
How to raise white palm at home to be more exuberant? How long will it take to bloom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Now the potted plants that can be raised at home are more and more abundant, and the quality is getting higher and higher, in which the shelf life of white palm is relatively long, and the market price is mostly 10-15 yuan per pot, which is very suitable for family breeding. So how to raise potted white palm at home in order to be more exuberant?

Now the potted plants that can be raised at home are more and more abundant, and the quality is getting higher and higher, in which the shelf life of white palm is relatively long, and the market price is 10-15 yuan per pot, which is very suitable for family breeding. so how to raise potted white palm at home in order to be more exuberant? How long will it take to bloom?

First, potted white palm how to raise more exuberant?

1. Choose the culture method

White palm can be cultivated in both water and soil, but from the point of view of vigorous plant growth, soil culture is more suitable. Note that planting white palm is more suitable to use fertile soil with good permeability, usually can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil, perlite and a little river sand, in which perlite can be placed on the topmost layer, which is conducive to water infiltration.

2. Give enough light

White palms have a large demand for light, so when raising white palms at home, do not put them in a dark place for a long time, but let them bask in the sun to promote their photosynthesis, so that they can grow leaves and bloom early.

However, in the summer when the weather is relatively hot and the light is very strong, it is not recommended to keep the white palm in the "sun exposure" for a long time. It is necessary to move to a slightly cool position or do sunshade treatment.

3. Master the watering rhythm

We pay attention to the cultivation of white palm is "better dry than wet", so do not water too much, serious stagnant water will appear white palm leaves yellow and black, petals withered and other problems.

But we can not let the white palm dry up for a long time, lest the white palm lose its growth function and die of thirst due to lack of water.

4. Appropriate fertilization

If you want to make the white palm grow vigorously, you can fertilize it properly, but you should pay attention to the frequent application of thin fertilizer, no raw fertilizer, it is best to apply rotten cake fertilizer, irrigated with water, and the fertilization time is appropriate in the evening.

Second, how long will it take for potted white palm to blossom?

1. The florescence of white palm

If it is sowing and breeding white palm, it usually takes about 5 years to blossom, while transplanting white palm takes about 2 years to blossom.

In the natural state, the florescence of white palm is usually from May to August every year. But if it is raised in a greenhouse, it can blossom all the year round.

In addition, if you want the white palm to blossom more, you can spray gibberellic acid one month before flowering to promote the flower artificially.

2. The reason why white palm does not blossom

The main factors affecting the flowering of white palm are lack of light, lack of nutrition, poor root respiration under soil permeability and so on, which can be adjusted one by one to strengthen maintenance.