
What kind of food does crayfish eat? Do you make money by raising crayfish?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crayfish, also known as freshwater crayfish, red crayfish, is a kind of freshwater economic shrimp with strong adaptability. So, what kind of food does crayfish eat? Do you make money by raising crayfish? Let's get to know it together. What kind of food does crayfish eat? Lobster is omnivorous.

Crayfish, also known as freshwater crayfish, red crayfish, is a kind of freshwater economic shrimp with strong adaptability. So, what kind of food does crayfish eat? Do you make money by raising crayfish? Let's get to know it together.

What kind of food does crayfish eat?

Lobsters are omnivorous animals. Under natural conditions, lobsters mainly eat organic detritus, algae, filamentous algae, roots, leaves and fragments of aquatic plants, especially succulent green plants, such as water lotus, water hyacinth, Malay, duckweed and bitter grass. Animal foods include water earthworms, earthworms, eggs of aquatic insects, pupae, snails, clams and fish. It can be fed with formula feed, by-products of agricultural by-product processing (cake, rice bran, wheat bran, etc.), scraps of slaughterhouse and all kinds of delicate land grass, melon and fruit, vegetable leaves and so on.

2. Feed crayfish

Lobster mainly eats at night, so the amount of feed fed at night accounts for 70-80% of the whole day's bait. The bait should be put in the shallow water beside the pool. The well can be fixed at a fixed time, fixed point and fixed quantity. Each pond can set up 2-4 bait observation tables to observe whether the bait is finished every morning to determine the amount of feed on the day. Too little feeding will inhibit the growth of lobsters or kill each other because of hunger. Too much will not only increase the cost but also worsen the pond environment, which is disadvantageous to the growth and molting of lobster. General shrimp bait or lobster special bait can be used. The daily feeding amount should be full, finished, and no residual bait should be left. Generally, the shrimp is 20-25% of the body weight, 15-20% of the body weight, and the prawn is 10-15% of the body weight, twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Third, does crayfish farming make money?

Judging from the market law of the past few years, the price of lobster was relatively high when it was first listed, and declined relatively when it was listed centrally in May and June. after August and September, the price rose again, with the change of people's eating habits. Crayfish is sought after by many young people. In recent years, the demand for lobster in the domestic market is very strong. In many large and medium-sized cities, the annual consumption of lobster is more than 10,000 tons. The exuberant consumer demand provides a broad development space and potential for the development of the lobster aquaculture industry, so there are broad prospects for the development of lobster aquaculture. According to the market in the past two years, crayfish farming is profitable, and the editor made a rough estimate. According to the current shrimp seedling price and all kinds of cost prices, raising 10 mu of crayfish can earn about 180000 yuan.

The above is the little knowledge of crayfish farming that Xiaobian has sorted out for you. Crayfish farming still needs more knowledge. I hope it can help you!