
How to raise pigs in midsummer not to lose weight? These pig diseases should be prevented and treated!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pig is one of the important livestock, people have a great demand for it, for this reason, there are many farmers who raise this, but it is very afraid of heat, it is very easy to lose weight in the middle of summer, and the serious ones die of heatstroke, so it is necessary to do a good job of preventing heat and cooling. So, how to raise pigs in midsummer?

Pig is one of the important livestock, people have a great demand for it, for this reason, there are many farmers who raise this, but it is very afraid of heat, it is very easy to lose weight in the middle of summer, and the serious ones die of heatstroke, so it is necessary to do a good job of preventing heat and cooling. So, how can pigs not lose weight in midsummer?

First, how to raise pigs in midsummer not to lose weight?

1. Shade and summer: the weather in summer is very hot, and most of the countryside are open pig houses, but pigs have thick subcutaneous fat and underdeveloped sweat glands, so they are easy to get heatstroke. Therefore, farmers can build a temporary Arbor to prevent direct sunlight and achieve the goal of shading and avoiding heat.

2. pig house cooling: cool water can be used to wash the floor and walls of the pig house to achieve the purpose of reducing the temperature of the pig house; it can open all the ventilation holes in the pig house and let the four sides of the house be ventilated, which can reduce the house temperature and make the pig body cool and comfortable.

3, take a bath to dissipate heat: washing the pig body with water can help the pig body dissipate heat, pay attention not to use water to suddenly rinse the pig head, to prevent the blood vessels of the pig head from contracting strongly and shock; you can also dig a shallow pool in a corner of the pig house and pour it into clean water to let the pig soak itself in the pool to dissipate heat.

4, drinking water temperature regulation: hot should drink more water, pig body water accounts for 1/3 to 1/2 of the weight, summer pig daily drinking water is 23.8% of its own, can drink 0.5% of salt water, can regulate body temperature.

5. Drink to relieve summer heat: every day, pigs can be fed with vinegar or sauerkraut juice, white lentil, mung bean soup, watermelon skin juice, etc., vinegar and sauerkraut juice can appetizer, white lentils can relieve heat and stomach, mung bean soup can clear heat and relieve heat, watermelon skin juice can clear heat and relieve heat.

6. Adjust the feed structure: in order to keep the pig's appetite in a good state, the daily feed structure of pigs can be adjusted to reduce energy feed and increase green feed. 50% of energy feed and 50% of green feed are better.

7. adjust the feeding time: since the temperature is very high during the day and the pig's appetite is not good, it can be fed at night, at 7: 00 p. M., 11:00, and 4: 00 a. M. for 3 times, and salt water and green succulent feed can be fed during the day. Pigs not only do not lose fat, but also gain weight.

8. Reduce the breeding density: if the breeding density is too high, the pig's breathing and body surface heat dissipation will make the heat higher and higher, which is easy to cause the possibility of collective heatstroke and disease, so it is necessary to reduce the breeding density appropriately.

Second, what are the pig diseases to be prevented and treated in summer?

1. Eperythrozoonosis

Symptoms: it occurs frequently in summer, mainly through the bite of blood-sucking insects, and pigs with decreased resistance are prone to disease; it is an acute and febrile infectious disease caused by the eperythrozoon of pigs. it is characterized by fever, anemia, jaundice, dyspnea, red skin or extreme physical weakness of pigs, which can lead to death.

Prevention and control: do a good job of killing mosquitoes, flies, ticks, lice, fleas and other blood-sucking insects; feed high-nutrition full-price materials to maintain the health of pigs; strengthen environmental hygiene and disinfection to keep pig houses clean; tetracycline drugs such as oxytetracycline, doxycycline and chlortetracycline can be used after the disease.

2. Porcine erysipelas

Symptoms: hot season occurs more often, especially every year from March to September is a high-risk period, is caused by porcine erysipelas caused by an acute, febrile zoonotic disease, the initial onset of acute septicemia or subacute rash mass type, and then converted to chronic type, suffering from pigs often have arthritis, endocarditis, serious will lead to death.

Prevention and treatment: once it occurs, first, a large dose of penicillin is injected intramuscularly, amoxicillin is added to the feed, and the vaccine is injected after the epidemic has subsided.

3. Swine flu

Symptoms: autumn and winter is a high incidence period, but can be transmitted throughout the year; it is an acute, contagious respiratory disease of pigs, caused by influenza A virus (influenza A virus), characterized by sudden onset, cough, dyspnea, fever and rapid prognosis, usually outbreaks between pigs, highly contagious but usually does not cause death.

Prevention and treatment: isolate the infected pigs; disinfect the pig house; inject inactivated vaccine with swine flu adjuvant.

Conclusion: due to the high temperature in summer, farmers should not only pay attention to heat prevention and cooling, but also adjust the feed structure of pigs, adjust the feeding time and reduce the breeding density in order not to lose fat. In addition, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of pig disease.