
What are ants most afraid of? The six simplest and most effective ways to collect them!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Everyone should have seen ants. I remember when I was a child at Grandma's house, when it was about to rain, many ants would climb into the house, and then they would find that there were small ants in the sugar and the place where the oil and salt were placed. They brought their own bacteria and contaminated the food.

Everyone should have seen ants. I remember when I was a child at my grandmother's house, when it was about to rain, many ants would climb into the house, and then they would find that there would be small ants in the sugar and the place where the oil and salt were placed. They brought their own bacteria and would pollute the food, so how to destroy them? what are the ants most afraid of? The six simplest and most effective ways to collect them!

What smell, plants, animals and things ants are most afraid of?

1. What smell are ants most afraid of?

Ants are most afraid of the smell of prickly ash, pyrethroids, smoke, scrapped bicycle tubes or rubber gloves. Among them, about 10 pieces of pepper in the place where the ants travel can prevent ants from entering the home; ants will avoid when they smell pyrethroids; and the cut tobacco in the cigarette will stay away where the ants appear.

two。 What plants are ants most afraid of?

The plants that ants fear most are mosquito repellent, pitcher plant and mint. We all know that many small animals are afraid of the taste of mint, even mice, so they can plant some mint where ants appear to prevent them from entering. The reason why ants are afraid of pitcher plants is that pitcher plants can capture and digest insects and other small animals to get nutrients, which is called insectivorous plants, so ants will be eliminated as soon as they get close to pitcher plants.

3. What animals are ants most afraid of?

(1) the anteater that ants fear most

Anteater is an animal that specializes in eating ants, termites and insects as food, and its favorite food is ants, and its food intake is particularly large, one-time can eat 0.9 jin of ants, close to a jin, you say ants are afraid of it.

(2) the animal aphids that ants fear most.

Some aphids like to eat ants, but only a small number of aphids eat ants. Some aphids and ants live together, and sometimes ants protect them.

(3) the animal that ants fear most is frog.

Frogs like to eat small insects, especially small animals that ants like to crawl. If frogs happen to see ants while looking for food, they will not be picky about eating.

4. What are ants most afraid of?

(1) ants are most afraid of washing powder.

Put some laundry detergent in places where ants often appear so that ants don't come out.

(2) ants are most afraid of pesticides.

Ordinary pesticides can kill small worker ants that move out of the nest, but high-level ant species such as queens and queens are ineffective.

(3) ants are most afraid of leeks.

Ants avoid leeks, you can take advantage of this feature, put leeks near the seasoning jar, so that they are not afraid of ants in the place where they eat.

Ants are also afraid of white vinegar, lemon peel, grapefruit peel and so on.

Second, the six most simple and effective ways to eliminate ants have been collected!

1. Method 1: soak the cut tobacco in water for 2-3 days, sprinkle the juice on the ant-infested place, and sprinkle the juice for several days in a row, then the ants will not come again.

two。 Method 2: flooding. If you find an ant nest near your home, you can drown it by watering it. This method is more suitable for ants who nest in flowerpots.

3. Method 3: chemical control, using inhaled dust such as silicic acid (silica) powder to make ants die due to lack of water.

4. Method 4: use the washing powder ditch to block the ants, as soon as they enter the washing powder water, they will be drowned, which can be used in the places where the ants are infested.

5. Method 5: put the unwanted jar with some water and put it on the floor next to the drinking machine, and then the ants will not appear in the drinking machine.

6. Method 6: directly burn to death with fire, in the place where the ants appear or next to the ant nest, directly burn them with lighters or small torches to destroy them, this is the most simple and effective method.

Conclusion: the above is about what ants are most afraid of and the ways to eliminate them, hoping to help small partners in need. This paper is integrated with the network.