
How big and how much is an elephant? How long is the life span?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The elephant is the world's largest land-dwelling gregarious mammal with a long flexible and muscular nose and big fan ears. Its nose is a powerful tool for self-defense and feeding. So, how big is the elephant? How long is the life span? 1. Elephants

The elephant is the world's largest land-dwelling gregarious mammal with a long flexible and muscular nose and big fan ears. Its nose is a powerful tool for self-defense and feeding. So, how big is the elephant? How long is the life span?

First, how big and how much is an elephant?

Elephant is a mammal of the elephant family and the largest land-dwelling mammal in the world. It appeared on the earth as early as thousands of years ago. At present, more than 400 species of fossils have been found. However, due to historical climate and man-made reasons, there are fewer and fewer species of elephants. At present, there are only 2 genera and 3 species, namely, Asian elephant, African prairie elephant and African forest elephant.

1. The Asian elephant has a shoulder height of 3.7 to 4.1 meters and weighs 3 to 5 tons. It is distributed in southern Yunnan Province of China and found abroad in South and Southeast Asia. It lives in tropical forests, jungles or grasslands. It lives in groups, led by a female elephant, has no fixed habitat and is diurnal. It feeds on weeds, leaves, bamboo leaves, wild fruits, etc.

2. The African elephant has a shoulder height of 4.3 to 4.5 meters and weighs 5.5 to 8 tons; it is distributed in eastern, central, western, southwestern and southeastern Africa, living in tropical forests, jungles and grasslands; living in groups, led by a female elephant, daily sex, non-settlement, feeding on weeds, leaves, bark, twigs and so on.

3. African forest elephants have an average shoulder height of no more than 2.7 meters and weigh 3.5 tons; living in the jungle lowlands of Africa, their tusks grow straight downward, while their ears are oval; they like to live in groups, and each group is led by an old female elephant. They rest in the hottest days every day, go out for food in the early morning and dusk, and like to eat succulent branches most. When looking for food, they use their noses to pick food and pick fruit.

How long is the life span of elephants?

1. The lifespan of elephants is relatively long. The lifespan of wild African elephants is about 60-70 years, and the breeding period is not fixed at the age of 13 to 14 years. The gestation period is 21-23 months, each litter is 1 litter, and the interval between two births is about 4 years. Each female elephant can give birth to 5 babies in a lifetime. Asian elephants have a lifespan of 70 to 80 years, sexually mature at the age of 9 to 12 years, and the breeding period is not fixed. The gestation period is 20 to 22 months, with one litter per litter.

2. The life span of elephants raised in captivity can reach more than 80 years, and the longest life expectancy can reach 120 years. According to records, longevity elephants in Gorapagos Islands can live from 180 to 200 years old. (note: the Galapagos Islands should be called the Galapagos Islands, located at the confluence of the eastern Pacific Ocean and the three major ocean currents, belonging to Ecuador, covering an area of more than 7500 square kilometers. Composed of 13 islands and 19 reefs solidified by lava from undersea volcanoes, it is famous for its rare animals and plants such as giant turtles, known as the "living Museum of Biological Evolution" and "the melting pot of marine life". )

3. If you want to identify the age of an elephant, it can be estimated from the complete length of ivory. Generally speaking, ivory can grow up to 18 centimeters a year. Dividing its length by 18 is the age of the elephant (note: ivory is frayed, and the tooth growth length of each elephant varies from year to year. This method can only be used to estimate the approximate age of the elephant.

The above is the introduction of the height, weight and age of the elephant. I hope it will be useful to you.