
Culture methods of Basha fish

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Basha fish is an important freshwater aquaculture species in Southeast Asian countries, with delicious meat and high nutritional value. So, what are the breeding methods of Basha fish? Let's get to know it together. The main results are as follows: 1. feed feeding Basha fish is mainly based on meat feed during the cultivation of young fish.

Basa fish is an important freshwater culture species in Southeast Asian countries, with delicious meat and high nutritional value. So, what are the breeding methods for basha fish? Let's find out together!

1. Feed feeding

Basa fish is mainly fed with meat feed when they are young. When they grow to the middle and late stages, they will change their feed to pellet feed. The growth of Basa fish requires higher protein, so we should feed them with higher protein, but we should also ensure the balance of other nutrients. We should start feeding them at least twice a day after they are young. The feeding amount depends on the total weight of the fish. Generally, it is about 1/10 of the fish weight. When the fish grows to the later stage, it should be fed once a day. In the process of feeding, the composition and time of feed should be adjusted according to the growth and eating situation of the fish.

2. Pond patrol observation

Patrol the pond at least once a day, observe the environment around the pond and the growth of fish, timely discover various abnormal conditions and take corresponding measures at any time, for example, if there is a disease precursor, immediately take out the suspected sick fish, disinfect the fish pond, check the specific disease of the sick fish, isolate and raise it, put it into the original pond when it recovers growth, change the water timely, and then determine the amount of water change according to various factors such as water quality and transparency.

3. Water quality management

With the growth of basha fish, its food intake will gradually increase, which also brings some problems. When the food intake increases, the excrement and residual feed of basha fish will affect the water quality and lead to the deterioration of water quality. Therefore, we should adjust it according to the specific conditions of water quality in time. Basha fish generally live in waters with small fluctuations and like to swim up and down. Therefore, we should deepen the water in the pond as much as possible. Pay attention to the water temperature when changing water. Do not change too much water. Cause the water temperature to drop and affect the growth of basha fish, to control the PH value in the water, acid will aggravate the occurrence of diseases, control the PH value to be alkaline, properly adjust the acidity and alkalinity, and create a good growth environment.

4. Disease prevention

There are many common diseases of basha fish. Prevention and control of diseases of basha fish should be done well. Because the pool water is deep, we cannot find it in time and it is difficult to control it. Therefore, we should control the water temperature well to ensure that the water temperature is within the range suitable for the growth of basha fish. Then, we should regularly use quicklime powder to completely disinfect the pond, and fish out the leftover bait in time. We should add preventive drugs to the bait properly. We should take measures against various bad weather. To prevent mechanical damage to fish body resulting in wounds.

The above is a small series of finishing Basha fish farming methods, I hope to help you!