also different in different regions, the above is only the reference price, the specific price should also be based on the local market price.

Second, how does the rabbit divide the male and female?

It is more difficult for smaller rabbits to distinguish between male and female, especially those under 3 months old, the newborn rabbit can see the distance between its genitals and anus, the shorter distance is the female rabbit, the longer distance is the male rabbit, and you can also look at the shape of the genitalia. if the genitals are turned out in a cylindrical mouth or "O" shape, it is a male rabbit, if the genitals are valgus and show a narrow leaf shape or "V" shape. That is the female rabbit, the male rabbit will have a scrotum after adulthood, and with the increase of age, the testicles will fall into the scrotum. At this time, the male and female can be clearly distinguished.

What are the living habits of rabbits?

1. Timid and quiet

Rabbits have always been very timid, and if they suddenly hear a sound, they will run away or hide in an airtight space, or even have a loss of appetite. Female rabbits who are giving birth are often in dystocia or refuse to breast-feed their young rabbits, so raising rabbits should create a quiet environment for rabbits.

2. Be resistant to cold and heat

The rabbit's hair is very thick and can withstand the severe cold, and the adult rabbit can withstand the temperature below zero, but the rabbit is afraid of heat, and the rabbit sweat glands are underdeveloped, so it can not regulate the body temperature by sweating. If the temperature is too high and ventilation is not good, it will cause the rabbit to be medium-ripe or even die.

3. Walking around day and night

In addition to feeding, rabbits like to rest or sleep in cages during the day, but they are extremely active and eat frequently at night, accounting for about 75% of the total food intake at night, so rabbits must insist on feeding night grass.

4. Like to live in caves

Rabbits like burrowing, burrowing more frequently before breeding, pay more attention to the design and materials when building rabbit houses, and choose strong materials to prevent rabbits from escaping. In addition, we can also use mountains and hills for cave rearing. This is cheaper than building a breeding house.

5. Same sex belligerent

Rabbits are more aggressive between the same sex, adult male rabbits will chase each other when they meet, and female rabbits also bite each other when they are together, but the phenomenon of bites rarely occurs when male and female rabbits are together. therefore, in management, try not to raise adult male rabbits or adult female rabbits together, it is best to raise them separately.

The above is the rabbit-related knowledge that the editor has sorted out for you. I hope I can help you.