
How much is the nutria per jin? How do you raise it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nutria is an important fur animal, its meat is edible, and now it is farmed all over the world, and escapees in some areas have become invasive species. The nutria grows fast and has a strong ability to reproduce. How much is it per jin? How do you raise it? 1. How much is the nutria per jin

Nutria is an important fur animal, its meat is edible, and now it is farmed all over the world, and escapees in some areas have become invasive species. The nutria grows fast and has a strong ability to reproduce. How much is it per jin? How do you raise it?

How much is the nutria per jin?

The price of artificial breeding of nutria is about 250.30 yuan per jin, and about 350,380 yuan per pair. The whole body of a nutria is a treasure, and the market price is also very considerable. The feeding cost of a nutria is more than 40 yuan at most, but a jin of nutria meat can be sold for more than 20 yuan. Generally, it can be raised to 12 jin to 15 jin for sale, and one can sell for about 300 yuan. The profit is still very high. And raising nutria is not only low cost, easy to raise, easy to manage, but also does not pollute the environment.

Second, how to raise nutria?

1. Preparation of the site

Nutria farms vary from place to place, but its structure is characterized by adapting to the living habits of nutria. Therefore, the construction of their houses generally has three conditions: a nest (nest) for burrowing life, a playground for daytime activities and a pool for drinking and bathing. From the operational point of view, when the construction of the premises meets the above-mentioned requirements, attention should be paid to adapting measures to local conditions, using local materials, being beautiful and sturdy and economically applicable.

The address of the house should be higher, dry and easy to drain, toward the rising sun and more leeward, the ground soil is sandy, the surrounding environment is more secluded, in line with areas with less interference (less idle people, etc.), less pollution, less disease spread. Therefore, the distance from the main traffic line should be at least 300m and the distance from the sidewalk should be more than 100m.

There are many ways to raise nutria, such as captive breeding, room breeding and cage breeding. Taking captivity as an example, this paper introduces the requirements of the construction of its yard.

The characteristic of the captive farm is that it is not only suitable for rural families, the conditions are better, easy to meet the requirements of scientific feeding, but also suitable for large-scale breeding. It was built with a group as a unit, and its area (breeding) was about 5.6m2. First, the bottom of the pool or the side near the bottom should have a drain pipe leading to sewers or seepage wells, so that when changing water in the pool, Chen's old water can be vented. At this time, the pool wall can be cleaned. Second, the thickness of the wall is generally about 10~15cm. Due to different regions and different climatic conditions, the thickness can be slightly changed, which is suitable for application, firmness and economy. Third, each unit can be raised: (1) one mammal mother and its cubs; or (2) one male and 3 adult females; or (3) 6 cubs at the age of 10 months. When raising on a four-scale scale, several units can be built together, which not only saves materials and land, but also facilitates management.

2. Feed preparation

Nutria is a herbivore, the main food is plant feed, such as forage, vegetables, branch bark, seeds and additives and so on. Favorite forage grasses are: water grass, Reed, clover, alfalfa, barnyard grass, plantain, ancient grass, mother-in-law, etc.; vegetables include turnip, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, rape, eggplant, green radish, carrot, sweet beet, cucumber, etc.; branches and leaves have elm branches and leaves, poplar branches and leaves, Linden branches and leaves, birch branches and leaves; seeds have corn, soybean, sorghum, acorns and so on. In addition, bean stalks, bean skins, cereal grass, flower seedlings, sweet potato vines and so on can also be used as feed. Additive feed includes fish meal, bone meal, meat meal, yeast powder, blood meal and various vitamins, auxin, antibiotics, salt and various trace elements.

3. Preparation for epidemic prevention

Nutria can be infected with colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis and other infectious diseases, in the introduction should pay attention to prevention, for newly introduced or newly purchased individuals, regardless of their number, adhere to the early isolation breeding, and do a good job of vaccination.

4. Preparation for introduction

Before introduction, we should have a comprehensive and multi-faceted understanding of the source of seed supply, master the relevant basic knowledge, and go to the principle of purchasing by qualified units with seed and seedling management, adhere to the principle of comparison of quality, price and service, and adhere to the principle of nearby purchase. Control the quality, price and structure of good species.