
Breeding methods of insect Chicken

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The bug chicken gets its name from feeding the grain worm, in fact, it is the local native chicken, but because it is raised with insects, the meat is more delicious, and the market price of the bug chicken is higher than that of the ordinary chicken. So, today, the editor will introduce to you the method of raising bug chickens.

Bug chicken is named after feeding grain insects. In fact, it is a local native chicken, but because it is raised with insects, the meat tastes more delicious. The market price of bug chicken is higher than that of ordinary chicken. So, today Xiaobian will introduce you to the breeding method of insect chicken.

1. Select breeding hens

If you want to raise bug chickens well, the choice of breeding chickens is the most basic course. Although all chickens can become bug chickens through the breeding method of bug chickens, not all can be raised well. Therefore, we should choose chickens with bright fur color, uniform size and flexible health. Secondly, the choice of chicken seedlings should not be inbreeding as much as possible, which will affect the future egg production rate and the survival rate of chicken seedlings. Finally, the hen that laid the chicks had a high egg production rate, and such chicks would also have certain genetic properties, so they would be better.

2. Site construction

The breeding ground of insect chickens can be built in a three-dimensional way, because usually they only rest at night, so the resting ground adopts a three-dimensional mode, which can save certain costs. Secondly, we need to set up fences around the breeding ground to prevent insect chickens from escaping. At the same time, there needs to be a special area for insect chickens to eat, drink, walk, exercise and bask in the sun. As well as the farm and other facilities should be fully prepared, after the construction of the site needs to be disinfected, to disinfect clean before the chicken seedlings can be put into the breeding site.

3. Feeding methods

The breeding method is generally a combination of captivity and stocking, which is beneficial to the physical and mental health of the insect chicken. The breeding needs to be divided into three stages. The chicks are basically raised in captivity. They are fed several times a day. The amount of each time is not too much. The main method is to dry the insects and then add some vegetables and grass to feed them. When the chicks grow up slowly, they can directly put the insects without breaking them. Adult bug chickens can be semi-stocked, allowing them to find their own food, and at the same time, insects, vegetables, and processed bug feed are added from time to time. Bug chickens entering the egg stage generally need to control their food intake, otherwise it will affect the egg production rate. Usually, the amount is reduced by 8% on the basis of the original feed, and then slowly adjusted back when they give birth.

4. Feeding management

Feeding management is generally manifested in the management of the environment in the farm and other aspects. We should clean up the feces and food residues in the farm from time to time and disinfect them, so as to avoid insect chicken infection diseases. Secondly, adult cocks and hens should be raised separately, otherwise it will cause sexual confusion, affect the egg production rate and the reproduction of offspring. In the chick stage, we should carry out fluorescent lighting, so as to maintain the indoor temperature. Finally, the density of breeding should also be paid attention to, otherwise it will be trampled to death due to overcrowding, and group management will be carried out at different growth stages.

5. Mistakes in farming

At present, there is still a big misunderstanding about the breeding of insect chickens, that is, many people think that insect chickens need to use fresh insects so that they can grow better. In fact, this is not true, because many of the fresh insects carry parasites, which is not only not good for the growth and development of insect chickens, but also causes diseases. Secondly, there are still many people who think that insect chickens must only eat insects. This is also wrong. We must ensure its nutritional balance. Therefore, it is still necessary to feed some vegetables and miscellaneous grains in an appropriate amount.

The above is the breeding method of insect chicken sorted out by soil flow net, I hope it can help you!