
Are all pheasants protected animals? What kind of environment does breeding need?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nowadays, people are used to eating big fish and meat, so they are very interested in all kinds of game, and the pheasant with good nutrition is one of them. Are all pheasants protected animals? What kind of environment does aquaculture need? First, the introduction of pheasants. Pheasant.

Nowadays, people are used to eating big fish and meat, so they are very interested in all kinds of game, and the pheasant with good nutrition is one of them. Are all pheasants protected animals? What kind of environment does aquaculture need?

I. introduction of pheasants

1. The origin of pheasants

Pheasant is a kind of juvenile rare bird domesticated by wild pheasant, also known as pheasant, colorful pheasant and pheasant with high edible, ornamental and medicinal value. In addition, pheasant is one of the most important hunting birds in the world, with a total of more than 30 subspecies, and as many as 19 subspecies are distributed in China. In China, pheasants are widely distributed in the north and south of the Yangtze River, from the south of Guangxi to the Daxing'an Mountains in the northeast.

two。 The value of pheasants

The meat quality of pheasant is rich in protein, amino acid and nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and iron, which is one of the best dietary supplements for people with anemia, qi deficiency and weakness. In addition, pheasant meat has the effect of invigorating the spleen and stomach, promoting appetite and stopping diarrhea. It has a certain effect on expectoration and brain, expectoration and prevention of Alzheimer's disease. In addition to eating, it is also good to make pheasants or their feathers into ornaments.

Are all pheasants protected animals?

Real pheasants are protected animals, so don't go hunting on the mountain by yourself. But now there are a lot of artificial pheasants can be eaten, we must buy must buy formal qualifications, procedures of the farm production of pheasants.

Third, what kind of environment is needed for pheasant breeding?

Pheasant has wide adaptability, cold resistance and rough living environment, so it is a good breeding project, but if you want to raise pheasant, you have to know its breeding environment.

1. Pheasant farms should choose places with high and dry terrain, sandy land, good drainage and slightly inclined to the south, and if they are raised in mountainous areas, they should choose places with windward direction, spacious area, ventilation, sunshine and good drainage. Of course, no matter where you choose, it should be quiet and safe, away from residential areas, industrial and mining areas, and convenient transportation, so as to facilitate the transportation of fodder and pheasants.

two。 Since breeder chickens have to be raised separately before mating, at least two henhouses should be built and modified. At the same time, the chicken house should also prepare food trough, drinking water trough and so on. The trough can be customized with wood chips, generally 1 meter long, 5 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters high. The trough can be fixed with big-eyed iron mesh or small pieces of wood to prevent chickens from entering the trough, and the sink can be replaced by plastic pots or other containers. If there are conditions, you can buy a special tower drinking fountain. Because chickens like sand bath very much, sand pools can be set up in the sports ground (river sand and stone sand can be set up, and the formula technology of health care sand can be taught in this island farm), or large plastic pots can be used to load sand in the sports ground, so attention should be paid to keeping the sand clean and dry.

3. The scale, equipment and degree of mechanization of pheasant farms can be determined according to the actual situation.

These are all the contents introduced by the editor of Farmers should also understand the market situation and find a good market during the breeding period, so as to avoid losses as far as possible.