
What are the methods of clam culture? How to raise pearls with high yield?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Do you know? Pearl can be divided into seafood and freshwater products, regardless of seafood or freshwater products, can be divided into natural growth and artificial cultivation. Raising pearls by culturing mussels is a common way to cultivate pearls artificially, so what are the methods of culturing mussels? How to nurture

Do you know? Pearl can be divided into seafood and freshwater products, regardless of seafood or freshwater products, can be divided into natural growth and artificial cultivation. Raising pearls by culturing mussels is a common way to cultivate pearls artificially, so what are the methods of culturing mussels? How to raise pearls with high yield?

First, what are the culture methods of mussel?

1. Pond culture

In this method, the relatively young clams are generally cultured at the bottom of the pond, which usually requires the pond to keep a water depth of about 1.5 meters, and there is micro-running water to pour into the pond.

There are about 50,000 clams per mu in the pond, and they can also be mixed with grass carp, mackerel and other mild freshwater fish, but the number of fish should not be too large, and the number of fish per mu can be kept at about 200.

2. Cage culture

You can choose to use plastic wire or ethylene wire, iron wire and other woven cages for clam culture. Hang the cages in water about 40 cm deep and keep the distance between cages at about 1 meter. Specific water bodies can choose ponds, dry water, rivers, lakes, river lanterns with better water quality.

3. Daily culture management

(1) fertilization

Yes, it also needs to be fertilized to raise mussels. At the beginning, fermented organic manure is the main fertilizer, and 90kg can be applied per mu of water, once a week. There is no need to apply fertilizer in summer, and the water quality needs to be kept fresh. Re-fertilization can be done in winter.

(2) feeding

Put some soy milk, corn flour and soy powder in the water, and the amount of bait should be increased in autumn.

Second, how does the clam produce high beads?

1. Select the species of river clam for pearl breeding.

When cultivating mussels, it usually takes about 3 years to grow from young clams to pearl clams. However, it should be noted that mussels are also divided into many varieties, not all of which can be used to cultivate beads. The common species of Yuzhu clam are Hyriopsis cumingii and Hyriopsis cumingii, with high pearl yield and good quality.

2. Surgical treatment of bead breeding.

The best operation time for bead cultivation is from March to June and from September to October. The specific operation methods are as follows:

The mantle epidermis of the same kind of mussel was cut into small pieces of 5 square meters and 0.8 inches thick, sterilized with chlortetracycline or normal saline and transplanted into the mantle connective tissue of another clam. Artificial seedless pearls can be bred after about 2-3 years. If you want to grow nucleated pearls, you can transplant them with pearl shells or other artificial pearl nuclei during the operation.

3. Daily feeding

After the operation, it is more suitable for cage culture, be sure to ensure the cleanliness and fatness of the water quality, and patch the spit mussel. At the same time, we should do a good job in the prevention of Gill rot disease, water swelling disease and febrile disease of mussels.