
Can you eat razor clam when it's dead? Explain the selection method in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Every March to April, a large number of razor sticks will be on the market in our country. At that time, many people will buy some and fry them at home, but because they are not tolerant to preservation, they will die if they are not careful. Can they be eaten when they are dead? How do you choose? First, the introduction of Yuzi: 1. What is a razor? Razor seed

Every March to April, a large number of razor sticks will be on the market in our country. At that time, many people will buy some and fry them at home, but because they are not tolerant to preservation, they will die if they are not careful. Can they be eaten when they are dead? How do you choose?

First, the introduction of Yuezi:

1. What is a razor?

Oyster is a kind of seafood with a long, flat and square shell, the whole is light brown, the shell is thin and crisp, there are a lot of razor meat inside, and when at the seaside, there will be small openings at the front and rear ends to introduce water, feed on food or discharge feces, and after being harvested, the shells will be closed, but if salt bubbles are used, they will protrude and spit out a lot of sand. Now, in addition to fresh food, it can also be processed into dried oils, oils or cans, etc.

2. Can I eat razor mackerel raw?

Razor peel can not be eaten raw, because it grows in the sea, and the growth environment is relatively poor, and it is easy to be infected with bacteria and parasites. if eaten raw, it will bring bacteria or parasites into the body, resulting in bacterial or parasite infection in the human body, causing physical discomfort.

Second, can you still eat razor clams when they are dead?

1, razor fish and lobster, generally dead can not be eaten, because the razor fish protein content is very high and there are bacteria, if the death of bacteria will breed, protein will stink, so it is best not to eat because of reluctance. But if the time of death is not more than 3 hours, it can be eaten, but it is troublesome to wash, and it must be steamed or cooked to avoid bacterial infection.

2. Under normal circumstances, if the razor clam dies in high temperature, it can't be eaten after more than four hours. If it is within four hours, it must be washed and cooked before it can be eaten. If the cold weather dead razor, the time of death more than 6 hours must not eat, if within 6 hours, must be washed and cooked before eating.

3. It is best not to eat razor clam after death. If you do not know whether it is dead or not, you can touch the leaking meat when you buy it. If the meat retracts immediately and the shell is closed, it means it is alive, or you can put your finger into the shell and break it. If there is a retraction, it means it is alive, and you can rest assured to buy it. Of course, if you buy it alive, but keep it at home for a long time and don't know if it's alive, you can put it in hot water to scald it. If you open the shell, it means it's alive and you can rest assured that you can eat it. If you don't open it, discard it and don't eat it.

Third, how to choose razor sticks?

Method 1, look at the shell: in general, the shell of the better quality oyster is golden, and the surface is smooth and has a clear pattern, and there is not a lot of sand in the container, so it is not suitable to buy if the surface is not smooth and the color is other. Of course, some businesses will put some mud on the opening of the shell in order to sell the dead razor, so pay attention to it when buying.

Method 2, touch the antennae: in general, touch the antennae leaked by the hand, the antennae will immediately retract and the shell is tightly closed, if it is not retracted immediately or the shell is not closed, it is not suitable to buy.

Method 3, look at the head: in general, the quality of the razor is relatively large and the color is yellowish, without any broken, if the head is small and the color is not light yellow, it is not suitable to buy. Of course, it is not the bigger the better, some may be filled with water, so pay attention to when buying.

The above is a detailed introduction of whether you can eat and select the dead cuttlefish. I hope it will be helpful to you.