
How to diagnose sheep with anthrax? How to prevent it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sheep anthracnose is an acute, febrile and septic zoonotic disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, which is often sporadic or endemic. Sheep are the most susceptible to infection, and the disease has seasonal characteristics. It is the most changeable weather in spring and autumn.

Sheep anthracnose is an acute, febrile and septic zoonotic disease caused by anthrax bacilli, which is often sporadic or endemic, in which sheep are the most susceptible to infection, and the disease has seasonal characteristics. It is most likely to occur in changeable weather conditions in spring and autumn, so how to diagnose sheep suffering from anthrax? How to prevent it?

First, how to diagnose sheep with anthrax?

1. characteristics and symptoms of the disease

Anthrax in the natural invasion of the environment, the easiest to invade is a variety of herbivores, the most susceptible to infection, such as sheep, cattle and horses, the incidence of pigs is relatively small, and there is a certain degree of invasion to people who often come into contact with these animals. the outbreak of anthrax in sheep is the main source of infection, and the bacteria can be transmitted through saliva, urine and other factors. It will also be accompanied by the excretion of feces to be transmitted through a variety of natural factors, and the formation of spores may make the breeding area become an epidemic foci. The cause of the disease in sheep is mainly due to digestive tract infection caused by eating water and feed containing bacteria.

The incidence of anthrax is acute and sudden. After the disease, the sick sheep will suddenly be in a coma and cannot stand normally, the whole body will have spasms, the body temperature will quickly increase to more than 40 degrees, and the mucosal cyanosis will breathe louder. Shortness of breath or even inability to breathe, will die within a few hours, and the natural hole will begin to bleed before death. The causes of slow symptoms are temporary excitement, random movement and sitting discomfort at the beginning, and after this stage, you will begin to develop mental malaise, refusal to eat, rapid heartbeat and even excretion of stool mixed with blood.

2. Diagnostic method

First of all, wear anti-bacterial equipment, take a small amount of blood from the ear vessels on the dying or dead sheep for capsule smear staining and use a microscope to check if there are many bacteria on the capsule. there is no doubt that anthrax is a single or chain junction like bamboo knots. This bacteria is Gram-positive bacilli and is the main pathogen of anthracnose. When collecting blood, you should pay special attention not to let the blood spill on the ground. You can also take dead sheep blood and boil it with normal saline for half an hour, then filter it with filter paper after cooling, then add it to the glass tube and absorb it with a capillary tube, and slowly drop it on the upper layer of the serum to observe the results. If you find a white sedimentation ring, it will be anthrax.

Second, how to prevent sheep from anthrax?

Because sheep will die immediately within a few hours after suffering from anthrax, there is no effective treatment for the time being, so it can only be prevented in advance, and should be isolated immediately after discovering sick sheep. Sheep with similar symptoms should also be removed in time to feed separately and report the situation immediately to the relevant departments. Dead sheep should immediately bury all the substances such as feces, urine and soil that the body has come into contact with or burn them away from the normal sheep house. Disinfect the sheep house immediately, thoroughly disinfect the sheep with hot alkali water and bleach at least three times, at an interval of at least one hour, if any sheep have been sick, give the rest of the sheep anti-anthrax serum immediately, according to the instructions to decide the dosage should be regularly injected into the sheep non-toxic anthrax spore vaccine to prevent, but goats need to be injected with anthrax vaccine, lambs less than a year can not be injected with any drugs When dealing with anthrax, special attention must be paid to wearing anti-bacterial clothing to prevent transmission to the human body. Anthrax is a very bad infectious disease, and preparations must be made immediately when it is found. otherwise, it can cause all sheep to die immediately and cause inestimable economic losses.

Summary: the above is about how to diagnose sheep with anthrax and how to prevent the relevant introduction, I hope to help friends in need!