
What's the difference between oysters and oysters?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are a variety of seafood delicacies, so that foodies can not stop eating, among which oysters and raw oysters have to be mentioned. Many people find that they look similar, but they are called differently. So, what is the difference between oysters and raw oysters? What are oysters and oysters? 1. Oysters

There are a variety of seafood delicacies, so that foodies can not stop eating, among which oysters and raw oysters have to be mentioned. Many people find that they look similar, but they are called differently. So, what is the difference between oysters and raw oysters?

What are oysters and oysters?

1. Oyster is a mollusk of the oyster family and a marine shell, which is widely distributed in China, ranging from the Yalu River in the north to Hainan Island in the south. It has two shells, one small and flat, the other large and bulging, the surface of the shell is uneven, and the color is dark gray. It is generally fixed on shallow sea objects or seaside reefs, and uses the movement of opening and closing shells to feed and breathe. It mainly filters and feeds on small zooplankton, diatoms and organic detritus. Its meat is edible and can produce oyster sauce. Meat, shell and oil can all be used as medicine.

2. Raw oyster is a nickname for oyster. It is a kind of bivalve clam of mollusk phylum. It grows in warm and tropical oceans and is most famous along the coast of France. Its meat is delicate, delicious, fishy and unique. It can be stewed, brined, fried, canned and processed into dried oyster or dried oyster and oyster sauce.

Second, the difference between oysters and oysters!

Oysters are another name for oysters. Many people think that oysters are oysters and think they are the same thing, but they are not.

The first difference is subordinate: there are many kinds of oysters, and raw oysters are one of them. it can be said that oysters are oysters, but oysters cannot be said to be oysters.

Second, the size is different: the size of raw oysters is larger, and the weight of large raw oysters can reach more than one jin, while other varieties of oysters are very small, as big as an adult's thumb.

Third, the growth environment is different: oysters generally live at the confluence of rivers and seas, and there are about 20 species of oysters in China from the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea to the Nansha Islands, while oysters are produced in China from the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea to the Nansha Islands.

Fourth, the meat color is different: the meat of raw oysters is milky white, while the meat of some varieties of oysters is light blue.

Difference 5, zinc content is different: raw oysters have a high zinc content of 71.2 mg per 100 grams, which is seven or eight times higher than oysters and is called "milk in the sea".

Third, which parts of oysters and oysters can't be eaten?

Because raw oysters are one of the oyster species, which parts of oysters cannot be eaten is the same as raw oysters, and the taboos for eating oysters are the same as raw oysters.

1. The shell and internal organs of oysters cannot be eaten, and we all know that the internal organs cannot be eaten because the internal organs are easy to hide seaweed or pollutants such as heavy metals, so we should pay attention to them when eating them. If you find that there are slightly blackened pieces of meat, most of them are internal organs and can't be eaten.

2, before eating oysters should pay attention, first smell the smell, if there is a strange smell, it is recommended not to eat; second, to wash the sediment from its shell, and then remove the internal organs.

3. Oysters can be eaten raw if they grow in a very clean sea area, and if the growth environment is not very good, it is not recommended to eat raw; and it can not be eaten with sugar, horseshoes, magnolia, beer, Evodia, sorghum rice, corn, persimmons, celery, beer and so on.

The above is the difference between oysters and oysters. I hope it will be useful to you.