
How to raise a potted yew at home? What are the precautions?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taxus is a tree plant of the genus Taxus in the Taxus family. It is a first-class rare and protected tree species in China. It is a shallow-rooted plant with inconspicuous main roots and well-developed lateral roots. it is recognized as an endangered natural rare anticancer plant in the world. so how to raise Taxus mairei at home

Taxus is a tree plant belonging to Taxus family, a rare species under national protection in China, belonging to shallow root plants, whose taproot is not obvious and lateral roots are developed. It is recognized as an endangered natural rare anti-cancer plant in the world. How to raise potted Taxus at home? What are the precautions?

1. How to raise potted yew trees

1. Proper shading

Taxus chinensis is a shade-loving and drought-tolerant plant, which should be placed indoors. In summer, it should be properly shaded. It should not be placed in a room with western illumination. It should not be placed at the air outlet of the air conditioner or next to the heater. That will make the water evaporation of the leaves of Taxus chinensis, resulting in dehydration of the branches and leaves. Finally, the leaves will curl and dry up. The light time in summer should be as short as possible, and it can be longer in autumn and spring.

2. Choose loose slightly acidic soil

Taxus select a slightly larger flowerpot, pot bottom a few more holes to enhance the permeability and permeability of the flowerpot, soil should be loose, rich in humus, fertile, water, fertilizer, breathable soil, soil is slightly acidic, loam is the best, clay airtight, sandy soil fertilizer, poor water retention, not suitable for use, in addition, can also be used peat soil, pearlite and loam mixed cultivation matrix.

3. Rational watering and fertilization

A little yellow and white appears on the surface of the soil in the Taxus basin. The leaves are slightly rolled. No watering is needed. Just spray the page. When the soil is white, water should be done. The watering should be done once to make the soil absorb enough water. Water once every 15~20 days outdoors and once every 20~25 days indoors. The soil moisture content should be maintained at about 40%. Pay attention to that excessive watering and excessive watering will cause the root rot of Taxus. Taxus potted plant application of organic fertilizer 0.2 jin and compound fertilizer 0.02 jin, can also increase the application of farm manure, cake fertilizer, should try to fertilize along the pot wall, not close to the roots of Taxus, generally newly bought Taxus potted plant has nutrient soil, 3 months do not need fertilization, after 2~3 months of application once.

4. Transplantation and basin replacement

Taxus potted plant about a year later seedlings gradually grow up, root system developed, at this time need to transplant pot change, the old pot broken, at the same time do not damage the original soil ball, will be moved into the new pot, and watering fixed roots, to ensure that the root system and soil closely combined to ensure survival, if conditions exist, can be transplanted to the field Taxus seedlings, growth speed will be faster, Taxus potted plant lower branches grow too dense, will appear dry yellow leaves fall off, can be too dense lower branches prune part of The pruning process can be arbitrarily shaped, can be umbrella type, tower type, round type, etc., in order to maintain the beautiful crown width of Taxus chinensis, you can appropriately remove the terminal buds and part of the lateral buds.

5. pest control

Taxus under normal conditions of pests is very few, if found yellow or pests, available methyl thiophane, potassium dihydrogen phosphate irrigation or spraying, Taxus will occur in the rainy season root rot, stem rot and rotten roots, especially young trees, then available Dixon spray maintenance, encounter high temperature and dry season, easy to occur leaf blight and red blight, can be controlled by spraying Bordeaux mixture.

II. Precautions

Do not place the yew bonsai at the air conditioning outlet or too close to the heating, move the yew bonsai outdoors or balcony every half month for two days, preferably cloudy or rainy days, more conducive to its natural growth, yew bonsai spring in the bud, there will be some metabolism (leaf replacement, deciduous) phenomenon, northern winter has floor heating, yew bonsai should be placed on a suitable pot frame, do not pour tea water into the yew basin, throw garbage.

The above is the introduction of soil drift net to yew potted planting methods and precautions, for your reference only.