
Culture methods of maggots (headless larvae)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Maggots, also known as headless larvae, are the eggs of flies with rich nutrition and good palatability. it is one of the nutritious feeds for many poultry. So, today, the editor will share with you how to raise maggots. 1. In the construction of fly house, maggots need flies first. Only in this way

Maggots, also known as headless larvae, are the eggs of flies with rich nutrition and good palatability. it is one of the nutritious feeds for many poultry. So, today, the editor will share with you how to raise maggots.

1. Construction of fly house

To raise maggots, we first need to have flies, so the first thing we need to do is to build a fly house that breeds flies. Flies are creatures that are very easy to escape, so the room needs to be set up with a closed aisle. And it is best to set up a semi-basement mode, and hang black curtains on the door, one of which is to prevent flies from escaping, and the second is that black curtains have a warm effect. Can promote the growth rate of flies, rapid reproduction, can increase the production of maggots.

2. Feeding and management of flies.

We need to put food plates, spawning plates and incubators in the fly room. the basic feed for raising flies is brown sugar, yeast powder or some other food. generally speaking, it is best to choose what the flies like better. Basically, it only needs to be fed once a day, and secondly, we need to add a little chicken dung to the fly room every day, which can improve the spawning efficiency of flies. After mating, the spawning plate should be put in in time, then the spawning plate should be replaced in time, and finally heat preservation treatment can be carried out.

3. Maggot house construction

Maggot room is generally a simple three-dimensional culture, you can use a three-dimensional aquaculture rack or aquaculture basin, if it is to breed directly indoors, then it is best to use a semi-basement model, followed by the ground and walls need to be painted with cement, so as to prevent maggots from escaping. Finally, the scaffolding can be built with cement and steel, each floor is about 30 centimeters high.

4. Breeding and management of maggots

Maggots basically make a living by eating rotten food, so when we breed, we need to put in some rotten food, or chicken dung, pig manure, and so on, and at the same time, we also need to put in some chaff, and we must put in enough food, because the killing ability of maggots is very strong, and the second is to adjust the temperature of the breeding room, so that there can be no ups and downs, and at the same time, there must be no stagnant water in the room.

5. Separate management

We need to separate the maggots in a week or so, because in general, maggots will slowly turn yellow in a week or so, and if it takes a little longer, it will be useless. The second thing is to separate from the bottom during separation, because maggots are very afraid of bright light, and the nutrients left after separation can be reused. Finally, the separated maggots are washed clean and can be processed.

The above is the maggot culture method arranged by Xiaobian, I hope it can help you!