
What are the differences between huskies and wolves? How much is the price per piece?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Husky's scientific name is Siberian sled dog, nicknamed Erha, is a more common pet dog, its appearance is similar to a wolf, some people do not know that it is a wolf. So, what's the difference between huskies and wolves? How much is the price per piece? one

Husky's scientific name is Siberian sled dog, nicknamed Erha, is a more common pet dog, its appearance is similar to a wolf, some people do not know that it is a wolf. So, what's the difference between huskies and wolves? How much is the price per piece?

What are the differences between huskies and wolves?

Difference one, appearance: husky is a dog that is very close to the blood of a wolf, so it looks very like a wolf, but husky is a pet dog, it does not look wild, it is bigger and stronger than the wolf, and the whole looks clean; the wolf looks wild, the coat is very messy, the face is thin and long, and looks very cunning and treacherous. The simplest difference is the three white marks on Husky's forehead.

The second difference is the eyes: husky's eyes have double eyelids, usually blue and brown (brown), and the eyes are friendly and gentle and cute; the wolf's eyes are tilted upward at an angle of 45 degrees. The color is black, brown, yellow or amber, fierce and sharp.

Third, tail: husky's tail is like a brush, with a shape similar to that of a fox, which naturally hangs back like the shape of a brush and tilts up slightly when excited; the wolf's tail is mostly sandwiched.

Difference 4, diet: huskies have changed from carnivores to omnivores after long-term domestication by human beings, and the main food is dog food; wolves belong to carnivores, which mainly feed on deer, antelopes and rabbits, as well as insects and mice. It is a typical secondary predator in the food chain, usually acting in groups and preying on livestock such as sheep.

Distinction five, character: husky's typical character is friendly, gentle, alert, likes to communicate, will act like a coquettish person, likes to wag his tail, will not have too much suspicion to strangers, will not attack other dogs; Wolf is a very aggressive animal, always maintain a fighting state, very vigilant, generally will not do the action of sticking out the tongue or wagging tail.

Sixth, behavior: husky really sleeps when he is resting, and likes to sleep late, while wolves rest with dignity and vigilance; huskies really eat with peace of mind when they eat, and wolves have to keep watch when they eat to prevent the enemy from attacking.

How much is the price of husky?

There is no fixed standard for the price of huskies, which varies from region to region and level to level.

1. The price of husky varies from region to region: generally speaking, the price of husky is high in areas with a high level of economic development. For example, in Beijing, the price of husky is about 1500 yuan per animal. Guangzhou is between 1500 and 2000 yuan, Wuhan is about 1000 yuan, and Jinan is about 1000 to 2000 yuan.

2, different levels, the price of husky is different: generally speaking, the pedigree and appearance of family pet husky are general, and the price varies from 500 yuan to 1500 yuan per dog; the appearance and pedigree of husky in kennel are better, and the price is between 1000 yuan and 2000 yuan per puppy, especially good-looking puppies may be sold for 3000 yuan. Competition-grade huskies are strictly regulated in both lineage and appearance, with a price of 3000 yuan per start, a slightly better appearance of 4000-6000 yuan per piece, and a better appearance of more than 6000 yuan.

The above is the difference between husky and wolf and the price introduction of husky. I hope it will be useful to you.