
What are dogs afraid of? These methods can drive dogs!

Published: 2024-07-25 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/25, Whether people or animals, there are things that scare us, for example, some people are afraid of ghosts, snakes, cheating and so on, and so are dogs. So, what are dogs afraid of? Some people are afraid of dogs, and many people have been chased or bitten by dogs, so what is it?

Whether people or animals, there are things that scare us, for example, some people are afraid of ghosts, snakes, cheating and so on, and so are dogs. So, what are dogs afraid of? Some people are afraid of dogs, and many people have been chased or bitten by dogs, so is there any way to drive dogs?

What are dogs afraid of?

1. Dogs are afraid of these animals: cats.

Although cats look cute and dogs look fierce, dogs are actually more afraid of cats, especially larger cats, because cats are very flexible and their claws are very sharp. Once dogs and cats work hard, dogs lose more.

2. Dogs are afraid of these sounds: lightning and thunder, aircraft roar, firecrackers and so on.

Dogs have a keen sense of hearing and can hear sounds in the range of 15-50000Hz, which is 16 times that of humans. Even when sleeping, they can clearly distinguish the movement around one kilometer, but the sudden loud sound will make dogs afraid, such as lightning and thunder, aircraft roar, firecrackers, etc., and then escape to a safe place with their tails between their legs.

Dogs are afraid of these smells: toilet water, oranges, bleach, alcohol, chili, gasoline, leather and so on.

Dogs' sense of smell is very sensitive, ranking first among all animals, about 1200 times that of human beings, but they are afraid of smells containing peppermint ingredients, such as toilet water, essential oils, etc.; they are afraid of irritating food flavors, such as oranges, oranges, mandarins, etc.; they are afraid of things with more chemical ingredients, such as bleach, disinfectant, formaldehyde, wine, perfumes, etc.; afraid of irritating seasonings, such as pepper, pepper, etc. Afraid of the smell of gasoline, you will get carsick; afraid of the smell of leather, it may be due to the smell of other animals on the leather; fear of the smell of the same kind after death.

4. Other things to be afraid of: afraid of fire, afraid of small dark rooms, afraid of cold, afraid of heat, afraid of loneliness.

Dogs are afraid of fire, so they don't like anything that smokes, such as lighting matches, smoking, etc.; dogs are afraid of confined spaces, such as closing small dark rooms, which will make them bark wildly; some dogs come from the tropics, so they are afraid of the cold; some dogs come from relatively cold places, so they are afraid of heat; dogs do not like to be alone, so they are especially afraid of being alone.

Second, what are the ways to drive dogs?

First, sound to drive the dog: we know that the dog's hearing is very keen, if you want to drive the dog, you can use the sound to drive the dog, such as using ultrasonic waves that cannot be heard by the human ear to drive the dog, which makes the dog feel dangerous and can drive the dog effectively.

Method 2. Smell to drive the dog: we know that the dog's sense of smell is very sensitive. If you want to drive the dog, you can use the unpleasant smell of the dog to drive the dog, such as the smell of lemon peel, toilet water, strong perfume, essential oil and so on.

The above is an introduction to the things that dogs are afraid of. If you encounter a dog chasing you or biting you, first of all, don't yell or run away so as not to stimulate the dog's nerves to make him more excited. secondly, don't stare at the dog's eyes, which will mistakenly make him think that you are engaged in provocation. then slowly leave the area and make you lose interest, if not, use ultrasound to drive the dog, or use the scent of toilet water, perfume and other dogs to drive the dog.