
What diseases are easy to get in farmed geese? Attached goose influenza prevention and control technology!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Goose is a kind of poultry that is easy to be farmed. Because it is mostly in the stocking mode, it is easy to cause infectious diseases. In addition, goose breeding does not pay much attention to hygiene, and it is easy to have some diseases. What diseases are easy to get in farmed geese? Prevention and treatment of Influenza in Goose

Goose is a kind of poultry that is easy to be farmed. Because it is mostly in the stocking mode, it is easy to cause infectious diseases. In addition, goose breeding does not pay much attention to hygiene, and it is easy to have some diseases. What diseases are easy to get in farmed geese? Attached goose influenza prevention and control technology!

What diseases are easy to get in farmed geese?

1. Gosling plague

This is a disease that is easy to occur in farmed goslings, with high mortality and strong infectivity. the symptoms of the disease are yellow-green defecation, some white unknown liquid will adhere to the head, and the whole looks lethargic and depressed. The reason is that the disinfection measures at the initial stage of incubation are not perfect and thorough, and do not pay attention to protection after birth, resulting in poor disease resistance of goslings, and preventive measures are generally injected into newborn goslings. Pay attention to the observation in the later stage and control the temperature.

two。 Goose cholera

This is mostly caused by bacterial infection, and a period of occurrence is easy to appear in batches, so geese in the affected area should pay special attention to the geese in the affected area, and it is best to get vaccinated. Generally, they do not eat, diarrhea, coma, and serious direct death. At random, the geese with a precedent of disease must be injected with avian cholera vaccine. Penicillin and Tubesol are more common drugs for the treatment of these diseases.

3. Aspergillosis

This is largely caused by artificial feeding factors, generally because some moldy food is caused by indigestion, or eating something bad in the wild, the disease is caused by dyspnea, there is edema near the lungs, serious even open goose feathers, the treatment is relatively simple, feeding nystatin, once a day for two days The food fed in the middle should be diluted.

4. Taeniasis

This is a parasitic disease, often caused by geese bringing some worm eggs into the body when eating, which is difficult to control, and can only be prevented and treated in advance. The symptoms are loss of appetite, being unsociable and like to stay alone, walking and shaking, and the individual changes slowly. During treatment, a certain amount of Miyaoling is generally fed, and the feces taken after feeding must be handled well to avoid re-infection.

II. Prevention and control techniques of goose influenza

1. Injection of antiviral serum

Avian influenza antiserum or polyvalent ultra-high immune egg yolk antibody combined with interferon and interleukin can enhance the resistance and non-specific immune function of geese, repair damaged immune cells and tissues, which is beneficial to recovery. the effect is ideal in the early stage of the disease, which can often control the development of the epidemic and reduce death.

two。 Choose excellent drugs

Choose excellent drugs to reduce stress reaction, control bacterial secondary infection and prevent complications: Diamond needle combined with Banlangen, millet intramuscular injection; quick-acting cystic disease Ning, Kang Hou-ba, Victoria mixed with water, for free drinking of infected geese.

3. Pay attention to isolation of diseased geese

In the course of treatment, it is necessary to isolate sick geese for treatment, strengthen disinfection of belt geese, reduce the concentration of influenza virus in geese, clean up dead geese in time and reduce feeding density.

The above is the introduction of the diseases that are easy to occur in farmed geese and the prevention and control technology of goose influenza. Goose disease can only be prevented in advance. Once it is sick, it is easy to cause mass infection. Goose houses must be disinfected and cleaned up.